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The Shofixti are a fictional race of beings featured in the sci-fi Star Control computer game series.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.
The Shofixti appeared as feral marsupials in Star Control II.
The Shofixti appeared as feral marsupials in Star Control II.
Ship Scout
Homeworld Delta Gorno II
Contacts Humans, Yehat, Ur-Quan, VUX
Quotes "Kyaiee!" "My people blew up the sun, heh heh heh heh!"

The Shofixti are a marsupial-like species that were bootstrapped by the Yehat. Their culture has a code of honor similar to Bushido, and their spacecraft are equipped with a powerful self-destruct bomb called a "Glory Device" that makes their otherwise weak Scout a dangerous foe as a kamikaze weapon.

With their friend the Yehat, at the beginning of the Ur-Quan Slave War they joined the Alliance of Free Stars against the Hierarchy of Battle Thralls. At the end of the war (between Star Control I and II), after the conquest of the Humans and the withdrawal of the Yehat, the Shofixti caused their own sun to go nova with a Precursor device to destroy the Ur-Quan invasion fleet. This destroyed their entire species, with the exception of a group of female Shofixti in cryogenic suspension in Admiral ZEX's zoo and the brothers Tanaka and Katana who continued to patrol their sterile home system. It is possible in the game to repopulate the Shofixti race, as long as Tanaka (or failing that Katana ) is not destroyed, by bringing the lonely warrior "Rat-babes galore!". Repopulating the race has the effect of dramatically reducing the cost of crew by 2 RU, from either 3 RU or 5 RU depending on other game factors, as well as instigating a civil war amongst the Yehat. However convincing either of the remaining Shofixti is difficult at first as Tanaka and Katana will attack the player on sight believing that they are the enemy due to their damaged scanners. To get around this, the players simply needs to flee from battle several times to convince the Shofixti survivors that they are not hostile.

[edit] Shofixti Scout

The Shofixti Scout has a quick turn rate and average speed. At full capacity it has a small complement of six crew. Cautious pilots should be able to stand off medium sized ships with the primary gun, a weak but fairly quick firing energy dart, aptly named the Mendoukusai energy dart (Mendoukusai in Japanese for "bothersome"). Against larger ships, the "glory device" is brought into play; the Scout pilot should try to close and activate it before he is dishonored. The glory device is activated by three switches which must be flipped in sequence to detonate the bomb. Shofixti pilots almost invariably hit the first two the moment they enter the same solar system as the enemy, and spend the rest of the battle with one paw suspended over the third.