Sierra de Guadarrama

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Satellite Map of the Sierra de Guadarrama.
Satellite Map of the Sierra de Guadarrama.
Peñalara: The Sierra de Guadarrama's highest peak.
Peñalara: The Sierra de Guadarrama's highest peak.

The Sierra de Guadarrama is a mountain chain spanning half of the Sistema Central (a mountain system in the center of the Iberian Peninsula), located between the Sierra de Gredos in the province of Ávila, and Sierra de Ayllón in the province of Guadalajara. The range spreads in southwest - northeast direction, extending into the province of Madrid to the south, and towards the provinces of Ávila and Segovia to the north. The chain as a whole measures approximately 80 km in length, with its highest peak, Peñalara, reaching 2,430 m above sea level.

The vegetation of the mountain range is characterized by an abundance of pine forests and copses of oak and Holm oak in its lower slopes, while the summits are dominated by shrub-filled pastures. The mountains abound with a variety of mammal life such as deer, roe deer and fallow deer, wild boar, badger, various types of weasel, European wild cat, fox and hare. There are also a great variety of waterfowl species in the mountain lakes and reservoirs, as well as birds of prey such as the eastern imperial eagle and the Eurasian black vulture.

The mountain range's proximity to Madrid has led to crowded conditions. The area is today crossed by numerous passes and railway routes and sustains a highly developed tourism infrastructure, coupled with provisions for various mountain sports; a state of affairs which is hazardous to the environment of the mountains making up the range.


[edit] Description

North face of Cabezas de Hierro in spring
North face of Cabezas de Hierro in spring
Summer vista of Bola del Mundo and La Maliciosa from Embalse de Navacerrada (Navacerrada dam)
Summer vista of Bola del Mundo and La Maliciosa from Embalse de Navacerrada (Navacerrada dam)
View of the Peñalara peak, the range's highest peak
View of the Peñalara peak, the range's highest peak
Summer view of Siete Picos, as seen from the Valsaín Valley
Summer view of Siete Picos, as seen from the Valsaín Valley
Winter view of holm oaks with Monte Abanos peak in the background
Winter view of holm oaks with Monte Abanos peak in the background
Winter view of La Maliciosa peak
Winter view of La Maliciosa peak
A small, natural pool of the Eresma river
A small, natural pool of the Eresma river
Typical mountain pine grove in winter
Typical mountain pine grove in winter

[edit] Etymology

The Sierra de Guadarrama's name is taken from the Guadarrama river and of the town of Guadarrama, both of which are in located on the mountains. The word Guadarrama is derived from the Arabic words for sandy riverGuad meaning river, and arrama meaning sandy. The origin of the name gives an indication of the importance that the region represented during the Arab occupation of Spain in the eighth, ninth, tenth and eleventh centuries.

[edit] Global data

With a length of about 80 km and extending in a southwestern-northeast direction, the mountains comprising the Guadarramas form a natural division between the North and South mesetas of the Iberian Peninsula as part of the Sistema Central. The mountain bases are located between 900 and the 1,200 m above sea level, and the principal peaks of the range have an average topographical prominence of 1,000 m. The range's highest peak, Peñalara, reaches 2,430 m above sea level. The range begins in the valley of the Alberche river, which divides the Sierra de Gredos into two portions, and finishes in the Somosierra Pass, which serves as the boundary between the hydrographic river basins of the Tagus and Duero rivers. The mountains contribute fluvial material to both rivers through the action of various mountain streams which meander throughout the range, such as the Jarama, Guadarrama and Manzanares which empty into the Tagus, and the Duratón, Cega and Eresma which flow into the Duero. The geographical coordinates of the range's northeast terminus are 41° 4' N 3° 44' W, and the southwestern end are 40° 22' N 4° 18' W.

