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The Heirs of Anárion
Part of The Lord of the Rings
Kings of Gondor
Meneldil  · Cemendur  · Eärendil
Anardil  · Ostoher  · Rómendacil I
Turambar  · Eärendur
Atanatar I  · Siriondil
Ship-Kings of Gondor
Tarannon Falastur  · Eärnil I
Ciryandil  · Hyarmendacil I
Kings of Gondor
Atanatar II  · Narmacil I  · Calmacil
Rómendacil II  · Valacar  · Eldacar
Aldamir  · Hyarmendacil II  · Minardil
Telemnar  · Tarondor  · Telumehtar
Narmacil II  · Calimehtar  · Ondoher
Eärnil II  · Eärnur
Kings of the Reunited Kingdom
Aragorn II  · Eldarion
The House of Isildur

Siriondil is a fictional character in J. R. R. Tolkien's universe of Middle-earth and the eleventh King of Gondor.

He became King of Gondor in T.A. 748 after the death of his father Atanatar I.

His reign was without notable events and probably peaceful. He fathered three children, the first a daughter who married into the line of Belfalas, Tarannon Falastur, who succeed him as First of the Ship-Kings of Gondor in T.A. 810, and Tarciryon, Father of the second line of Gondor's royalty.

Preceded by
Atanatar I
Kings of Gondor Succeeded by
Tarannon Falastur