Sku' Du Spørg' Fra No'en?

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Sku' Du Spørg' Fra No'En? (English translation: "Would You Like To Know?") was the Danish entry in the Eurovision Song Contest 1985, performed in Danish by Hot Eyes.
The song was performed fourth on the night (following Cyprus' Lia Vissi with To Katalava Arga and preceding Spain's Paloma San Basilio with La Fiesta Terminó). At the close of voting, it had received 41 points, placing 11th in a field of 19.

The song is a duet in which both singers describe a chance encounter in a nightclub. They desperately try to remember the identity of the person they have seen, before realising that they used to play together as children.
The performance is also memorable for the appearance of vocalist Søren Bundgaard's 9-year-old daughter Lea onstage to provide vocals during the song. This is an act unlikely to be repeated in the Contest, as the rules now stipulate that every performer must turn 16 or older in the year of the relevant Contest.

It was succeeded as Danish representative at the 1986 Contest by Trax with Du Er Fuld Af Løgn.