Sin (comics)

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Sin. Art by Steve Epting.
Sin. Art by Steve Epting.

Publisher Marvel Comics
First appearance Captain America (vol. 1) #290 (Feb 1984)
Created by J.M. DeMatteis
Paul Neary
Alter ego Synthia Schmidt
Affiliations Crossbones, Red Skull, Sisters of Sin
Notable aliases Mother Superior, Sister Sin, "Erica Holstein"
Abilities None

Sin (real name Synthia Schmidt) is a fictional character, a villainness in the Marvel Universe. She is the daughter of the Red Skull.

[edit] Character history

Seeking an heir, the Red Skull fathered a daughter with a washerwoman. The woman died in childbirth, and the Red Skull almost killed the child, angry that it was a girl. One of his followers, Susan Scarbo, convinced him not to, telling him she would raise the girl herself as her nanny. The Skull agreed and left the girl (now named Synthia) to be raised by Scarbo, who indoctrinated her with the Skull's views as she grew up. The Skull returned when Synthia was a child and put her in a machine that had her acceleratedly aged into adulthood and gave her superhuman powers.

Sin being aged into adulthood. Art by Paul Neary
Sin being aged into adulthood. Art by Paul Neary

As Mother Superior, Synthia became the leader of a group called the "Sisters of Sin"; young orphan girls who were accelerated into adulthood and given powers by the Skull after being indoctrinated by Synthia. The Sisters of Sin would have many run-ins with the Red Skull's nemesis Captain America before being de-aged when they entered a chamber designed to reverse the Skull's aging process to assault Captain America - who had suffered through the Skull's process and had become elderly - while he was using it to return himself to normal, and they were reverted to children at the same time Captain America was restored (she would later claim she was deaged to the wrong age - but whether this is true, and in which direction, is unclear).

Later, Synthia's nanny, Susan Scarbo (now calling herself Mother Night), reformed the Sisters of Sin and became their new leader, while the deaged Synthia herself took the name Sister Sin.

Sin being tortured by Crossbones. Art by Frank Perkins.
Sin being tortured by Crossbones. Art by Frank Perkins.

She was later captured by S.H.I.E.L.D. and taken to their reeducation facility, where they attempted to reprogram her to be a "normal" American girl and gave her false memories to that effect. Later, the Red Skull was assassinated by the Winter Soldier under the orders of Aleksander Lukin, and one of the Skulls's henchmen, Crossbones, broke into the facility and kidnapped Synthia. Crossbones tortured Synthia to break S.H.I.E.L.D's conditioning. After he succeeded, she entered into a relationship with him, and - with Synthia now calling herself simply Sin - the two went on a killing spree. They later reunited with the Skull, now living inside the mind of General Lukin.

As the first part of the Skull's Master Plan, Sin disguised herself as a nurse after the civil war while Crossbones sniped Captain America at the courthouse, even though it meant obeying her father and abandoning Crossbones to his fate. Sin then revealed to Sharon Carter that she was the one who had killed Cap.

[edit] Powers and abilities

As Mother Superior, Sin possessed a range of superhuman powers including telepathy, telekinesis, teleportation and intangibility. After she was deaged, she apparently lost these powers completely - unlike the other "Sisters of Sin", whose powers were diminished but not eliminated upon deaging. The reason for this discrepancy is unclear.

She is an expert in firearms and explosives.

[edit] Other Media

In the Captain America 1991 movie appeared a daughter of the Red Skull who worked as an assassin for her father. She could have been an alternate version of Synthia Schmidt.

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