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Shkin is a village in the Paktika Province of Afghanistan. Located across from the Pakistani border town of Angoradah. The area of Shkin and immediately to the north, the Bermel Valley, is primarily populated by Ethnic Pashtuns who share many of the same characteristics of their neighbors in South Waziristan tribal agency of the Northwest Frontier Province of Pakistan. Soil conditions near Shkin are marginal and only allow for limited agricultural seasonal use. Aside from small apple orchards/farms there is only minimal economic activity. The closest competent health care can be found in Wana, Pakistan or Kabul. Several dirt roads cross the area, and there are no paved roads in the Bermel Valley. The estimated elementary level literacy rate for males in the area is 60% and 10-20% for females in the Bermel Valley.

[edit] External links

  • [1] Licensed to Kill, Hired Guns in the War on Terror by Robert Young Pelton (Crown, Sept 1, 2006)
  • Map location

Coordinates: 32°31′N 69°16′E