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Pavel Robertovitch Shumilov
Pseudonym: Pavel Shumil
Born: 22 July 1957
Occupation: Author
Nationality: Russian
Writing period: 1994-today
Genres: Science fiction

Pavel Shumil (Па́вел Ро́бертович Шуми́лов) is a Russian science fiction author.


[edit] Biography

Born 22 July 1957. In 1974 he entered Electrotechnical institute in Leningrad (ЛЭТИ), and graduated in 1980 as a computer engineer. Having worked long in Research computing center of Academy of Sciences in Leningrad (ЛНИВЦ АН СССР), he operated computers of all classes, as operating engineer, application and system programmer, and system analyst. His hobbies are cycling, boating, and FIDO.

He began writing in 1994. First printed in 1999 - The Lay of the Dragon («Слово о драконе») series. Currently he lives in Saint-Petersburg, being an active member of the seminar of Boris Strugatsky.


  1. 1999. The Lay of the Dragon received 3rd place in nomination "Best debut" at Star Bridge (Звёздный мост) convention in Kharkiv.
  2. 2000. The Lay of the Dragon received 2nd place in nomination "Start" at Aelita-2000 (АЭЛИТА—2000) festival.

[edit] Bibliography

[edit] Printed books:

  1. The Lay of the Dragon series
    1. Павел Шумилов. Одинокий дракон. Москва. Центрполиграф. 1999. 459 с.
      • Одинокий дракон (The Lay of the Dragon)
      • Последний Повелитель (The Last of the Sovereigns)
    2. Павел Шумилов. Дракон замка Конгов. Москва. Центрполиграф. 1999. 508 с.
      • Давно забытая планета (Long-forgotten Planet)
      • Дракон замка Конгов (Dragon of Kongs' Castle)
    3. Павел Шумилов. Стать драконом. Москва. Центрполиграф. 1999. 491 с.
      • Стать драконом (To Became Dragon)
      • Осколки Эдема (Splinters of Eden)
    4. Павел Шумилов. Караван Мертвецов. Москва. Центpполигpаф. 1999. 489 с.
      Infringing publication.
      • Иди, поймай свою звезду (Go and Catch a Falling Star)
      • Караван Мертвецов (Caravan of Dead)
      • Адам и Ева — 2 (Adam and Eve II)
  2. Separate publications
    1. «Полдень, XXI век» N5-2005 (19). One novel of Harsh Tales («Жестокие сказки») cycle
      Сказка N6. К вопросу о равенстве полов (Tale #6. On the matter of the equality of sexes).

[edit] Publications in digital form (freely distributed):

  1. «Слово о драконе» (The Lay of the Dragon) series.
    1. Слово о Драконе (The Lay of the Dragon) (11.1994 − 03.1995)
    2. Последний Повелитель (The Last of the Sovereigns) (03.1995 − 05.1995)
    3. Давно забытая планета (Long-forgotten Planet) (16.07.1995 − 03.12.1995)
    4. Дракон замка Конгов (Dragon of Kongs' Castle) (12.05.1996 − 03.11.1997)
    5. Стать Драконом (To Became Dragon) (30.01.1996 − 08.04.1996)
    6. Осколки Эдема (Splinters of Eden) (31.05.1996 − 03.11.1996)
    7. Иди, поймай свою звезду (Go and Catch a Falling Star) (31.05.1996 − 28.06.1997)
    8. К вопросу о смысле жизни (On the Matter of the Purport of Life) (25.01.1997 − 28.01.1997)
    9. Караван мертвецов (Caravan of Dead) (02.02.1997 − 22.03.1997)
    10. Адам и Ева — 2 (Adam and Eve II) (12.03.1998 − 01.05.1998)
    11. Долг перед видом (Duty to One's Species) (12.03.1998 − 01.05.1998)
  2. «Жестокие сказки» (Harsh Tales) collection.
    1. Сказка N1. Мастер-ломастер (Tale #1. The Crash-master)
    2. Сказка N2. Любит — не любит (Tale #2. Loves Me - Loves Me Not)
    3. Сказка N3. К вопросу о природе семейного счастья (Tale #3. On the Matter of the Nature of Family Happiness)
    4. Сказка N4. Переведи меня через майдан (Tale #4. Take Me Across the Lea)
    5. Сказка N5. Кошкин дом (Tale #5. The Cat's House)
    6. Сказка N6. К вопросу о равенстве полов (Tale #6. On the Matter of the Equality of Sexes)
    7. Сказка N7. Должны любить (Tale #7. They Must Love)
    8. Сказка N8. Процент соответствия (Tale #8. Adequacy Percentage)
  3. Separate publications.
    1. К вопросу о долгой жизни (On the Matter of Lasting Life) (20.08.2002 − 21.08.2002)
    2. Семь дней по лунному календарю (Seven Days of Lunar Calendar) (17.09.1998 − 09.10.1998)
    3. К вопросу об охоте на драконов (On the Matter of Dragon Hunting) (07.04.2001 − 09.05.2001)
    4. Трюкач (Trickmaster) (20.02.2004)
    5. Эмбер. Чужая игра (Amber. The Strange Game) (08.05.1998 − 02.09.1998)

[edit] Translations

There are only fan translations by now, all put out at Shumil's site.

  1. English
    1. The Cat's House (2006)
    2. Trickmaster (2006)
  2. Portuguese
    1. Me ajuda a atravessar maidan (Take Me Across the Lea) (2004)
    2. A Casa da Gata (The Cat's House) (2004)
    3. O Ajudante (Trickmaster) (2004)

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