In addition to its main southwest - northeast alignment, the range has a westerly branch known as the Cuerda Larga or Carpetanos Mountains (Montes Carpetanos), although this name is sometimes also applied to the north part of the main spread between Peñalara and Somosierra. The Carpetanos section begins in the Community of Madrid, in Puerto de Navacerrada, has a length of 15 km and is an imposing arm of the range as it averages 2,000 m or higher in elevation until arriving at the Morcuera Pass (Puerto de la Morcuera). From there, it slopes down until reaching the confluence of the Lozoya and Jarama rivers. The highest peak of the Cuerda Larga is the Cabezas de Hierro at 2,383 m.

Between Cuerda Larga and the main stretch of the Sierra de Guadarrama lies the Lozoya valley; one of the best mountain valley examples of the Sistema Central, which attracts numerous tourists in the winter for skiing, as well as in the summer for other distractions. Another western branch of the Guadarramas, La Mujer Muerta (The Dead Woman), or Sierra del Quintanar (Quintanar mountains), begins at the Fuenfría Pass (puerto de la Fuenfría}, and is located entirely in the province of Segovia. It has a length of 11 km and has several summits surpassing 2,000 m, among them, the Montón de Trigo (Wheat Pile).

In addition to the Cuerda Larga and the La Mujer Muerta, a series of small mountain and foothills are located at the periphery of the main mountains. Notably, in the Segovia area, there are: the cerro (hill) de las Cardosillas (1,635 m); cerro de Matabueyes (1,485 m); cerro del Caloco (1,565 m) and the Sierra de Ojos Albos (1,662 m); while in the Madrid area (from north to south), there are the cerro de San Pedro (1,423 m); Sierra del Hoyo (1,404 m); el cerro Cañal (1,331 m) and Las Machotas (1,466 m).

[edit] Notable Peaks of the Guadarramas

The peaks of Guadarrama have a relatively soft silhouette, with few peaks standing out as exceptionally larger than others in the chain. The most important and representative mountain peaks are set forth in boldface:

  • Peñalara (2,430 m), the highest mountain of the Guadarramas;
  • Risco de los Claveles (2,387 m);
  • Cabezas de Hierro (2,383 m), highest of the Cuerda Larga;
  • Risco de los Pájaros (2,334 m);
  • Dos Hermanas (2,285 m);
  • Cerro de Valdemartín (2,280 m);
  • Bola del Mundo (2,265 m);
  • Pandasco (2,238 m);
  • La Maliciosa (2,227 m);
  • El Nevero (2,209 m); one of the most northern peaks in the mountain range;
  • Montón de Trigo (2,161 m);
  • Siete Picos (2,138 m);
  • La Najarra (2,108 m);
  • Flecha (2,078 m);
  • Peña del Águila (2,010 m);
  • La Peñota (1,945 m);
  • Monte Abanos (1,753 m); and
  • El Yelmo (1,717 m), the most important peak of la Pedriza.

[edit] Geology

The Sierra de Guadarrama is the result of a clash between tectonic plates belonging to the South sub-plateau and the North sub-plateau, both part of the Iberian Peninsula's larger Meseta Central; (Central Plateau). The mountain range was formed during the Cenozoic era (starting 65.5 million years ago (mya)), although the predominant material of which the mountains are composed (granite shelf tableland) was preexisting, having been laid down during the Variscan orogeny during the Paleozoic era when the continental collision between Laurasia and Gondwana occurred to form Pangea. The mountains have undergone significant erosion since their formation, which is the reason why many peaks, especially in the northern and southern sections, have flattened summits (referred to by mountaineers as "cuerdas"). For these reasons, the material making up the Sierra de Guadarrama is of more ancient origin than many other well known mountain systems such as the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Andes and the Himalayas.

[edit] Formation detail

In the mid Paleozoic era (between 360 and 290 mya), an initial substratum of ancient granites and sediments started bending and metamorphizing, forming gneiss. Thereafter, approximately 290 and 250 mya during the Carboniferous period, the gneiss fractured, allowed a mass of magma to reach the surface which ultimately hardened into a granite shelf tableland. In the final phase of the Paleozoic era, during the Permian period, the tectonic plate collision causing the whole mountain range to rise. Finally, during the end of the Paleozoic through the Mesozoic era (between 250 and 65 mya) and up to the present, ongoing erosion processes reduced the size and smoothed and rounded the profile of the mountains of the Guadarramas.

