Sins of the Father (TNG episode)

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Star Trek: TNG episode
"Sins of the Father"

Worf challenges the Klingon High Council's claim of his father's treason in "Sins of the Father".
Episode no. 65
Prod. code 165
Airdate March 19, 1990
Writer(s) Drew Deighan
Ronald D. Moore
W. Reed Moran
Director Les Landau
Guest star(s) Tony Todd
Charles Cooper
Thelma Lee
Patrick Massett
Year 2366
Stardate 43685.2
Episode chronology
Previous "The Offspring"
Next "Allegiance"

"Sins of the Father" was the 65th episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and the 17th episode of the third season. It was first broadcast on March 19, 1990.

In this episode, the Federation Starfleet Starship USS Enterprise-D's Klingon Chief of Security, Lt. Worf, challenges the Klingon High Council's accusation that his father was a traitor.


[edit] Plot

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

As the episode opens, Commander Kurn, a Klingon Defense force officer, has been temporarily assigned as First officer aboard the Enterprise as part of the Federation/Klingon Officer Exchange program, the same program Commander William Riker took part in a year earlier when he briefly served as First officer aboard the Klingon Bird of Prey light cruiser IKS Pagh (Star Trek TNG: "A Matter of Honor"). As First officer, Kurn begins to run the Enterprise under the iron fist of Klingon disciplinary etiquette and quickly alienates several of her crew members, most notably acting Ensign Wesley Crusher and Chief Engineer Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge, who is caught off guard when Kurn performs a surprise inspection of the Engineering department in the middle of a maintenance cycle. Riker tries to smooth over the resentment caused by Kurn’s Klingon protocol of “obedience and a strict formality of command”, but is only partially successful. The single crew member who seems to benefit from Kern’s approval is the ship’s Klingon Chief of Security, Lt. Worf.

Ship's Captain Jean-Luc Picard holds a special welcoming dinner for Kurn in the Captain’s mess, featuring several specially prepared examples of various Earth delicacies. On the way to the dinner, Commander Riker tries to diplomatically suggest that Kurn’s command style isn’t totally suitable for a Federation Starship, and offers his guidance. Kurn rebuffs the offer and flatly tells Riker that if they were aboard a Klingon ship he would have killed him for making such a challenge to Kurn’s authority.

At the dinner Kurn is outwardly polite, but makes a pointed comment about the need for humans to cook their food and adds that the caviar the ship’s Chief Medical officer Dr. Beverly Crusher offers him does not smell “palatable”. However, he allows that as the Captain went to a great deal of trouble to arrange the fete, he will respectfully sample some of the cuisine. Itching for a chance to unload a few small jibes in return some of the abuse he took earlier, La Forge observes that Worf seems to like the food just fine, which Kurn sarcastically agrees with as he treats his fellow Klingon to a disapproving glare. The Klingon Commander adds that while he is sure the food was expertly prepared, it is “too bland” for the stomach of a Klingon. Worf puts down his utensils at this, obviously boiling with anger.

After the dinner Worf appears at Kurn’s quarters and respectfully asks the Commander if he has given him offense, or has failed to perform his duties to Kurn's satisfaction. Kurn replies that he has found Worf to be a capable Starfleet officer who is a credit to his ship. Worf angrily asks Kurn why it is then that he dishonors Worf "at every opportunity”. Kern answers that he had no idea being polite to a Starfleet officer could bring dishonor to him. Worf petulantly answers that he “is a Klingon”, as Klingon philosophy has no use for the type of obsequious politeness sometimes evidenced by humans, Klingons believing that acting in such a way is in fact a dishonest sham and great insult. Kern sarcastically observes that perhaps Worf’s Klingon blood has thinned in the human-corrupted environment in which he lives. Finally losing his temper, Worf grabs a chair and slings it aside, shouting that if Kurn has any doubts about his heritage, “A demonstration can be arranged!”

His whole attitude suddenly changing, Kurn says “that is the response of a Klingon”, revealing to Worf that he is actually Worf’s brother. He informs Worf that he came aboard to observe him and see if he espoused Klingon beliefs and values. Now satisfied that Worf does, he tells him that the Klingon High Council has recently charged their father Mogh with treason, adding that the brother's honor demands that one of the sons of Mogh appear before the Council and challenge this accusation. Kurn tells Worf that as the eldest brother the challenge is his to make. Kurn further explains that years ago when he and Worf were still children, he was left behind with Lorgh, a friend of their father’s, when the rest of the family went to the Klingon Khitomer colony. Believing that the house of Mogh was wiped out in the subsequent Romulan massacre of the outpost, Kurn was raised as Lorgh’s son and didn’t find out the truth about his heritage until his age of ascension.

