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[edit] Shooonya

शून्य- यो सन्स्क्रीत् भासा बात उद्द्रीत् शब्द हो | नेपाल र भारत्बासीहरूमा यस शब्द को प्रयोग प्रचलन्मा छ |्

[edit] The Word

Shooonya is a Sanskrit derived word whose literal meaning is zero. It can also mean various other things depending upon the context of use. It is generally used to define a state of emptiness or vacuum.

Shooonya has intrigued mankind for all of its history. The enigma behind the seemingly simple concept of "nothingness" has incited many philosophical and spiritual debates throughout the course of human civilization. In Eastern philosophy, shooonya has often been used to refer to the frugality of human life and to emphasize on the importance of moksha or the transcendence from ordinary life to the divine spiritual awakening. Reference to this concept can even be found in ancient Hindu and Buddhist scripts. The word has been used to explain the sense of enlightened calmness and stillness. Shooonya also denotes a more visible sense of emptiness amidst the chaos of ordinary life.

As opposed to all this, the obvious and more general interpretation of the word is to signify something that is very futile or empty.

Many other words have been derived from the root shooonya. Examples include shunyata and "shunyabad" having various implications in religion, philosophy, literature, politics or even lifestyle. The closest Engish word to denote the philosophical connotation of shooonya could be nihilism though this could be debated on.

In modern digital technology, every information is represented by means of two states: zero and one. Zero constitutes one half of the binary alphabet used in computer technology.

Computer programmers extensively use the term void or null to represent something that doesn't exist or is equal to zero. In UNIX and GNU/Linux terminology,/dev/null is a logical device that ignores any input it receives and may be called metaphorically equivalent to a dumping site or a black hole.

[edit] About myself

ne यहाँ नेपाली मातृभाषी हुनुहुन्छ ।
en-5 This user is able to contribute with a professional level of English.
sa-1 एषः उपयोजकः सरल-संस्कृते लिखितुं शक्नोति.
hi-2 यह सदस्य हिन्दी भाषा का मध्यम स्तर का ज्ञान रखते हैं।
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[edit] The Person

This user is of Indo-Aryan ancestry.

I am an undergraduate student of Engineering. I am 21 years old. I am a Nepalese of Indo-Aryan origin.

[edit] Interests

My primary field of study is Computer Science but my interests span a wide varieties of area. I will be writing about them by and by.

[edit] Programming

prog-x This user is merely a humble programmer.

I am learning how to write beautiful programs. I am not a professional or an expert programmer.

However, I think I am a passionate student of the art of computer programming (at least, I hope to become one).

I am a staunch supporter of free and open source movement.

Donald Knuth, Richard Stallman, Dennis Ritchie and others are demigods to me. I am of the opinion that the C programming language alongside UNIX, GNU/Linux is more than a computer terminology; it is a religion.

Since I am an amateur, I don't know much already to write about, but keep watching this section.

c-3 This user is an advanced C programmer.
asm-2 This user is an intermediate assembly language programmer.
c++-2 This user is an intermediate C++ programmer.
Perl-1 This user is a beginning Perl programmer.
py-1 This user is a beginning Python programmer.
Java This user can program in Java.
php-3 This user is an advanced PHP programmer.
bash-2 This user is an intermediate bash scripter.
mysql This user writes programs that access MySQL.
sql-2 This user is an intermediate SQL programmer.
re-1 This user is a basic regular expression programmer.
xml-2 This user is an intermediate XML coder.
xslt This user is an XSL Transformations programmer.
.css This user can write Cascading Style Sheets.
<html> This user can write HTML.
js-2 This user is an intermediate JavaScript coder.
xhtml-3 This user is an advanced XHTML user.
bas-2 This user is an intermediate BASIC programmer.
cobol-1 This user is a beginning COBOL programmer.

[edit] Related Topics

Computer Science

[edit] External Links