Skinny pig

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A skinny pig is a hairless variety of guinea pigs or cavies which result from a mutation in the rhino gene. This mutation is in the orthologous gene as that which causes powderpuff dogs and their hairless counterparts as well as other hairless animals. Skinny pigs typically have hair on their paws and at the crowns of their heads, but nude over the remainder of their bodies. Because of their lack of hair people who are normally unable to have normal guinea pigs, or other animals that make them sick from fur and dust, are able to keep as many as they want without problem. Their skin is very much like a human and so feels the same and needs the same care. However, hairless guinea pigs are prone to getting sick more often and faster than regular haired guinea pigs. Skin cancer, upper respiritory infections, and internal problems are extremely common. Pet stores are known to have sick animals, so either a reputable breeder, rescue, or shelter is a good place to find a guinea pig.

Hairless pigs should never be left in the sun for very long even more so then normal pigs as they can get burns. They also are more able to be cut or hurt during play with other pigs, usually fine with others of the same kind, but when keeping a hairless with normal pigs it should not be left for very long alone unless you know for sure that the normal guinea is calm and not going to play hard, older females, or fixed bores seem to be the best. Like all guinea pigs they like to have a warm dark place to hide in at night, as well as when they sleep during the day. They should always have a place to hide and "get away". They can easily get cold much faster and so if taken outside they should not only have shade from the sun, but that same blanket or towel to hide in.

All guinea pigs should have hay at all times, the best being any grass hay such as Bermuda grasss, Timothy, Bluegrass, and Orchard hay(this excludes clover and alfalfa). Baby pigs up to six months or mothers (both before and right after birth) can be given alfalfa hay and any other pigs it should only be given to them if there is nothing else or for a treat, as it contains a large amount of calcium that can lead to bladder stones. They should always have clean water, the best is in a water bottle that even babies will be able to use with little help, it should be changed every day and make sure that you do not add any drops to it, as this is useless and makes the water taste bitter, keeping them from drinking what they need. Fresh foods high in vitamin C are always good, and are best to be given every day and the old ones cleaned up every day as well, but some foods are not as good as one might think so it's best to find a good list of what they should and shouldn't have and how much. Cilantro, bell pepper, corn husks, tomato, radicchio, and a small bit of carrot are good every day. Parsley, cucumber, kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, and fruit like strawberries, blueberries, grapes, melon, and kiwi can be given in a small amount once a day. The best amount of fresh poo food to feed is at least one cup of fresh food per pig per day. Pellet food can either be alfalfa or timothy hay based. Alfalfa based pellets are for babies up to six months and pregnant mothers. Timothy pellets are best for adult pigs. Avoid ingrediants like ethoxyquin (a cancer causing preservative), ground corn, animal by-products, or any colored bits or seeds. Pellets should be plain and not a mixed "bird seed" variety. Timothy pellets can be fed free-choice to adults. Guinea pigs are easy to keep at a good normal weight however, even if they are over weight they will get rid of it quickly as long as you give them both as large of a cage as you can have (bigger the cage is better, it can never be to big). The minnimum size is 7.5 square feet for the first pig, then add 2-4 more square feet per additional pig. Other things that are more important are offering them as much time out of their cage in either an outside run (make sure to never leave them alone because predators like hawks, cats, dogs, and other wild animals will see them as food), on your floor of the house as long as no other animals are out with them (and they can't eat anything they shouldn't), or a large play pen that is either on the floor or attached to the cage.

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