In the Captain’s Ready room Worf tells Picard that a charge has been made against his fatcher by Duras, the son of his father’s greatest rival, accusing Mogh of aiding and abetting the attack on the Khitomer outpost over 20 years earlier. This underhanded and cowardly sneak attack resulted in the deaths of over 4000 Klingons, including Worf's father. Worf requests a leave of absence so that he can travel to Qo'nos, the Klingon homeworld, and defend the honor of his father and family name before the High Council. He further explains that under Klingon tradition and law the family of a Klingon warrior is held accountable for his acts, as the warrior is for theirs. He adds that if he fails in his challenge he and Kurn will be executed. Picard refuses, saying that if a respected member of his crew is going to have to face a capital crime Worf's actions will reflect on the Enterprise and the Federation, so it seems only appropriate that his Captain should be at his side as he makes his challenge. He orders acting First officer Kurn to set course for Qo'nos and the First city of the Klingon Empire.

Kurn volunteers to be Worf’s Cha’DIch, roughly in human terms a second, as the accused is not allowed to engage in combat in Council chambers, and Worf accepts. Over Kurn’s objections he orders Kurn not to reveal his bloodline, lest he too be condemned.

Arriving at the Klingon Homeworld, Picard, Riker, Worf, and Kurn transport into the Council’s Great Hall. Worf officially makes his challenge and is immediately criticized by Duras, a very powerful and politically connected member of the Council, who castigates Worf for wearing a “child’s uniform” and bringing strangers into the Great Hall. Stepping forward, Picard informs the Council that he is Worf’s commanding officer, adding that Worf has served aboard the Enterprise with distinction, he says that he hopes the Council will clear Worf’s name and return him to duty. Chancellor K'mpec is impressed with Picard’s trust for his Security Chief, responding that it is “admirable”, and the coucil has noted it. This small victory for Worf does not last long as K'mpec tells Duras to read the charges and he does so, stating that the recent capture of a Romulan ship lead to the discovery of records which indicated Worf’s father sent the Khitomer outpost’s defense access codes to the Romulans, allowing them to lower its shields. Duras goes on to call Worf the son of a traitor and backhands him, he also strips Worf of his ceremonial sash, sneering that Worf is not fit to wear the emblems of their people. Worf tamely replies that it is a good day to die, and the day isn’t over yet. K'mpec calls a recess stating that the proceeding will next continue into the Mek'ba stage, where all the evidence of the case will be presented.

Picard takes advantage of the recess to return to the Enterprise and orders the ship’s Chief Operations officer Lt. Commander Data, to access all the relevant information about the massacre, both in the Federation’s records as well as those in the Klingon defense information net. Discovering that the USS Intrepid was the closest Federation starship to the disaster, Riker orders all pertinent Intrepid logs downloaded as well.

Meanwhile on the planet below, K'mpec approaches Worf in stealth and advises him to drop his challenge, saying that he should let the prosecution go forward and return to his life in the Federation, adding that if he does Worf’s challenge will “be forgotten”. When Worf tries to question him about this strange request he grows angry and refuses to answer.

At the same time Kurn receives a cryptic request for a meeting, when he arrives at the specified location he finds that the message was sent by Duras, who tells him that he is aware of Kurn’s bloodline and trys to convince him to betray his brother. When he refuses he is attacked by two of Duras’ assassins and severely wounded by a Kut'luch, a ceremonial assassin's dagger.

Back on the Enterprise Dr. Crusher is able to stabilize Kurn’s condition. In the Ready room Worf tells Picard of K'mpec's offer, saying that he could not believe a fellow Klingon would ask him to put aside his honor in such a way. Picard replies that obviously Worf must be geting close to a truth which K'mpec and the Council are very protective of. Needing a new Cha’DIch, Worf asks Picard if he would stand with him, saying that there is “no one he would rather have at his side”. Picard replies in Klingon, then repeats in English, that he accepts.

Examining evidence recovered from the Klingon information net, Data, Geordi, and Riker attempt to overlay the Romulan logs with those of the Intrepid, and note that there are gaps due to the Intrepid being at the extreme edge of sensor range. Unfortunately, the index location in the Intrepid log where Mogh's transmission allegedly took place falls in one of the gaps. While he is unable to directly verify the existance or origin of a signal from Federation records, Geordi observes that the time index of the two logs is in perfect sync up until the gap where the transmission supposedly took place; afterwards the logs no longer match up. The Engineer notes that this proves “Someone has been rewriting history”. Dr. Crusher arrives and informs them that in going through the Intrepid’s medical files she found out there was a second survivor of the massacre, a Klingon woman, Kahlest, who was found with Worf.