It was also during this geologic era that an ocean shift took place causing the present day location of the mountains to be part of the ocean for a time (it is possible, in fact, that the then peak formations were only small islands barely rising above the level of the ocean). This accounts for the presences of limestone (a sedimentary rock formed predominantly from calcite derived from marine organisms) found in the rims of Guadaramma mountain peaks and in some of their interior caves. Limestone formations are evident at a number of the peaks— notably El Vellón, La Pinilla and Patones.

Other processes were at play during the Cenozoic era that shaped the present form of the Guadarammas. The erosion of the rocky massif provoked sedimentation which filled the mountain basins with sandstone. The action of glaciers during the Quaternary Period (1.8 mya up to the present) shaped several mountain profiles with small cirques, carved glacial lakes and left behind moraines. All three features can be found on Peñalara. Additionally, some traces of glacial passage are found in El Nevero and La Maliciosa in the form of sheepback-grooved rocks and small cirques. Finally, in the last million years, the action of glaciers caused consolidation of the network of rivers crisscrossing the mountain slopes, carved valleys and terraces resulting in the current appearance of the landscape.

[edit] Principal cities and towns

The Sierra de Guadarrama is surrounded by prominent population centers which feature many second residences, occupied during holiday periods. The population pressure on and nearby the southeast slopes of the mountains near the Community of Madrid is very high, motivated partly by the large quantity of people who wish to live near the mountains. The most important cities are San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Guadarrama, Navacerrada, Cercedilla, Manzanares el Real, Miraflores de la Sierra and Rascafría in the Community of Madrid, and Los Ángeles de San Rafael and San Ildefonso in the province of Segovia. These towns are departure points for accessing the nearby mountain slopes and function as a center of the tourism trade providing lodgings, restaurants and stores for visitors. Although these municipalities are located at the feet of the mountains, they are situated below 1,200 meters. The Sierra de Guadarrama serves as backdrop for the cities of Madrid and Segovia, although Segovia is located closer to the peaks than is Madrid.

[edit] Places of interest

Valle de la Fuenfría, as seen from Siete Picos
Valle de la Fuenfría, as seen from Siete Picos
Valle de Valsaín, as seen from Siete Picos
Valle de Valsaín, as seen from Siete Picos
Vista of La Pedriza
Vista of La Pedriza
Peñalara's Laguna grande
Peñalara's Laguna grande
Valle del Lozoya, as seen from Peñalara
Valle del Lozoya, as seen from Peñalara

The Sierra de Guadarrama has a series of valleys and zones which are of special interest from both an aesthetic and ecological viewpoint. Due to the proximity of Madrid's metropolitan area to the Guadarramas, many such special interest zones are host to a large number of mountain climbers and general interest tourists the year round. The most heavily visited areas are the Parque Natural de Peñalara (Peñalara Nature Reserve) and La Pedriza, an unusual mountain formation.

