Shock and Aww

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Arrested Development episode
"Shock and Aww"
Episode No 1AJD13
Airdate March 7, 2004
Writer(s) Chuck Martin and Jim Vallely
Director Joe Russo
On the next: “Buster’s competition heats up.”
Guest star(s) Heather Graham as Miss Baerly
Justin Lee as Annyong
Justin Grant Wade as Steve Holt
Jane Lynch as Cindi Lightballoon

Arrested Development Season 1
November 2003 - June 2004

  1. Pilot
  2. Top Banana
  3. Bringing Up Buster
  4. Key Decisions
  5. Visiting Ours
  6. Charity Drive
  7. My Mother, The Car
  8. In God We Trust
  9. Storming the Castle
  10. Pier Pressure
  11. Public Relations
  12. Marta Complex
  13. Beef Consommé
  14. Shock and Aww
  15. Staff Infection
  16. Missing Kitty
  17. Altar Egos
  18. Justice Is Blind
  19. Best Man for the GOB
  20. Whistler's Mother
  21. Not Without My Daughter
  22. Let 'Em Eat Cake
  23. Extended Pilot
All Arrested Development episodes

"Shock and Aww" was the fourteenth episode aired of the TV comedy series Arrested Development.


[edit] Synopsis

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

Michael was sharing his bed for the first time in years. Unfortunately, it was with his younger brother, Buster. Getting ready in the morning, Michael oversees George Michael working on his ethics essay about the rightness of war. But more importantly, George Michael had developed a hopeless crush on his ethics teacher.

Lucille barges in with a problem for Michael to solve. Her adoption application - filled out in a rage last year when Buster wouldn't finish his cottage cheese - came through and a young Korean boy was now hers. Michael then gets a call from G.O.B., who has lined up two women for them to hang out with. G.O.B. prods a reluctant Michael by pointing out that he hasn't slept with anybody in a long time.

George Michael's ethics teacher, played by Heather Graham.
George Michael's ethics teacher, played by Heather Graham.

Upstairs, Lindsay is speaking with George Michael and misinterprets George Michael's crush on his ethics teacher as a desire to set up the teacher with his father. Michael meets up with G.O.B. and the two women. One is young and beautiful and one is a bit masculine. Michael has no interest, but is polite to her nevertheless. G.O.B. misreads Michael's basic human decency as a romantic interest, and his jealousy and still-simmering anger over Marta kicks in.

At the parent-teacher conference, Michael sees the ethics teacher, Miss Baerly, and is immediately attracted to her. And so he asks her out for a drink. Meanwhile, George Sr. is dealing with his own admirer, a woman who visits him in prison and fawns over him. At the same time, Lucille calls her son in a panic. The Korean boy, whom she named Annyong is now living in her apartment. Buster comes home and when Lucille notices his jealousy over the adopted boy, she decides she'll keep him after all.

Michael and Miss Baerly head to dinner. And after their date, Michael takes a step he hadn't taken in years. He and Miss Baerly sneak into his bedroom using the stair car. The next morning, Michael comes down to see that G.O.B. has slept with the man-ish woman from earlier. Michael breaks G.O.B. the news that he never really liked that woman to begin with. George Michael comes down and before Michael can tell him about the Miss Baerly development, George Michael lets it out that he's in love with her. When she comes down to leave, George Michael is devastated. Faced with a problem, Michael tells his son that G.O.B. slept with her.

At prison, George Sr. is making preparations for an evening with his most devoted fan. While Cindi Lightballoon - the fan/FBI agent - is making her own plans. To catch George Sr. on tape and take him down.

Michael visits Miss Baerly at school and says he can't see her anymore. When she hears the news about George Michael and G.O.B., she tells Michael to leave and never come back. At the prison, Cindi is pressing George Sr. for details. When he tries to fondle her through the fence, the agents in a surveillance van panic, thinking he's found their camera.

At the school dance, the Bluth family comes together. Miss Baerly tells Michael he has to tell his son the truth if he wants to see her again. George Michael, meanwhile, confronts G.O.B. about sleeping with Miss Baerly. G.O.B. is there, incidentally, to apologize to Shannon, a high school girl who's friends with the man-ish woman from earlier. Michael tells his son the truth about Miss Baerly, and a gloating G.O.B. tells Michael he slept with her too, except G.O.B. actually slept with the much older civics teacher. Miss Baerly overhears Michael spilling his feelings to George Michael and decides that Michael is moving too fast. It's over.

[edit] Episode Notes

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details about this and future episodes follow.
  • At first the series had a mere 13-episode order. This is the first episode produced after the show was picked up for a full, 22-episode season.
  • Tobias does not appear in this episode.