On Qo'nos the hearing resumes but before very long Picard receives a call from Riker telling him what they found. Picard requests a recess, and when it is granted asks Worf if he knows who Kahlest is. Worf replies that she was his nurse and is surprised to hear that she is still alive. Disregarding Worf’s advice that it is too dangerous, Picard decides to go to the old section of the city and find Kahlest.

Picard locates the woman, but she is unwilling to aid Worf, saying that she knows nothing and that what happened is in the past adding she is “dead”. She does verify though that Mogh was loyal to the Klingon Emperor, though he went to Khithomer hoping to uncover who the actual traitor was.

As Picard leaves he is set upon by two more assassins, he fights one off and is just about to be killed by the other when the Klingon is stabbed from behind by Kahlest. Picard asks her if any on the council will still recognize her, and she replies that she once caught K'mpec’s eye, but passed on returning his interest as “he was too fat”. Picard convinces her to return with him, hoping that since the conspirators aren’t aware of exactly how much she knows, the shock of her appearance at the hearing might shake out the truth.

In the Great Hall the Council is about to find Worf guilty as charged when Picard returns with Kahlest and tells them he has found new evidence. K'mpec, Duras, Worf, and Picard retire to K'mpec's chambers where, exactly as Picard hoped, it is revealed that Duras’ father Ja'rod was the traitor, not Mogh. K'mpec admits that the Council would rather not have this information revealed, and tells Kahlest she can leave, adding that it is good to see her again. She does, but pauses at the door to tell K'mpec that he is "still too fat". After she leaves, K'mpec tells Picard and Worf and that the Council chose to conceal the truth and blame Mogh since Duras’ political power all but assured a Civil war would break out if the actual facts were known. At this revelation Worf angrily points to Duras and shouts that this “Ha’Dl Bah should be fed to the dogs”. Shaking his head, K'mpec laments that the council did not know that Worf would return to Qo'nos to challenge the ruling, or of the existence of a second son of Mogh. Picard tells K'mpec that Worf’s challenge is successful and his honor must be restored, but with a measured finality K'mpec shakes his head and intones, “You... do... not... understand.” He adds that Worf’s challenge was defeated before he ever made it, as Picard’s evidence will not be allowed to be presented, and that the judgment must stand... Worf and Kurn will be condemned. Picard bridles at this, rhetorically asking K'mpec if he really expects these innocent men to accept punishment and asking in disbelief “what does this say about an Empire which holds honor so dear?” K'mpec angrily answers that the Empire won’t be destroyed for one families’ honor, and Picard flares back that speaking as the Captain of the Enterprise, he won’t allow the execution of a member of his crew or turn Kurn over to them. K'mpec replies that if Picard defies an order of the Council, the Klingon alliance with the Federation “could fall to dust”. Not backing down in the slightest, Picard shoots back that “the Alliance is not based on lies”, adding that while the Council can protect their secrets if they must, he will not allow the sacrifice of the two men. Worf interrupts the two arguing leaders to interject that he “is willing to die for the Empire”, if the Council will let Kurn return to his life, adding that no one but the Council need know. Duras quickly objects to this, saying that Kurn’s honor would eventually demand revenge. Worf then says he can offer them something far better for their purposes, saying that he would accept dishonor and discommendation in open Council, tantamount to admitting his father’s guilt. As he realizes that Worf’s solution will solve the quandary they are in, K'mpec is pleased and gratified, saying that “Worf’s heart is Klingon”, and “it will be done”, adding that what was said there “today will never be spoken of... again”. However, Worf isn’t quite finished yet, and telling Duras that he is the son of a traitor, slaps him, returning the affront he had suffered earlier.

After the Klingons and Picard return to the Great Hall, Jean-Luc explains to Kurn that Worf is acting to protect him. Kurn protests that he is prepared to die, but Picard replies that “There will be another day”, adding that Worf wants to someday reclaim the house of Mogh's honor, and will need Kurn alive and with his honor intact to do so. He tells Kurn not to forget what Worf does today, and not to let his children forget.

All the Klingons present form a circle around Worf, and after he speaks in the Klingon language the words accepting his discommendation, each warrior, starting with the Chancellor, crosses his arms in a negation of the normal Klingon salute and turns his back to Worf, signifying their disgust and rejection. Finally only Kurn is left, and Worf tells him, “You must also... Brother”. Reluctantly Kurn joins the others, and after exchanging a look, Picard and Worf walk from the circle and leave the Council’s Great Hall.

[edit] References

[edit] Production

  • Some of the sound effects were left out several times throughout this episode. For instance, Picard uses his communicator badge twice, but in neither case does it "chime" like it is supposed to. Also, although blows are exchanged in various fights during the episode, in several cases no characteristic impact noises are heard.

[edit] External links