Valle (valley) de la Fuenfría
An eastern valley situated nearby the City of Cercedilla (Community of Madrid) featuring one of the better preserved wild pine forests of the mountains. The valleys faces in a north to south direction, has a length of approximately 5 km, a width of approximately 2 km and is located between Siete Picos and the edge of the province of Segovia. The valley's dense forest features a deep creek and a well-preserved, ancient Roman road that crosses the mountain running toward the Fuenfría Pass . On weekends and holidays the valley is flooded with tourists and mountain climbers who debark at a recreation area with a car park found at the valley's lower edge.
Valle de Valsaín
Like the Fuenfría, the Valsaín valley is also covered by a well-preserved pine tree woodland, considered the best of the Guadarramas. It is a wide, sloped valley running in a north to south direction, having a length of approximately 10 km, an average width of 5 km, and is located between the mountains, Mujer Muerta and the bulk of Peñalara. On its lower slopes is the municipality of Valsain, named after the valley. In the heart of the valley, amidst the pine and oak groves, there are three separate recreation centers, each with areas for parking. Nearby these areas are a number of man-made Eresma river dams that create small pools perfect for bathing in the summer. Several paths begin in the recreation area that crisscross the whole of the woodsy valley.
La Pedriza
The Pedriza is one of the more exceptional areas of the mountain range. It is located on the south slope of the Cuerda Larga, in the municipal area of Manzanares el Real (part of the province of Madrid) and inside the Parque Regional (Regional Park) de la Cuenca Alta del Manzanares. The Pedriza's landscape is noted for its enormous rock formations and walls of granite displaying unusual and eye-catching configurations. Below the high rocky areas is an underbrush made up of rockroses and savin junipers which become a pine thicket farther way from the rock face. At the heart of the small valleys that make up La Pedriza runs the Manzanares river at the high river basin of its course. In the low part of the area is a recreational area with parking accommodations which allows visitors several routes to cross the territory. The most esteemed and sensational peak of La Pedriza, as well as its largest, is El Yelmo (The Helmet), a gigantic granite rockface towering over the surrounding peaks, rising to 1,700 m in elevation. El Yelmo's south face presents a massive stone wall that is highly-prized by advanced mountain climbers. Throughout its history, La Pedriza's complex of caves was used as a hideout by exiles and by those seeking shelter during times of war.
Peñalara's cirques and lakes
On the south slope of the Sierra de Guadarrama's highest peak, Peñalara (2,430 m), is a protected area considered to be of exceptional beauty and which has been declared a nature reserve under the title Parque Natural de Peñalara; the only area of the Guadarramas to receive such official designation. In the reserve are found, three cirques and a series of lakes, all the handiwork of ancient glacial action. Peñalara's cirques take the form of walls rising more than 300 meters in the shape of a "U". Several small lakes are found in the areas surrounding the cirques, up to a height of approximately 2,000 m, which give rise to streams and small waterfalls during spring thaws. Most outstanding of these are the Laguna Grande(Great lake), the Laguna Chica (Small lake), the Lagunas de los Claveles (Lake of the Claveles) and the Laguna de los Pájaros (Lagoon of the Birds). Below 2,000 m, wild pine forests are also found in the designated zone. In the heights of the nature reserve are prairies in which high mountain shrubs dominate the terrain. The reserve is accessed by three routes feeding to and from the Puerto de Cotos.
Valle del Lozoya
The Valle del Lozoya is the most extensive valley of the Sierra de Guadarrama range and one of the best conserved. It is located entirely within the Community of Madrid, between the Cuerda Larga and the main alignment of the mountain system, running in a southwest to northeast direction, and located, with respect the range as a whole, at its northeast stretch. The valley is more than 25 km in length and 6 km in average width. The slopes of the valley are covered with wild pine, oak and chestnut forests. By contrast, the lower valley area is dominated by grass pastures and farm crops. In the heart of the valley are two towns: Rascafría and Lozoya, both of which lend their names to the two rivers that run through the valley.

[edit] Hydrography

Dam of Navacerrada.
Dam of Navacerrada.

The climate of the Sierra de Guadarrama is marked by heavy precipitation which gives birth the territory's numerous streams and rivers. There are several rivers of special relevance. The range's Segovia facing slopes give rise to the Moros and Eresma rivers, with the latter flowing through the City of Segovia. The Madrid facing slopes give rise to the Guadarrama river (from which the range and the town of Guadarrama takes their names), the Manzanares river, that passes by Madrid, and the Lozoya river, that passes by its namesake valley. On the South slope of the peak of Peñalara, at 2,200 m of elevation, there is a series of small, protected lakes of glacial origin.

Although the mountain range proper features a great number of dams, they are all of small volume. In the Segovia facing slopes, the more prominent dams are Peces, Revenga, Pontón and Pirón, while on the Madrid facing slopes are found the Tobar, Jarosa, Navacerrada and Pinilla. Outside the boundaries of the mountain range, in the Community of Madrid, there are three dams of much greater size: the Valmayor, Santillana and Pardo.

[edit] Flora and fauna

Wild pine Forest with fern ground cover.
Wild pine Forest with fern ground cover.
Flower growing in the high mountain areas of the Parque Natural de Peñalara.
Flower growing in the high mountain areas of the Parque Natural de Peñalara.

