Shug Ninx

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Star Wars character
Shug Ninx
Position Smuggler, mechanic
Homeworld Nar Shaddaa
Species Human/Theelin hybrid
Gender Male
Height Unknown
Affiliation Rebel Alliance, himself
Portrayed by N/A

In the Star Wars Expanded Universe, Shug Ninx was a humanoid who lived on Nar Shaddaa.

[edit] Biography

Ninx himself was a master mechanic, and probably could have found work in the Empire or been admitted to the Imperial Academy or become an Imperial scout had he not been a "half-breed," meaning he was the son of a human and a nonhuman. This resulted in his mostly human appearance except for blue and green mottling on his skin, and one thumb and two fingers on each of his hands. Given the prejudices the Empire, he was fortunate to find work on Nar Shaddaa.

Although it is not known whether Ninx was born on Corellia (although his father was Corellian), the Spacebarn was located near the Corellian Sector. He made fast friends with many smugglers, including Han Solo, Chewbacca, Salla Zend, Roa, and Mako Spince among many others.

[edit] Spacebarn

On Nar Shaddaa, Ninx owned and operated his famous "Spacebarn", an enormous facility where smugglers could repair and modify their ships; many of the best mechanics and smugglers hung around the Spacebarn along with many of the gang kids (to whom Ninx was a bit of a father figure). The Spacebarn was too big and received too much business from the smugglers and Hutt crime lords for Ninx alone to handle it, and eventually he brought aboard as partner Salla Zend. Access to the spacebarn was only through a cleverly-disguised tunnel called "The Chute" which was a long section of piping big enough for starships to pass through salvaged from the wreckage of the second Death Star.

Ninx had a singular set of ethical rules for the Spacebarn:

  • Anything was available to use, so long as whoever used it put it back or compensated for damage.
  • Smugglers were expected to help fellow smugglers so long as it didn't cost them to.
  • No intoxicating substances of any kind were ever allowed.

Given Ninx's amiable personality and skill as a mechanic, he was quite popular. He was very involved with the defensive planning prior to the Battle of Nar Shaddaa, and helped many smugglers outfit their ships with additional weaponry and shields. After the battle when Han Solo left, Ninx was one of the few who did not have a grudge against Solo.

When the Emperor returned in a clone body, Han and Leia Organa-Solo returned to Nar Shaddaa and met Ninx, who helped repair the Millennium Falcon in the Spacebarn. Violence erupted in the Spacebarn with the arrival of Boba Fett, and Solo collaterally destroyed one of Ninx's prized ships during his escape. When Solo left Nar Shaddaa this time, Ninx did indeed have a sour taste in his mouth.

[edit] References