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A game of Slash'EM using the traditional text mode interface. The player, a Flame Mage, is attempting to attack a baby red dragon.
Developer: The Slash'EM development team
Latest release: 0.0.7E7F3 (Vampire)
/ December 30, 2006
OS: Cross-platform
Use: Roguelike game
License: MIT License, NetHack General Public License
Spoiler warning: This article contains information about special levels and dungeon layout.

Slash'EM (short for "Super Lotsa Added Stuff Hack - Extended Magic"), is a variant of the roguelike game NetHack with many extra features, monsters, and items. Several NetHack features, such as the Monk class, "conduct" (voluntary challenges) and the Sokoban levels, were first developed in Slash'EM and then incorporated into "vanilla" NetHack (the name given to NetHack versions released by the DevTeam).

The main dungeon in Slash'EM is much longer than in vanilla NetHack, and it incorporates many new special levels, such as the Sunless Sea, where a guaranteed magic lamp lies on the bottom of a huge pool, and the Guild of Disgruntled Adventurers, which is full of "player monsters" (archaeologists, barbarians and so forth), often equipped with offensive wands.

Gehennom is shorter in Slash'EM than in NetHack, consisting of 17 levels in Slash'EM and 20-24 levels in vanilla NetHack. It also has a special level for every demon lord and demon prince. (Demogorgon, Yeenoghu, Dispater and Geryon do not have lairs in NetHack and only appear when summoned). These factors are intended to reduce the tedium of trekking through repetitive maze levels.

Slash'em also has several new items, mainly additional artifacts and firearms.

[edit] External graphical frontends that support Slash'EM

[edit] External links

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