The flora and fauna of the Sierra de Guadarrama is made up of a great diversity of species that represent something of a synthesis between those that are common to the mediterranean landscape and climate of Spain's Centeal Plateau, and more specialized plants and animals native to in the high altitude climate and mountainous terrain of the Pyrenees and Alps.

[edit] Flora

The high slopes of the mountains are covered in Alpine grasses which are extensively used as grazing land for cattle. The meat that these cattle produce is of excellent quality and is specially denominated and certified as Ternera de Guadarrama ("Veal of Guadarrama"). Below the high mountain pastures, in the subalpine and mountainous flats, are some of the best natural scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) groves that exist in Spain.

Below the pine groves, the middle elevations are covered by groves of Pyrenean oak (Quercus pyrenaica), which sometimes encroach on the higher pine groves; this is problematic as Pyrenean oak have a protected conservation status and cannot be felled without dispensation from national park authorities. Nevertheless, controlled logging as allowed every year with the felled trees used to supply firewood to local mountain villages.

The westernmost area of the mountain range, show a change in species distribution and variety, with a predominance of stone pine (Pinus pinea) in place of scots-pine, and Portuguese oak and Holm oak in place of Pyrenean oak due to the lower elevations and higher precipitation of the region.

[edit] List of plant species

European Black Pine, Maritime Pine, Scots Pine and Mountain Pine; Holly, Alder, Maple, Hazel, Boxwood, Beech, Holm Oak, Portuguese oak, Pyrenean oak, Savin Junipers, Rowan and Yew.
Tree heath, French Lavender, Common Juniper, Bearberry, Fern, rockroses, Common Hawthorn, Fabaceae, Boiss, Rosemary and Thyme.
Prevalent pine grove fungi
Morel, Saffron milk cap, Lepiota, chanterelle and King trumpet mushroom.

[edit] Fauna

As to be expected in such an unspoiled ecosystem, there is a great quantity and variety of animal life, with mammals such as deer, roe deer and fallow deer, wild boar, badger, various types of weasel, European wild cat, fox and hare among others; waterfowl, especially in the Embalse de Santillana (Reservoir of Santillana), and other reservoirs and among the mountain lakes, as well as birds of prey such as the Eastern Imperial Eagle and the Eurasian Black Vulture. In fact, the animal species inhabiting the Guadarramas represent 45% of the fauna of Spain and 18% of those in all of Europe.

The Guadarramas are also a migratory nesting ground for bird species. cranes summer in the range and migrate to North Africa during winters, while the reverse is true of storks and various birds of prey. Endangered species that inhabit the range include the eastern imperial eagle, the black stork and the Eurasian wolf.

[edit] List of animal species

Reptiles and amphibians
Various snakes both smooth and viperous, lizards such as Lacerta lepida and others in the Lacerta genus, salamanders and toads.
Squirrel, least weasel, goat, rabbit, roe deer, genets, boar, hare, garden dormouse, Eurasian wolf, badger and fox.
European bee-eater, hoopoe, short-toed treecreeper, jay, great tit, pheasant, cuckoo, Eurasian woodcock, wren, chough, crested tit and blue tit, kingfisher, white-throated Dipper, blackbird, various kinglet, golden oriole, European Robin and woodpecker.
Birds of prey
Golden eagle, booted eagle and short-toed eagle, owl and shrike, Eurasian black vulture and griffon vulture, tawny owl and Little Owl, falcon, kite and common buzzard.
Mallard, red-knobbed coot, grey heron, scaup, great northern diver and grebe.

[edit] Climate

Satellite photo showing the snow-capped peaks of the Guadarramas.
Satellite photo showing the snow-capped peaks of the Guadarramas.

The Guadarramas are part of the Mediterranean and share its climatic features, characterized by considerable temperatures changes between summer and winter and a very dry summer. But, as in any mountainous zone, the climate on the mountains proper changes markedly with increases in height, and for that reason it is necessary to differentiate discrete climatic zones.

