Shusuke Fuji

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Shusuke Fuji
(不二 周助)

Shusuke Fuji

Seiyū Yuki Kaida
Voice Actor Adam Lawson
Eye color Blue or Brown
Hair color Brown
Height 167
Birthday February 29
Blood type B
School Seigaku
Year / Class 3rd / Class 6
Playing Style Counter-Puncher, Right-handed
Favorite Shoes Nike
Favorite Racquet Prince (Michael Chang Titanium)
Favorite Foods Apples, Cajun Cuisine, Spicy Ramen Noodles, Wasabi-filled sushi
Hobbies Collecting and taking care of Cacti, Photography

Shusuke Fuji (不二 周助 Fuji Shūsuke?) is a fictional character in the anime and manga The Prince of Tennis. His name is romanized as Fuji Syusuke/Syuusuke in the Japanese anime, and Shusuke Fuji in the English manga and Anime.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.


[edit] History

Shusuke Fuji is a third year student at Seishun Academy, and is approaching fifteen years of age at the beginning of the series. He is given the title 'tensai', or genius, owing to his tactical skill on the tennis court. He is in the same class as Eiji Kikumaru, and is Eiji's good friend. Fuji is a leap year baby (his birthday is on February 29), and thus he can only properly celebrate his birthday once every four years. Fuji is cheerful and easygoing, with a penchant for playfully teasing those around him.

Fuji grew up in Chiba, where he became friends with Kojirou Saeki, the current vice-captain of the Rokkaku Chuu Tennis Club. Later on, he moved to Tokyo and entered Seigaku.

Fuji has an older sister, Yumiko, and a younger brother, Yuuta Fuji. Fuji is particularly protective of Yuuta (probably to make up for former disagreements that almost brought them apart), as is displayed throughout the series, as he actively tries to "destroy" and punish those who have defeated his younger brother or have made him go through something dangerous (as proved by how differently he treats Jiroh Akutagawa from Hyoutei and Hajime Mizuki from Saint Rudolph; he holds no personal grudge towards Jiroh, who won fairly against Yuuta, but resents Mizuki for a long time after seeing how he treated his brother as someone expendable to ensure his team's victory), with the exception of the aforementioned Jiroh and Ryoma Echizen.

Yuuta isn't also the only person he's been protective of in this sense; in the anime, he is very upset when Kippei Tachibana is injured in his match against Akaya Kirihara. He is also upset when Akaya Kirihara insults the two schools (Seigaku and Fudomine); Kirihara says that both teams have retired captains because they aren't practicing (this is due to Seigaku captain Kunimitsu Tezuka and Fudomine captain Tachibana both being injured).

Fuji is often seen with a calm and content expression on his face, with his eyes seemingly closed from lightly smiling. However, when he is excited or provoked, or when playing seriously, Fuji reveals his sharp eyes: they are blue in the anime and light brown in the manga.

Fuji differs from almost every other character in Prince of Tennis in that he enjoys playing around when his opponent is pushing himself to the limit, giving many the impression that either Fuji is a fearsome sadist or that he doesn't really care about tennis itself. There are few people that can wake the sleeping genius in Fuji and force him to play seriously, and these few are either nationally-ranked or extremely talented tennis players. Seigaku captain Kunimitsu Tezuka, Rikkai Daigaku Fuzoku regular Akaya Kirihara, Seigaku regular Ryoma Echizen, and Shitenhouji captain Kuranosuke Shiraishi have been acknowledged by Fuji to be actual challenges.

Along with Tezuka, Fuji is possibly the only person on the entire Seigaku team who is immune to Inui Sadaharu's various concoctions. While he may occasionally intentionally fault in practice in order to try the penal concoctions, he has also mentioned that he enjoys seeing others suffer from drinking the concoctions even more. He is, however, not immune to "Aozu", a horrific blue vinegar and cod liver oil concoction; this drink causes his only blackout, and since then Inui has believed that Fuji has a grudge against him. His odd tastes in food do not stop at Inui's gruesome health drinks, and he takes delight in wasabi rolls, honey-mustard and horseradishes.

Fuji usually takes the position of S2 (Singles 2), although sometimes he is paired with Takashi Kawamura or Eiji Kikumaru in Doubles. He also temporarily takes the position of Singles 1 when Tezuka is in rehabilitation.

