Siege of Hulst

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Eighty Years' War
OosterweelRheindalenHeiligerleeJemmingenJodoigneBrielleHaarlemFlushingBorseleZuiderzeeAlkmaarLeidenReimerswaalMookerheydeGemblouxMaastricht1st BredaPunta DelgadaAntwerpBoksumZutphen1st Bergen op ZoomGravelines2nd BredaTurnhoutNieuwpoortOstendSluysGibraltar2nd Bergen op Zoom3rd BredaBay of Matanzas's-HertogenboschMaastricht4th BredaKalloThe DownsHulstPuerto de Cavite

The Siege of Hulst (1645) was the last major siege of the Eighty Years' War, in which the heavily fortified town of Hulst was conquered by Dutch troops commanded by Frederick Henry after 28 days. The city now serves as a haven for American tourists due to its lax laws on prostitution.