Between 800 and 1,400 m, the average, annual temperature is between 10 and 11 °C, with a high summer temperature of 28 °C and a low in winter of -6 °C. Average, annual precipitation is between 700 and 800 mm, a large portion of which accumulates in non-summer months. At this elevation, much of the precipitation is in the form of snow, falling between December and February, although there are always exceptions, and the snow rarely remains unmelted for more than three days. It is in this region that all cities and the majority of people live; this also means that of all distinguished elevations, it is the most susceptible to damage from human traffic and intrusion.

Between 1,400 and 2,000 meters, the average, annual temperature is between 8 and 9 °C, with a high summer temperature of 25 °C and a low in winter of -8 °C. Average, annual precipitation climbs with the height to between 900 and 1,000 mm, much of which is likewise laid down during the non-summer season and is in the form of snow, but laid down between December and April. Much of the snow remains on the ground for the duration of the winter—especially on the range's north slope.

Ice-covered pine tree; the result of an ice fog.
Ice-covered pine tree; the result of an ice fog.

Between 2,000 and 2,430 meters, the average, annual temperature is between 6 and 7 °C, with a high summer temperature of 22 °C and a frosty low in winter of -12 °C. Average, annual precipitation is between 1,200 and 2,500 mm, mostly in the form of snow laid down between November and May which remains the winterlong and into the spring.

In summary, the climate of the Guadarramas is quite humid, more so than that of the rest of the Meseta Central (Central Plateau), and generally cold, which increases with altitude. In the peaks the wind is usually very intense and thunderstorms in the mountains are more frequent than in the plateau.

[edit] Average temperatures by altitude

Altitude Temperature
in winter
in spring
and autumn
in summer
2,430 m - 2,000 m -1 °C / -9 °C 8 °C / -3 °C 20 °C / 5 °C
2,000 m - 1,400 m 3 °C / -3 °C 11 °C / 5 °C 23 °C / 7 °C
1,400 m - 800 m 3 °C / -3 °C 15 °C / 7 °C 25 °C / 11 °C

[edit] Routes of passage

Mountain railway pass with the Siete Picos (Seven Peaks mountain) in the background.
Mountain railway pass with the Siete Picos (Seven Peaks mountain) in the background.

As a result of its condition as a natural border, the Guadarramas are crossed by important routes of passage between the north and the south of the Iberian Peninsula. The routes date back to Roman times with the construction of their famous roads, one of which starts in the town of Cercedilla, crosses the mountains and terminates at the Fuenfría Pass.

Although the road is still present with some original stone, it was rendered obsolete by a number of roads blazed during the mid-1700s: the Guadarrama Pass, or "del León" route, serviced by national highway six, running from Madrid to Coruña (although another freeway, AP-6, which tunnels through the mountains, can also be used); the Navacerrada Pass highway passage between Madrid and Segovia; and the Somosierra passage, which is serviced by the divided highway, Autovía del Norte, along which a Madrid to Irun railroad also runs.

The mountains are crossed by a number of separate railway routes running between Madrid and Ávila, Segovia and Burgos, thus providing connection between the capital and the whole north of the country. These lines are already considered antiquated, and will be partially replaced with the new high speed Alta Velocidad Española (literally, "Spanish High Speed") railroad, and its attendant tunnels between Miraflores de la Sierra and Segovia, that is in the midst of construction. The AVE can achieve speeds of up to 300 km/h on dedicated tracks and is expected to be completed in 2007.

[edit] History

 Roman roadway transecting the Fuenfría valley
Roman roadway transecting the Fuenfría valley
Map of the Sierra de Guadarrama, circa 1760.
Map of the Sierra de Guadarrama, circa 1760.

For much of its history the central part of the range, including the forests and grasslands of both sides of the mountains, was associated with the city of Segovia, at least as far back as its Roman control under the name of Segóbriga. Nevertheless, after the creation of the province of Madrid to meet the requirements of the Spanish Court, the political designation of the mountains was distributed between the two provinces. Today the range is more often associated with Madrid given that city's prominence as Spain's capital.

