Simpsons Tall Tales

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The Simpsons episode
"Simpsons Tall Tales"
Episode no. 268
Prod. code CABF17
Orig. Airdate May 20, 2001
Show Runner(s) Mike Scully
Written by John Frink &
Don Payne
Bob Bendetson
Matt Selman
Directed by Bob Anderson
Chalkboard "I should not be twenty-one by now"
Couch gag The family waits for a subway car on Evergreen Terrace, and boards the car.
SNPP capsule
Season 12
November 1, 2000May 20, 2001
  1. Treehouse of Horror XI
  2. A Tale of Two Springfields
  3. Insane Clown Poppy
  4. Lisa the Tree Hugger
  5. Homer vs. Dignity
  6. The Computer Wore Menace Shoes
  7. The Great Money Caper
  8. Skinner's Sense of Snow
  9. HOMR
  10. Pokey Mom
  11. Worst Episode Ever
  12. Tennis the Menace
  13. Day of the Jackanapes
  14. New Kids on the Blecch
  15. Hungry, Hungry Homer
  16. Bye Bye Nerdie
  17. Simpson Safari
  18. Trilogy of Error
  19. I'm Goin' to Praiseland
  20. Children of a Lesser Clod
  21. Simpsons Tall Tales
List of all Simpsons episodes...

"Simpsons Tall Tales" is the season finale and twenty-first episode of the twelfth season of The Simpsons. It aired on May 20, 2001.


[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

After the Simpsons win a trip to Delaware, Homer is asked to pay a $5 airport tax for his flight, but he does not want to pay the tax. The family jumps onto a freight train and meets a singing, although clearly weird, hobo who tells them three tall tales. They are as follows:

[edit] Paul Bunyan

Homer plays Paul Bunyan in this story (he also fights with a Japanese movie monster in a godzilla-like fashion). Paul is a great burden on local townspeople, as he crushes their houses and consumes all their food. Eventually, the townspeople drug him and drag him out of their town. Out of loneliness, he carves a block of stone from the mountains into a a blue ox that he calls Babe, which becomes alive after being struck by lightning. However when a meteor is soon to hit the town, the townspeople call Paul back to help them. Paul obliges and throws the meteor towards Chicago, starting the Great Fire there.

After the hobo has told this story, he asks them for a sponge bath as compensation. Disgusted, Homer is forced to oblige, as nobody else will do so, but the hobo does not mind anyone seeing his nakedness.

[edit] Connie Appleseed

The hobo's second tall tale is loosely based on the legend of Johnny Appleseed, except Lisa portrays him, and her name is adapted to "Connie Appleseed." Connie is part of a wagon train, and all of the travellers shoot and eat buffalo. Connie is against the practice because "If you aren't careful, you'll wipe the species off the face of the earth." She is worried that no one is eating a renewable source of food and finds some apples for the pioneers to eat, but they reject them. Eventually, she changes her last name to "Appleseed", and leaves her family to journey across America and plant apple seeds wherever she goes. Meanwhile, the Simpsons change their surname to "Bufflekill" and they succeed in killing all the buffalo. Just as they are about to cannibalize Homer, Connie returns and offers them apples. They like them, and Homer is spared.

[edit] Tom and Huck

Though it is not actually a tall tale (Lisa points this out before the story begins), the hobo tells this tale based on Mark Twain's story about Tom Sawyer, whom Bart portrays, and Huckleberry Finn, which Nelson has the role of. Huck is caught holding hands with Becky (Lisa) and is forced to marry her. He dodges this marriage and goes on the run with Tom, leaving Missouri for Missoura. However, there are chased by townspeople(led by Becky's father(Homer)) and their families. Tom and Huck are later caught and unceremoniously hung.

The family arrives in Delaware and disembarks the train, but the hobo reminds them that they owe him two more sponge baths as compensation. Homer promises to catch up with them in an hour and volunteers to stay behind to do the dirty work.

[edit] Trivia

  • The premise of the episode, and the verbatim line, "I can't believe it, we won another contest!" said by Marge, refers to the season Eleven episode Behind the Laughter. At the finale of that episode, Homer (on the TV show-within-the-show) enters announcing, "The Simpsons are going to Delaware!"... and Homer the producer of the show comments "This'll be the last season."
  • Paul Bunyan and Babe fought Rodan, according to the hobo. Oddly enough, Rodan roars like Godzilla in the episode.
  • In the tale "Connie Appleseed", when Connie/Lisa finds the group, Moe is seen taking an apple from Lisa, but in the end Moe is under Homer's clothes, eating him.
  • Gracie films tagline: Homer: Oh,boy buffalo testiscles
  • In the original story of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn, Tom (here played by Bart) had a crush on Becky (here played by Lisa). In the Simpsons spoof on that story, Huck (here played by Nelson) is shown getting married to Becky, which is another throwback to Lisa's Date with Destiny. The change made from the original--Huck with feelings for Becky instead of Tom--might be because if it remained true to the source material, we would see Bart marrying his sister.
  • This was the last episode to air before the introduction of computer-infulenced animation began.

[edit] External links

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