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SIMO TCI is an International Data Processing, Multimedia and Communications Show (consumer electronics) held every autumn (7 - 12 November ) in Madrid, Spain. It name stands for Salón Internacional de Mobiliario de Oficina / Tecnologías de la Comunicación e Información (International Show of Office Furniture / Information and Communication Technologies), due to its origin. Its first edition was held in 1961.
[edit] Sectors
- Information technologies: computers, terminals, peripheral devices, components, consumables, audiovisuals, electronics
- Reproduction
- Office techonology
- Macworld Exposition
- Digital photography.
- Professional software: operating systems and programming languages, vertical and horizontal applications. CAD/CAM/CAE, multimedia.
- Arquitecture Software
- Linux area.
- Telecommunications: communications, mobile telephony, local area networks, interconnectivity, services, servers and operators.
- E-business-Internet.
- Consumer electronics.
- Domotics.