The Guadarramas' role as a natural barrier has been of importance in many of the armed conflicts that have afflicted Spain. For centuries the range constituted a border between the Christian kingdoms to the north and Muslims kingdoms to the south, during the times of Reconquest. The legacy of that epoch can be seen in the splendid medieval walled cities occupying both sides of the mountains, such as Buitrago de Lozoya and Manzanares el Real in Madrid, and the castillo de Pedraza in Segovia.

In 1808, during the Peninsular War fought by Spain against invaders from France, the Battle of Somosierra took place at the range's Somosierra Pass, where the Spanish were defeated by Napoleonic troops composed principally of Polish lancers. Likewise, during the Spanish Civil War of the 1930s, the range comprised an important front, with skirmishes fought in the mountain passes for the duration. Today, trenches and casemates still survive along the line of the mountains' summits.

The Guadarammas, as a result of their proximity to high population centers of cultural and educational importance, was one of the first areas of Spain where natural resources and the study of nature came to be valued, both from an economic point as an educational resource. This culminated in the establishment of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza (Free Institution of Education) in 1876, which advocated an assimilation of Madrid cultural values which esteemed the nearby mountain range's natural beauty. By the 1920s, there was a call the declare the entire range a protected national park; a notion that is still unrealized but has support today.

[edit] Monuments and structures of interest

San Lorenzo de El Escorial.
San Lorenzo de El Escorial.
Dome of the Basilica at Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos.
Dome of the Basilica at Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos.

The magnificent scenery, the balmy summer climate and, especially, the proximity to Madrid and Segovia have resulted in the erection of many striking buildings and monuments on the hillsides of the Sierra de Guadarrama.

The Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, is an immense palace, Augustinian monastery, museum, and library complex located at San Lorenzo de El Escorial. Designed by the architects Juan Bautista de Toledo and Juan de Herrera in an austere classical style, and built from 1563 to 1584, it is shaped as a grid in memory of the martyrdom of Saint Lawrence. The complex has an enormous store of art, including masterworks by Titian, Tintoretto, El Greco, Velázquez, Roger van der Weyden, Paolo Veronese, Alonso Cano, José de Ribera, Claudio Coello and others; its library containing thousands of priceless ancient manuscripts; and the complex has been designated an UNESCO World Heritage Site.

In the north face of Monte Abantos, surrounded by thick pine groves, is the Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos ("Holy Cross of the Valley of the Fallen"). Conceived by General Francisco Franco to honor those killed during the Spanish Civil War, the monument contains beneath it the remains of 40,000 fallen soldiers, as well as a basilica in which Franco himself is interred. Above rises a massive granite cross—150 meters high—which is visible from as far away as 50 kilometers.

In Rascafría, in the center of the Lozoya valley, lies the Monasterio de Santa María de El Paular ("Monastery of Santa María of Paular"). Surrounded by scenic mountainscapes, the monastery features a large cloister and dates to the late 1300s. It was constructed at the behest of king Henry II of Castile and in 1876 was declared a Spanish National Monument.

The castillo de Manzanares ("Castle of Manzanares"), is a medieval fort in the municipality of Manzanares el Real, at the foot of La Pedriza. It is composed of several cylindrical towers and dates to the 15th century.

Also near the mountain of La Pedraza in the town of Pedriza, is a namesake medieval castle, castillo de Pedraza. The citadel rises on a hill protecting the town. It dates to the 14th century and an expansion during the 16th century. Although at one time in disrepair, the castle was restored in modern times and is in a good state of preservation. The structure is protected on all sides by its original, ancient walls, lending a medieval ambience to the surroundings.

In the municipality of San Ildefonso in Castile-León lies the Baroque style Palacio Real de la Granja de San Ildefonso, a royal residence actually used in summer by Spanish nobility. It was commissioned by Philip V of Spain in 1724. The palace's extensive gardens feature numerous sculptures of mythological beings which are highly prized for their artistic value. The gardens were based on those King Philip V had known during his childhood in the French royal court.

[edit] Protected zones

Castillo de Pedraza.
Castillo de Pedraza.

