Talk:Situational application

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Isn't this just Peter Thoeny advertising his product? Surely Situated Software is the common term for this

Dear Mr. Anonymous: I respectfully disagree. I learned the term "situational application" at a talk by an IBM person at last year's AJAX World conference. This seems to be a well understood term in the industry. Lets ask Google: "Situational Applications" has 13,000 hits, "Situated Software" has 21,400 hits. If I am not mistaken, the term "Situated Software" was first coined by Clay_Shirky in 2004; I am not sure who coined the term "Situational Applications". Some related links based on a quick web search: (Clay_Shirky) (Dion Hinchcliffe)
-- Peter Thoeny - 01:51, 27 February 2007 (UTC)