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Political Candidate: Simon Ribeiro is contesting the 2006 Illinois-administered General Election for the 9th U.S. Representative seat for Illinois. Mr. Ribeiro was filed as a write-in candidate for Illinois' 9th Congressional District, but never was recorded on the official archives before the election. Illinois Election laws restrict Illinois citizens from running for U.S. Congress on account of former party affiliation and nearly banns all outside parties with extreme unfair signature requirements. Mr. Ribeiro was the 2006 Republican Candidate for U.S. Congress in the Chicago Area of Illinois’ 9th District. On March 21, 2006, he was defeated by Michael P. Shannon, a Sears' businessman from Park Ridge. Mr. Ribeiro won 2,385 votes and was only 24 years of age at the time of the election. He was one of the youngest Congressional Candidates at 24. His Uncle, U.S. Senator Alfonse M. D'Amato of New York, had been an icon in the American Political System and had been an influence on Mr. Ribeiro's interest in politics. Mr. Ribeiro changed his party affiliation, but had no time of raising the 13,144 minimum valid signatures needed to run for Congress in the 2006 General Election, and would not have the resources to make sure the signatures would even be valid (because another Illinois election law invalidates signatories who have signed for other political parties). A maximum limit (double the minimum) on signatures makes this task of collecting virgin signers statisticly improbable. It is therefore concluded the state's election regulations are in violation of Article I and the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, thus making them uncostitutional and invalid. A recent federal court case verdict Lee vs. Keith also found that the state of Illinois was in violation of the U.S. Constitution with regards to free and fair election procedures. It now require the State Legislature to rewrite the election laws to comply with the U.S. Constitution for the subsequent elections.

Mr. Ribeiro did however file a Declaration of Intent to be a Write-in Candidate for the same federal office he had been seeking. He filed as an Independent. Write-in candidates have no exposure on the ballot, however his campaign mustered a few symbolic votes, but only 3 of these votes for Mr. Ribeiro were counted and posted and his name was not even registered on the official archive until weeks after the election took place. This is a direct indication that election fraud and disenfranchisement have taken place. Mr. Ribeiro is seeing if a special election could be allowed due to this violation.

Background: Simon Ribeiro was born in Tallahassee, the Capital of Florida, on Mother's Day Sunday, May 10, 1981. His family moved to Rochester, in Upstate New York, and in the summer of 1986 they moved to Evanston, Illinois (just north of Chicago). Simon Ribeiro has lived in Evanston for over 20 years. He also resides in Chicago.

His father, Professor Gerardo Ribeiro, a world-renowned concert violinist, had taught at numerous Universities after Studying at the Julliard School of Music in New York City. He won numerous international competitions, and soloed with major world orchestras and venues. He taught at Central Michigan University, Florida State University, the University of Rochester's Eastman School of Music, and finally Northwestern University. In 2001 he was awarded the Presidential Scholars Teacher Recognition Award from the White House's Commission on Presidential Scholars. In 2000, he won the highest Civilian Title of Commander from his native Portugal.

His mother, Professor Joanne D'Amato, a linguist and musician, had taught at the State University of New York in Italian Literature and Film. She also served as a High School Teacher in English, Italian, and Spanish. She was an outstanding Concert Pianist when she met her husband. Her eldest brother, Alfonse M. D'Amato, became the first Italian-American to represent New York in the U.S. Senate. Her other brother, Armand P. D'Amato served in the New York State Legislature and operated a successful law and real estate business. Both brothers are practicing attorneys.

Education: Simon Ribeiro's education mounted mostly on outside reading, documentaries, and travels. He graduated from Evanston Township High School in June 2000, and from Oakton Community College and Northeastern Illinois University in May 2005. He earned his degree in Political Science and interned for Chicago Alderman Margaret Laurino and Illinois State Representative John C. D'Amico.

Experience: In 2005, he passed the rigorous U.S. State Department's Foreign Service Written Exam, and became a U.S. Diplomat Candidate. His political philosophy deviates much from the established party platforms today, because he brings a historical and worldly perspective that is intellectually more superior to the politicians of his time. His political influences are deeply rooted in his Christian Faith, which is another reason Simon Ribeiro is disgusted by the politicians of today.