Today two high traffic areas of the Guadaramma mountains have achieved protected nature reserve status:

  • The Parque Regional de la Cuenca Alta del Manzanares ("High River basin Regional Park of the Manzanares"), located in the Community of Madrid; the first Sierra de Guadarrama zone to receive protected status. When the designation was first granted it included only La Pedriza (an area including a number of peaks, valleys and rivers in the Guadarramas), but later it was extended to cover the Monte de El Pardo—a densely forested area to the north of Madrid, covering more than 470 square kilometres (181 mile²).
  • The Parque Natural de la Cumbre, Circo y Lagunas de Peñalara ( Peñalara's Summit, Cirques and Lakes Nature Reserve"). The reserve is much smaller and more recent in origin than the preceding one, only covering the tallest part of the massif of Peñalara (at 2,430 m the highest mountain in the Sierra de Guadarrama) and one of few glaciers formations of the whole Sistema Central, with three small cirques, two moraines, and almost twenty glacial lakes.
  • As of 2006, a proposal to have the summits of the entire range designated a national park (Parque Nacional de Guadarrama) is under consideration by Spain's Central Government. This would help protect the range from destruction from the heavy human traffic they are subject to given their proximity to large cities such as Madrid.

[edit] Myths and legends

Over the centuries the mountains and surrounding areas have been inhabited several myths and legends specific to the region have developed:

The Shepherd's Chasm
It is believed that in the mountains nearby San Lorenzo de El Escorial a secret treasure cache lies buried. Many have prospected in the region searching for this illusive trove.
This legend holds that a certain Rafael Corraliza who managed the rich financial affairs of the Monastery of San Lorenzo, was lured by devilish greed to plunder the monastery's treasury of Doubloons. Corraliza then absconded, heading for sanctuary in Portugal. He stole out at night taking a mountain footpath that led to the nearest village, Robledondo. However, upon attempted to traverse the mountain area known as the Shepherd's Chasm, named for a deep mountain crevasse, a saint overwatching the monastery, caused him to fall into the chasm, thus swallowing up both him and the stolen gold. In the course of time, the abyss was covered with branches and stones for fear that cattle or any poor devil could suffer the same fate as Corraliza.
Illustration of the Boulder of the Dead legend.
Illustration of the Boulder of the Dead legend.
The Boulder of the Dead
The name of this legend comes from a namesake peculiar rock formation in La Pedriza. The story is that a group of three brigands kidnap a young woman of a rich and powerful Madrid family. While the chief of the band is temporarily away, the two remaining bandits decide to rape the young woman. Upon the chief's unexpected return, he attempts to throw each of them over the cliff above the namesake boulder as quick justice. The first is done successfully but the second grabs the leg of the ringleader as they struggle at the brink of the precipice, and they both plummet to their deaths on the rocks below. According to local people, for a time the corpses of the three bandits could be seen in a crack of the rocks.

[edit] References

    • Sierra de Guadarrama. From the Spanish-language Wikipedia. Retrieved May 6 - still in flux, 2006, and containing the internal references:
    • Fidalgo García, Pablo & Martín Espinosa, Agustín (2005). Atlas Estadístico de la Comunidad de Madrid 2005. Instituto de Estadística de la Comunidad de Madrid. ISBN 84-451-2786-1
    • Pliego Vega, Domingo (2005). Guadarrama. 50 excursiones fáciles. Ediciones Desnivel. ISBN 84-96192-83-0
    • Rincón, Manuel (1987). Caminar por la Sierra de Guadarrama. Editorial Barrabes. ISBN 84-95744-38-4
    • Sánchez Martínez, Javier & Martínez de Pisón, Eduardo (2004). La Sierra de Guadarrama:La Imagen de una Montaña. Ediciones La Librería. ISBN 84-95889-84-6
    • Vías, Julio (2004). La Sierra de Guadarrama. Biograrfía de un paisaje. Ediciones La Librería. ISBN 84-95889-73-0
    • Zarzuela Aragón, Javier (2003). Excursiones para niños por la Sierra de Madrid. Ediciones La Librería. ISBN 84-95889-41-2

    [edit] See also

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