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Sho't Kal Alef
Sho't Kal Alef
  • Sho't - An Israeli designation of the Centurion tank.
    • Sho't Meteor - Centurion tanks with the original Meteor engine.
    • Sho't Kal Alef/Bet/Gimel/Dalet - Modernised Centurion tanks with a new powerpack (the Continental AVDS-1790-2A diesel engine and the Allison CD850-6 transmission). Entered service in 1970; by 1974 all Israeli Centurions were upgraded to Sho't Kal. Subvariants indicate upgrades received by Sho't Kal tanks during their operational life, including a new turret rotating mechanism, a new gun stabilizer, a new fire-control system and preparations for the installation of the Blazer ERA.

[edit] see also

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