Six Steeds of Zhao Mausoleum

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Six Steeds of Zhao Mausoleum are six stone reliefs of steeds (1.7m x 2.0m each) which were located in the Zhao Mausoleum, Shaanxi, China.

Zhao Mausoleum is the mausoleum of Emperor Taizong of Tang (599-649). The steeds were six precious war horses of Taizong.

Their names are: Quanmaogua (拳毛騧), Shifachi (什伐赤), Baitiwu (白蹄乌), Telebiao (特勒骠), Qingzhui (青骓) and Saluzi (飒露紫).

The sculptures are regarded as ancient Chinese art treasures. They were broken by smugglers in 1914 and two of them were shipped out. The stonework is exhibited in the Stele Forest museum of Xi'an (Shifachi, Baitiwu, Telebiao and Qingzhui) and museum of the University of Pennsylvania, USA (Quanmaogua and Saluzi) separately.

The pictures of the six steeds, now stored in Beilin Museum of Xi'an city.





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