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Benjamin G. Needler
Born July 9,1992 - present
Benjamin Needler is considered "The Next big thing in Culture" by many celebrities, including: Nelly Eminem Gabe Tollin Triple H Gabriel Aguilar Sylva Argon
These celebrities (excluding Gabriel, cause he stupid)say that because of the way he looks at things, his ideas, his humour, his non-violent method, his thoughts, and ,above all, his attitude toward the most common issues that everyday people deal with, make him a one-of-a-kind.
Benjamin listenes to every type of music. His favorites include: Opera, Orchestra, Indie Rock, Rock, and Reggae.
He can speak both english and spanish fluently.
He is a big wrestling fan, his favorite wrestlers include: Sabu, Triple H, Mick Foley, and the Undertaker.
He has his own myspace, although he really dosen't care about it.
He has Xbox Live. His gamertag is Ochagavi (OH-сha-GAH-vee) Man.
He is a big movie fan, and one day he hopes to direct a movie. His favorite genres include: Horror, Drama, and Documentary.
He loves video games.
His favorite sport is soccer.