Faith: Simon Ribeiro has been raised Roman Catholic. He served as an Alter Boy, a Eucharistic Minister, a speaker, a youth leader, and a soup kitchen volunteer. He has worked in community institutions such as the YMCA and YWCA, the Evanston and Chicago Public Schools, Northwestern University and Northeastern Illinois University. As a Substitute Teacher, Swim Coach, and Life Guard in the Chicago Public Schools, Simon Ribeiro has been a mentor to many children and an advocate for better schools and human achievement.

Political Career: He won 2385 votes on his Primary Run for U.S. Congress. He is currently contesting the Illinois-administered 2006 General Election for U.S. Representative. He intends to run again in the courts or Congress plan a new "free and fair" federal election. He intends to run again in the 2008 General Congressional Elections as the Christian nominee for Illinois' 9th Congressional Seat.

Simon Ribeiro’s Political Views include:

Social Services: Universal Healthcare; Universal Retirement; Universal Job Training & Job Placement; and Volunteer Service Programs for Communities.

National Security: Protected Borders, Coasts, Air & Sea Ports, and Sensitive Sites. Bann speculative Pre-emptive War (End the War in Iraq). Open Diplomatic Relations with Iran and North Korea. Replace State IDs to One National ID (a modified Passport). Enforce Immigration and Criminal Law with a strong Military and Police.

Economics & Jobs: Fair Trade; Fair Immigration; End Undocumented Work and Social Security Fraud (ID Theft); End the “Race to the Bottom” of Wages, Benefits, Safety, and Environmental Standards. Create a digital and paper standardized job application form that includes the résumé, transcripts, certifications, licenses, ID, medical information (such as TB checks), and any other relevant job-hiring information in order to foster faster hiring, and transfers. This information can be put on to a single ID.

Government Reform: Equal Access for all Political Parties (not just “Established” ones) by establishing Equal Signature Requirements, Debate Participation, Media Coverage (Free & Equal Media Exposure for Political Candidates). Bann Ear-Mark Legislation (National Tax Money being Diverted to Non-National Goals). Bann Jerry-Mandering & Affirmative Action Redistricting by replacing it with Rectangular Grid-locked Districts to Ensure Geographical-Populational Integrity.

Taxes: Replacing all Forms of Taxes to a Single 20% Flat Federal-Municipal Sales Tax (in which half, 10%, goes directly to the municipality and the other half, 10%, goes to Washington) that is already calculated in the advertised item price.

Laws & Regulations: Replacing all State Laws & Regulations Systems to One Federal Law & Regulation System.

Marriage: Allowing Couples to marry, divorce, separate, or annul privately without state interference (No expensive lawyers, jaded judges, costly court cases, etc…).

Criminal Justice: Legalizing Alcohol, Cigarettes, Arms, Marijuana, Prostitution, Gambling and other Non-Violent Activities with Obvious Regulations.

Transportation & IDs: A modified Passport will serve as the only ID you need. It will contain all necessary information on one’s status such as residency, driver’s license, insurance information, and medical information in the case of emergencies. One can add on more information like transcripts, résumé, standardized job application, certifications, etc... for jobs and school admissions on the ID at a government facility to ensure accuracy.

Family Planning: Incentive-based Sterilization (tubes-tide, or vasectomies) to parents that have failed to take care of their own children in order to prevent them from making more neglected children. (Why should we pay and care for their kids?). Sterilization prevents Abortion, Infanticide, Child Abuse, Welfare Fraud, Parental Negligence, Court Cases, Punitive Payments Plans, DCFS cases, Prison Incarceration, and Crime. Abortion should only be reserved for the Health of the Mother and/or Fetus. Condom and other Safe-Sex Birth Control contraceptives should be distributed freely to all sexually active people to prevent or minimize costly and tragic disease transmission and unwanted pregnancies.

Simon Ribeiro can be contacted at the following: Site: [] Email: [] Cell: 1-773-620-8768 Fax: (not in service) Mail: 510 Sheridan Road # 211Evanston, Illinois 60202