Prior to the National Tournament, Fuji plays a practice match against Fudoumine Chuu's Tachibana, who breaks each of Fuji's Triple Counters. Realizing that his counters are not enough for a national-level tournament, Fuji then develops his 4th Counter, the "Kagerou Zutsumi" (Dragonfly Illusion). However, during Seigaku's Nationals semifinal match against Shitenhouji's Kuranosuke Shiraishi, Fuji suffers his first loss in an official match, when he makes a comeback from 0-5 only to lose 6-7 during tiebreak, when his final Hakuryuu lands out.

Fuji is fairly popular amongst his peers. In one episode, he goes on a date with Kurumi, grade schooler who falls in love with him in first sight, thinking of him as a prince of sorts. However, Fuji has a serious side as well. He engages in a serious match with Kirihara Akaya, who plays a fairly violent form of tennis. Kirihara injures Fuji's knee and knocks over an already injured Tachibana (who arrives to encourage Fuji); thanks to this and the fact that Tezuka is also absent due to injury, Fuji becomes serious and goes on to win the match. According to what Fuji's sister, Yumiko, tells Hajime Mizuki, Fuji never gets angry about what happens to him, but when his family or friends are in danger, he doesn't hold back and attacks with full seriousness.

Despite his penchant for jokes and pranks off-tennis, Fuji can be insightful and even sweet when his friends need it; during his date with little Kurumi, when she reveals that she has low self-esteem since she feels overshadowed by her beautiful older sister Narumi, Fuji helps her to sort their problems out, seeing his own situation with Yuuta reflected in the sisters´ quarrels.

At times, Fuji tends to act like Eiji Kikumaru--he wants to win and to be number one. In one episode, there is mixed club day at his school. On this day, the students are not allowed to play the sport that they are in. For example, the "Golden Pair", Eiji Kikumaru and Shuichiro Oishi, plays volleyball. Fuji plays curling, which no one else plays. His words are, "No participants; the championship is mine."

[edit] Special Techniques

[edit] Counters

Sometimes called the "Three Counter Moves" (or more often called the Triple Counter), since the "Kagerou Zutsumi" (a counter announced by Shusuke as the Fourth Counter) and the "Disappearing Serve" are sometimes not counted as one of them. Game sealing returns, the counters are techniques that could only be pulled off by a tensai like Shusuke Fuji. Each counter has a very low chance of being returned. These counters only work when there is spin on the ball, and if the ball is hit as a "sinker", a ball with no spin, then the counters are sealed, unless Fuji hits a cord ball.

[edit] Tsubame Gaeshi (Swallow Return)


The first of Fuji's counters to be shown. Fuji utilizes his opponent's topspin by returning the ball with an extreme slice. The slice combines with the topspin and causes the ball to dip toward the ground and continue rolling across the court without a bounce. This counter is legendary in that once it is hit, the game is sealed. However, the Tsubame Gaeshi can be returned if it is hit before it touches the ground.

During his doubles match with Eiji Kikumaru against Rokkaku regulars, Kojiro Saeki and Marehiko Itsuki, Fuji's counters are sealed because Itsuki can hit "sinkers", which are balls without spin. Fuji attempts to create spin by rolling the ball against the face of the racket, but the Tsubame Gaeshi that results bounces and is fully returned. Fuji then utilizes the net and forces Itsuki to hit cord balls (balls that hit the net before going in), which forces the ball to spin; and with that on top of rolling the ball with his racket, he manages to pull off a perfect Tsubame Gaeshi.

He again resorts to forcing the opponent to hit cord balls when he faces Arnold Ignashov during the Goodwill Games.

This counter's name is based on the famous sword technique of Sasaki Kojiro.

[edit] Higuma Otoshi (Bear Drop)


By quickly rotating his body, Fuji uses centripetal force to absorb the force of any overhead smash; he then returns the ball with a lob that almost always lands on the opponent's baseline. This technique is also used by Hyotei's Yuushi Oshitari and Keigo Atobe.

This counter is broken first by Ryoma Echizen, who used the net to change the trajectory of his smash, therefore altering the position of Fuji's lob. Higuma Otoshi is broken a second time when the gut of Fuji's racket is broken by the "awakened" Akaya Kirihara using Genichirou Sanada's "Ka" of the "Fuu Ru Ka Zan", and then it is broken a third time by Kippei Tachibana's Lion Smash. Both Kirihara and Tachibana's smashes overpower the centrifugal force used to nullify the force of a smash. In the first round of the National Tournament, the shukuchi technique of Higa Chuu renders the counter useless, as Higa players can move from the baseline to the net and vice versa in "one step". Most recently, in the quarterfinal match of the Nationals, Fuji's Higuma Otoshi is broken by Kuranosuke Shiraishi's powerful smash that knocked away his racket.

