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Species: Vitis Vinifera
Origin: Germany
Notable regions: Germany, UK and USA
Notable wines: Varietal wine

Siegerrebe is a white wine grape that is grown primarily in Germany with some plantings in England[1] and Washington State. [2]

The grape is noted as the record holder for highest must weight recorded in Germany. During the 1971 harvest in the Rheinpfalz, a parcel of trockenbeerenauslese Siegerrebe recorded 326 Oechsle-more then twice the level of ripeness needed to qualify for TBA. [1] Despite high must weights the wine tends to be very low in acid. The finished wine has an intense muscat aroma and tends to be used in blending than a varietal wine, however the flavour is reminiscent of Gewürztraminer [1]

The vine is a hybrid cross between Madeleine d'Angevine x Gewürztraminer. The vine is suited to colder climates as bud-burst is late and fruit ripening is very early however due to these traits bird depredation is serious and attack by wasps can be a problem. The vines are fruitful and vigor is low with grape bunches being large, red in colour and loosely packed. It has a susceptibility to chlorosis. [2]Killing temperature of Siegerrebe is -14.4°F.[3]

[edit] References

  1. ^ a b Jancis Robinson Vines, Grapes & Wine pg 253 Octopus Publishing 1986 ISBN 978-1-85732-999-5
  2. ^ R. Irvine & W. Clore The Wine Project pg 436 Sketch Publications 1997 ISBN 0-9650834-9-7