[edit] References

What Would Saddam Do?
What Would Saddam Do?
  • Iraqi War - The title refers to the Bush Administration’s term for the Iraqi air strike at the beginning of the war, Shock and Awe.
  • Saddam Hussein - Many references to the former dictator, who would play a pivotal role by the 3rd season:
    • Beth Baerly loves him, and pictures of him are posted in her classroom.
    • Michael makes multiple references to how pictures of Hussein's palace bear a resemblance to their model home, foreshadowing later plots.
    • George Michael creates a collage of Saddam images to impress Miss Baerly.
    • Jeremy bakes a Saddam cupcake to impress Miss Baerly.
  • Some Like It Hot - The film featuring men dressed as women is referenced in an ad for coffee at Klimpy's Express: “Some Like It Hot! Some Like it Cold”. The ad appears behind Nazhgalia, who is actually a male actor portraying a woman.

[edit] Callbacks/Running Jokes

  • Affair - George Sr.'s habit of cheating on Lucille is once again apparent as he tweaks Cindi's nipples through a chain-link fence, an activity he repeats in Altar Egos.
  • Bananas - George Sr. produces the signature fruit of Arrested Development in bar form.
  • Blendin - A play on the phrase 'Blend In', which the undercover feds hope to do.
    • The surveillance team’s van is labeled, “Blendin Mobile Pet Grooming.” The same van appears in Altar Egos.
    • In The One Where They Build a House, a “Blendin Moving and Storage” truck rolls past Lindsay on the street.
    • In Staff Infection, the Feds infiltrate the Bluth Company using “Blendin Electric Company” as a disguise.
    • In Mr. F, the surveillance van is labelled “Blendin Catering".
  • Caged Wisdom - Cindi Lightballoon is a fan of George Sr.'s religious teaching videos.
  • G.O.B. (bleeped) - G.O.B. says he (bleeped) Nazhgalia and Mrs. Whitehead similar to the way he says he (bleeped) Kitty, Starla, Lucille 2, and his Wife in other episodes.
  • He Has a Type - G.O.B. thinks Michael is interested in ugly women ("dogs"), just as Michael remarks that Tobias and Buster have certain types in later episodes.
  • Klimpy's - Michael and G.O.B. go on their double date at Klimpy's Express, a fastfood offshoot of the restaurant previously seen in Public Relations.
  • Steve Holt! - Maeby yells Steve Holt's signature line at the Diversity Dance.
  • In a somewhat ironic twist, the issue of George Michael's taboo crush on his own cousin Maeby is given a bit of a tweak: during a conversation about Ms. Baerly, George Michael's crush on his teacher is mistaken by his aunt Lindsay for him wanting a surrogate mother, which prompts her to deliver several awkward lines (such as telling him that she can "fill that role") that leave George Michael with the impression that his own aunt (and Maeby's mother) is hitting on him.

[edit] Hidden/Background Jokes

  • Barely, Maybe - George Michael has a crush on someone called Ms. Baerly (which sounds like "barely") after having a crush on Maeby (which sounds like "maybe").
  • Cottage Cheese - Lucille hopes for a son who will finish his cottage cheese; later she leaves Buster cottage cheese for dinner.
  • Cupcake - Jeremy, the kid who dances with Ms. Baerly at the end of the episode, had made a cupcake for her with Saddam's face on the top. He throws it on the floor after she announces that she met someone.
  • Like Father, Like Son - Michael's comment on seeing Miss Baerly, "No ring" directly mirror George Michael's words from earlier in the episode.
  • Music - The background music at the Diversity Dance is the Arrested Development theme music.
  • Stealing - After Buster says, “You’re trying to steal from the wrong man. Watch your back, my little immigrant friend,” Lupe (in the background) takes a soda can out of her purse and puts it on the table.
  • Stroke - Beth Baerly became the new ethics teacher after Mr. Daniels had a stroke, which was actually caused by Maeby asking him to the Diversity Dance.
  • The slogan for the Low Carb Bluth Banana Jail Bars that George Sr. sells is "Once you've had one, you're in for life."
Nazhgalia: The Morning After
Nazhgalia: The Morning After

[edit] Character Cameos

  • Iqbal Theba, who plays Nazhgalia, is indeed a man in real life.
  • This episode is the first featuring Annyong, the Bluth's adopted Korean child. He would stick around for the rest of Season 1 and the start of Season 2, before being sent to the Milford Academy by Lucille, then returning at the very end of Season 3.
  • This is one of the few Season 1 episodes where Michael's dead wife, Tracy, is referenced.
  • Heather Graham is Ms. Beth Baerly, George Michael's ethics teacher.

[edit] Foreshadowing/Future References

  • Light Treason - Michael makes several comments about the model home’s resemblance to photos of Saddam’s palaces. This hints at George Sr.'s illegal housing development in Iraq, a fact which was later revealed in the season finale, Let 'Em Eat Cake.
  • Surely Fünke - The school has a sign, “Hold on, Surely Fünke. Surely Fünke: How we (heart) thee.” Maeby's invented sister Surely was revealed several episodes later in Altar Egos.
  • Hand Loss- Heather Graham's character references the punishment of hand loss in some countries for thievery. This is foreshadowing Buster's hand loss.

[edit] Goofs

When George Michael is confronting Maeby about going to the diversity dance you can see 3 people on the staircase behind Maeby. After Buster says Annyong is his new brother, the staircase is full of people.

[edit] Sources