Shirley's Bay

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Shirleys Bay is a bay of the Ottawa River in Ottawa, Canada.

It is also the name of a Canadian military and civilian telecommunication research campus which is located on the shore of the bay. Organizations with facilities at the site include DRDC, CRC and the CSA's David Florida Laboratory.

Note that as a matter of provincial policy there is no apostrophe used in Ontario places names, consequently despite the possessive use of the word Shirley there should be no apostrophe used in this proper name.

[edit] Project Magnet

Main article: Project Magnet

Project Magnet was an unidentified flying object (UFO) study programme established by the Canadian Department of Transport (DOT) on December 2, 1950, under the direction of Wilbert B. Smith, senior radio engineer for the DOT's Broadcst and Measurements Section. It was formally active until mid-1954, and informally until Smith's death in 1962.

The station, Project Magnet, wass equipped with radio monitoring equipment, Geiger counters and cameras. It allegedly recorded a suspicious signal on August 8, 1954, which some presume was from a UFO. Although no pictures were made because of fog, all further results were declared secret.

[edit] See also

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