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[edit] Siraituruk

Siraituruk is a village lies on Toba highland, North Sumatra, Indonesia. It was inhabited by Batak Tobanese. Mostly they are of the Sirait surname. Siraituruk flown by two rivers that come from one river, which is divided become two for paddy field irrigation reason. The river name is Aek Mandosi (aek means river or water). There are paddy rice field along the village. Paddy is cultivated and harvested once in a year. After harvesting rice, they prepare the paddy field for fishery.

[edit] Fish

There are many kinds of fish normally cultivated. Mostly they cultivate ikan mas fish. Ikan mas is a kind of fish with yellow to gold color. That is why it said 'ikan mas'. Ikan means fish, and mas means gold. So, it is gold fish. Gold fish is a very popular fish around the village and also across the Toba Highland.

[edit] Ikan mas

Ikan mas is one of the compulsory cuisine for Bataknese party, such as marriage party. The party is full of cultural ceremony such as give some ulos (traditional fabric woven of Bataknese, mostly hand made) to the newly married couple with some words that proposing prosperity coming into their future. And also hoping for gave many sons and daughters with health and good attitude in their lives. And after gave some ulos and speech of some good words, the new married couple received 'ikan mas' cuisine and then eat them with serving one by another.

[edit] Religion

Mostly Siraituruk population is Christian religion. They have a very strong Christian life. They always conduct religion activities during the year, such as Sunday service, celebrating Christmas, Good Friday, and Easter. Christmas is a very cheerful event in the village. From the first day of December, they celebrate Jesus’ birthday with religious sermons in the church. They come from many institutes, schools, group of singers, group of residential block, and even groups of students of university that study in the big city of Medan (Provincial Capital of Sumatra Utara, Indonesia) which is around 200 km away from the village.

[edit] Christmason

Every night groups queue for the chance to celebrate Christmason in the village church. The church belongs to HKBP Church, the biggest Protestant Church community in the country. HKBP is Huria Kristen Batak Protestan. (Huria is a church member, Kristen is Christian, Protestan is a Protestant). The celebration consist of : singing many songs of Christmas (that are already written on Church book of songs and also the popular Christian religious songs), hearing to the speech of evangelist, reading Bible verses, and some times showing a drama about Jesus lives. It is a very cheerful celebration. Everybody wears their newly bought clothes and shoes, especially the children. The children receive presents from their parents.

[edit] Climate

Siraituruk has a very contrast climate. In the daylight, you will feel a very burning felt from sun light because low of humidity. This is different evening, when it’s biting cold, especially in the windy season. Overall, the climate is cool and pleasant. The village is surrounded by Bukit Barisan Mountains. You can see the mountains in a blue greenish color. The mountains still full of tropical forest trees.