Sigurd Evensmo

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Sigurd Evensmo (born 1912 in Hamar, Norway and died 1978) was a Norwegian author and journalist.

In his younger years he was active in Clarté[1] and in contact with Mot Dag[2], but he joined the AUF (Workers' Youth League (Norway)) and worked actively with them. He began as a journalism apprentice with the Hamar Arbeiderblad [3] and continued as a journalist in many weekly workers papers including the Tiden in Arendal, the Fremtiden in Drammen and Arbeidernes pressekontor in Oslo. Finally in [1939]] he began to work for the Arbeiderbladet[4]. During the war Evensmo was active with the resistance and he wrote for the illegal paper, the Bulletinen until he was forced into hiding and finally to flee from Norway. From 1953 through 1959 he was the editor for the paper Orientering. He served as film critic for the NVK from 1948 until 1962.

Before the Second World War he had written a play, Konflikt in 1934. His first novel, published in 1945, was Englandsfarere. The theme of the book was based on Evensmo's personal experiences during the war. His trilogy novels: Grenseland (1947), Flaggermusene (1949) and Hjemover (1951) are recognized as a major example of Norwegian post-war literature, and explore the social and psychological differences between the country and city cultures as well as the intellectual development of workers between the wars. Evensmo won the Kritikerprisen for the books, and at the close of the 1970s, the trilogy was produced for television on NRK. His novels Gåten fra år null, Femten døgn med Gordona and Miraklet på Blindern can all be categorized as science fiction; Evensmo was among the first to write in this genre in Norway. He also wrote the manuscripts for many films.


[edit] Prizes and recognition

[edit] Works

[edit] Books

  • 1945 Englandsfarere, Novel
  • 1946 Oppbrudd etter midnatt, Novel
  • 1947 Grenseland, Novel
  • 1949 Flaggermusene, Novel
  • 1951 Hjemover, Novel
  • 1954 Glassveggen, collection of stories
  • 1955 Trollspeilet: streiftokt i film
  • 1956 Østenfor vest og vestenfor øst: Jugoslavia under Tito
  • 1956 Gåten fra år null, Novel
  • 1962 Femten døgn med Gordona, Novel
  • 1964 Feider og finter,
  • 1966 Miraklet på Blindern, Novel
  • 1967 Det store tivoli: film og kino i Norge gjennom 70 år
  • 1968 Norske forfattere i krig og fred: Den Norske forfatterforening 1940-1968: utgitt til 75-års jubileet 15. november 1968, written with Alex Brinchmann
  • 1969 Vold i filmene: ett års kinoprogrammer i Norge og noen perspektiver
  • 1970 Observasjoner, essay collection
  • 1971 Den nakne sannheten: sex i filmene
  • 1974 Gyldendal og gyldendøler
  • 1976 Inn i din tid
  • 1978 Ut i kulda

[edit] Drama

  • 1934 Konflikt, Play
  • 1952 Fredsprisen, radio play (NRK Radioteatret)
  • 1981 Stengetid, Play

[edit] References and notes

  1. ^ A student organization at Oslo University from 1925 - 1929
  2. ^ A debated forum among the social democratic students (later the Student's Communist Organization).
  3. ^ Hamar Arbeiderblad is a newspaper which was published in Hamar, Hedmark.
  4. ^ «Dagsavisen» is a daily paper published in Oslo.

[edit] External links