Shuttle 2.03

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Country Soviet Union
Time spent in space  Never flew in space
Status dismantled

2.03 was the number of the fifth Soviet Shuttle Buran reusable space vehicles.

2.03 was a second series shuttle, as shown by the '2' in its number. Construction on 2.03 was barely underway when the entire Soviet shuttle program was halted, and as such what parts of it had been built were dismantled shortly afterwards, and nothing remained of it by 1995.

Virtually no pictures of 2.03 exist due to its very short existence but its appearance would have been virtually identical to the other second series shuttles and very similar to the first series examples. As with shuttle 2.02, 2.03 was never given a name.

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Space Shuttles
Space Shuttle Discovery American US Space Shuttle program Soviet Soviet Buran program

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