Shredder & Splintered

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1987 Season
December 10, 1987 - December 14, 1987
List of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles episodes


  1. Turtle Tracks
  2. Enter the Shredder
  3. A Thing About Rats
  4. Hot Rodding Teenagers from Dimension X
  5. Shredder & Splintered

1987 Season1988 Season1989 Season1990 Season1991 Season1992 Season1992-1993 Vacation in Europe sideseason1993 Season1994 Season1995 Season1996 Season

Shredded & Splintered is episode number 5 of the 1987 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon series. It is the fifth episode of season 1 (1987). This episode of the show is part of the Heroes in a Half Shell series. It was written by David Wise and Patti Howeth, and directed by Yoshikatsu Kasai. It originally aired on December 14, 1987, in syndication. It is available on DVD on the box set released on April 20, 2004. Previous video releases of this episode gave it the name The Shredder Is Splintered, and the DVD release lists it as Shredded and Splintered.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The news is out, the people in New York City have reported sightings of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT), and April O'Neil is not happy about it, because it is not her story. The turtles reassure say that she will get the full story and agree with Splinter that it is time to put The Shredder away.

When April returns to Channel 6 News with the Turtle Van and a Turtle Communicator she demands a film crew from her boss.

Back in the turtles sewer lair, Shredder contacts the turtles via their TV. Shredder shows the Retro-Mutagen Ray Generator, a device that undoes mutations. He says that it can transform Splinter back into Hamato Yoshi and invites them to "come and get it". Splinter tells that he must go alone, because Shredder can use the Retro-Mutagen Ray Generator to transform the turtles back into ordinary turtles.

The turtles use the star mobile the Neutrinos left on Earth to transport Splinter to the Technodrome. But as the star mobile runs out of fuel, Donatello go to Baxter Stockmans workshop, where he say he saw something.

The other turtles and Splinter stay on the street only to be attacked by Bebop and Rocksteady, who are sent out by the Shredder to destroy the turtles after Shredder issued his "invitation." The turtles and Splinter easily defeat Bebop and Rocksteady.

In the Technodrome, Shredder shows a promise to Krang: a new "body" for Krang. It is a robot which Krang sit inside and pilot it. Shredder installs a "Molecular Amplification Unit" microchip, which can enlarge both Krang and the robot. shredder pulls the switch and electricity goes around and Shredder yells "Its alive, its alive", as it prepares to move.

Leonardo, Michaelangelo and Raphael is outside the Technodrome. The intruder alarm sounds, and Shredder, saying it is too soon and Krang "hasn't come to its senses" sends the Foot robots to destroy the turtles. When the turtles fight off the Foot robots, Splinter climbs inside the Technodrome to find the Retro Mutagen Ray Generator. The Turtles easily defeat the Foot robots by hacking open a raw sewage line, which causes the outcoming water to "flush" the robots away.

Meanwhile, at the Channel 6 News Building, April is about to get fired by her boss Burne Thompson for being in cahoots with the turtles. April O'Neil convinces him that the turtle communicator is a "Hyper-Sonic Turtle Death Ray" and tells her boss to sign a voucher authorizing her a film crew. Frightened, Burne Thompson agrees and signs the document.

Inside the Technodrome, Krang heads for the Transdimensional Portal The turtles watch Krang a remote control camera, so they try to stop him.

Elsewhere within the Technodrome, Splinter has discovered what he thinks is the Retro Mutagen Ray Generator, but is just a hologram. The Shredder arrives, and around is holograms of the Shredder. The "Shredder holograms" then disappears, and the real Shredder engages Splinter in a marital arts combat.

In the Transdimensional Portal room, Krang contacts General Trag, leader of the Stone Warriors from Dimension X. General Trag tells Krang that 12 brigades of troops are ready and waiting. Before Krang can open the Transdimensional Portal Leonardo, Michaelangelo and Raphael arrive. Krang uses his recently installed Molecular Amplification Device to grow/expand 20 times his natural height. Krang chases the turtles out of the Technodrome and smashes a hole through the street surface and climbs up and out on the street.

The turtles pursue Krang. Just then, Donatello arrives aboard his new creation: The Turtle Blimp, which was created from the Neutrinos star mobile and Baxter Stockmans spare parts.

In an attempt to stop Krang, Donatello separates the balloon from the glider. Donatello and Leonardo go inside the robot. April, Vernon Fenwick and their film crew arrive and videotape Michaelangelo and Raphael circling Krangs robot in the glider. Inside Krang's robot, Donatello and Leonardo find the source of energy that allows Krang and the robot to expand: the Molecular Amplification Unit. When Leonardo can't use his katana swords to cut out the Molecular Amplification Unit, Donatello uses his bo staff to destroy the growth mechanism. Krang and the robot begins to shrink, and Donatello and Leonardo have to go out before they become crushed. Krang and the robot is now in normal size, and Krang feels that he can't fight the turtles so he calls the Shredder by using his communicator. Shredder still fights against Splinter in the Technodrome. Shredder uses a device to imprisons Splinter inside an electric cage and disappears to help Krang.

Splinter fears that Shredder will use the Retro Mutagen Ray Generator on the turtles, and try to use one of his long fingernails to remove a metal screw in the floor, and throws it away. It works, and the screw is small enough to go through the electrical cage and destroy its generator. The electricity goes off, and Splinter begins to chase Shredder.

When up on the streets, Shredder holds the Retro-Mutagen Ray Generator towards the TMNT when Splinter arrives and throws his staff at the Retro-Mutagen Ray Generator, destroying it. The turtles thank Splinter and sadly acknowledge that the Retro-Mutagen Ray Generator was probably his only chance to become human again, but Splinter said he had to do it to save the turtles from becoming ordinary turtles agin. Shredder and Krang escape back to the Technodrome. The turtles and Splinter head off to the Technodrome to stop Shredder and Krang.

Inside the Transdimensional Portal room in the Technodrome, Krang's Stone Warriors are going through. Donatello reverses the flow of the Transdimensional Portal, causing it to pull itself into Dimension X. The turtles and Splinter run out in the right time, and The Technodrome and everyone inside (including Bebop and Rocksteady) are gone. Some seconds later, the turtles and Splinter stand in the underground, watching the Technodrome disappear.

Krang and Shredder discover that they are in Dimension X, as billions of rock soldiers wave to the Technodrome as it arrives. Krang says he is absolute ruler of Dimension X and he will do his bidding from now on, as Shredder is unhappy at this (Shredder even takes his mask off when he says the Shredder takes orders from no one).

Back on Earth, April reports her story about the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but the people of New York City are split in their opinion about them.

Splinter warns the turtles that he fears that they have not seen the last of Shredder or Krang.

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