[edit] Hakugei (White Whale)


Possibly the most impressive of Fuji's counters, the Hakugei is a super slice lob with such extreme backspin that as soon as it passes over the net on to the opposite court it curves upwards out of sight, than it falls straight down (usually on the baseline), and it flies back to Fuji's hand. Fuji used this technique in order to counter Jiroh Akutagawa's "Magic Volley". However, he needs wind to use the Hakugei.

Hakugei can be returned if the opponent is fast enough to hit the ball as it flies back to Fuji's hand, as shown by Akaya Kirihara and his one-footed split step. Fuji can also change the direction of the ball after it hits the opponents court either to go with the direction of the wind or to lessen the chance of a return. Fuji changes the direction in his match against Tezuka Kunimtsu, Tezuka waited at the net in front of the ball so to return it to Fuji's court but Fuji adapts and the ball instead flies into the net away from Tezuka.

[edit] Kagerou Zutsumi (Dragonfly Illusion)


Using both hands, Fuji brings his racket down in an overhead swing that both contains and nullifies all spin on the ball. The ball is then returned devoid of spin, and gives the other player the illusion that the ball is farther than it actually is.

This counter is first revealed in Seigaku's first doubles match against Higa Chuu in the National tournament. Higa regular Rin Hirakoba employs a technique called "Habu", which gives the ball such incredible spin that it cannot be returned by any normal means. Fuji's Kagerou Zutsumi seals Hirakoba's "Habu", and later on Fuji's partner Takashi Kawamura returns the Habu with his Hadokyuu.

[edit] Disappearing Serve

Otherwise known as a "cut-serve". With this underhand serve Fuji spins the ball as he drops it. While not as fast or powerful as most serves, many players are caught offguard by the way the ball abruptly "cuts" to the left (the returner's right) and in a sense "disappears". Fuji first used this move when facing Jiroh Akutagawa from Hyotei Gakuen.

[edit] Houou Gaeshi (Phoenix Return)


One of the 3 upgraded techniques of the triple counter in the match against Kuranosuke Shiraishi in the Nationals. Houou Gaeshi is the upgraded version of Tsubame Gaeshi (Swallow Return). Unlike Tsubame Gaeshi, Houou Gaeshi sank at a higher rate and closer to the net, thus making it much harder to return.

[edit] Kirin Otoshi (Kirin/Qilin Drop)


One of the 3 upgrade techniques of the triple counter in the match against Kuranosuke Shiraishi in the Nationals. Kirin Otoshi is the updated version of Higuma Otoshi (Bear Drop). Not much has been shown of this perfected technique, only that is was not able to be returned by Shiraishi. The only visible difference from this technique is that Fuji uses two hands to repel Shiraishi's smash rather than the one handed "Bear Drop".

[edit] Hakuryuu (White Dragon)


One of the 3 upgraded techniques of the triple counter in the match against Kuranosuke Shiraishi in the Nationals. Hakuryuu is the updated version of Hakugei (White Whale). Unlike Hakugei, Hakuryuu rose much higher into the sky. Instead of spinning backwards to Fuji, the ball will bounce towards the sides.

Interesting note: When he first hits this shot, it bounces back not towards him, but sideways towards Ryoma. Ryoma, though not expecting it, catches the ball.

[edit] Hecatoncheires no Monban (Gate Keeper of Hecatonchires)


The Final Counter, Gate Keeper of Hecatoncheires, is actually translated to "The Hundred Armed Giant", but this is a title from Greek Mythology, and thus kept with the name "Gate keeper of Hecatoncheires". Using the reverse side of the racket, Fuji uses the slide of the oncoming ball over the gut and forcing a super spin to the ball. Then by instantaneously reversing his wrist and using the other side of the racket, he doubles the spin yet again. Under the super spin of this technique, Kuranosuke Shiraishi was sealed from returning the ball over the net, whether he used a lob, slice, or even top spin. However, he has managed to overcome it and break this counter.

[edit] Knuckle Serve (Anime Only)

This move is shown when Fuji is playing Akaya Kirihara from Rikkaidai. Due to the fact Fuji is angry, he uses the Knuckle Serve to take revenge.

[edit] Stats

Class: Third year
Weight: 53kg
Height: 167 cm
DOB: February 29th
Favorite Color: Beige
Favorite Subject: Classical Literature
Hobbies: Collecting and taking care of cacti, photography
Racket: Prince (Michael Chang Titanium)
Shoes: Nike
Family: Father (unnamed, works overseas), mother (Yoshiko, housewife), older sister (Yumiko), younger brother (Yuuta).

[edit] Trivia

  • Fuji is the middle child of the Fuji family. His unnamed father is a foreign-based employee, and is never seen in the series. His mother, 49-year-old Yoshiko, who also has perpetually-closed eyes, is seen in the manga as a kind and dedicated Japanese housewife. Fuji's elder sister, 24-year-old Yumiko, is considered very attractive and is popular among both Fuji and Yuuta's friends. She is seen several times in both the anime and the manga, first appearing when she offers to give Fuji a ride to school.
  • In the Valentine Chocolate specials from the manga, Fuji has constantly been in the top three recipients of chocolate, with the exception of the years 2005 and 2006.
  • Fuji's counters are based on animals: Tsubame Gaeshi: swallow, Higuma Otoshi: brown bear, Hakugei: whale, Kagerou Zutsumi: dragonfly.
  • When Fuji "evolves" his three Triple Counters, their new names are based on mythical creatures: Houou Gaeshi: phoenix, Kirin Otoshi: a qilin (which looks somewhat like a chimera), Hakuryuu: dragon.
  • The kanji for Fuji (不二) stands for 'not second', 'unparalleled', or 'peerless'. His name can also be seen as a bit of a pun when his hobbies are taken into account; Fujifilm is the world's largest photographic and imaging company, and one of Fuji's hobbies is photography.
  • The kanji for "Shu" in Shusuke means "master", "lord", or "god"- all apt descriptions of this tennis prodigy.
  • Fuji's room has a built-in wall closet, a rocking chair with a tartan cushion and a gramophone-type audio device.
  • In a scene of Prince of Tennis, Fuji can be seen watching Rocky, the motion picture, which he borrowed from his brother, Yuuta.
  • Fuji carries a copy of Antoine Saint-Exupery's The Little Prince in his bag. The brand of his racket is also 'Prince'.
  • In a chibi episode and in TeniPuri family, Fuji is portrayed as a woman, playing off on his somewhat feminine looks.
  • Although Fuji has four counters, in the match against Shirashi, his set of counters is still called "Triple Counter".
  • Fuji evolved all 3 of his original counters, and his Final Counter's name was derived from Greek Mythology.
  • In the manga canon, Fuji's full potential is drawn out by Ryoma, when the younger boy steps into the court in the middle of the Fuji vs Shiraishi match and encourages Fuji to give the match everything he's got.
  • Fuji seems to be one of few Seigaku Regulars (along with Shuichiro Oishi and Ryoma Echizen) who is genuinely close to Kunimitsu Tezuka, the captain of the tennis club. As such, he and Tezuka are often seen together. In the anime, this is because when they were first years, they developed a mutual respect for each other. Eventually, Fuji challenged Tezuka to a match, but right before the match, Tezuka's arm was injured, and Tezuka lost the match. However, Fuji noticed Tezuka's injury, and they promised to play each other again once Tezuka's arm healed fully. This promise is eventually fulfilled when they play each other in the third round of intraschool ranking matches.

[edit] Actors

  • In the English Anime series, Fuji is played by Adam Lawson.

The Prince of Tennis
Tennis team members: Ryoma Echizen | Kunimitsu Tezuka | Shuichiro Oishi | Shusuke Fuji | Eiji Kikumaru | Takashi Kawamura | Sadaharu Inui | Takeshi Momoshiro | Kaoru Kaidoh
Schools: Seishun Academy Middle School | Fudomine Middle School | St. Rudolph Gakuen | Yamabuki | Hyotei Gakuen | Midoriyama | Jyosei Shonan | Rikkai Daigaku Fuzoku | Rokkaku Chuu
Supporting characters: Sumire Ryuzaki | Nanjiro Echizen | Masashi Arai | Satoshi Horio | Kachiro Kato | Katsuo Mizuno | Sakuno Ryuzaki | Tomoka Osakada
List of Prince of Tennis episodes | Tennis no Ojisama - Futari no Samurai | The Prince of Tennis (film) | The Prince of Tennis Musicals | Takeshi Konomi