Ships of Navy Field

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The Ships of Navy Field are based on their World War II counterparts. While not all ships from WWII are available to play in the game, each nation has dozens of ships to choose from, from destroyers, to battleships, to aircraft carriers. For the sake of gameplay and game balance, the ships in the game can perform far differently from their historical counterparts.


[edit] Ship Characteristics

In-game, there are many characteristics about the ships in the game that differentiate them from the other ships in the game:

  • Ship Class: the class that a ship belongs in. The classes are listed below.
  • Required Level: the minimum level that a Bridge Operator of a certain nation must be in order to command the ship. However, players must also consider the ship's placement in the ship tree (explained later).
  • Durability: the "life points" of a ship. Determines how much damage a ship can take before sinking.
  • Cost: the amount of credits required in order to purchase a ship.
  • Repair Cost: the amount of credits required to fully repair a ship if it sinks.
  • Sailor Slots: determine how many sailors can be placed on the ship; this is divided into two categories, "on-ship" and support slots. More powerful ships have more sailor slots to place sailors in.
  • Displacement: the amount of water that the ship displaces, determines how much weight it can hold without sinking. More available displacement means that more sailors, heavier equipment, and more armor can be mounted on the ship. However, heavily displaced ships cannot move as quickly as lightly displaced ships.
  • Structural Strength: the integrity and durability of the ship. The higher the rating, the less damage the ship will take per shell, bomb, and torpedo.
  • AP/HE Defense: amount of weight that specific types of armor take. The higher the rating, the heavier the armor is.
  • AAW Defense: the AAW rating (explained in Sailors section of the main article) of a ship. The higher the rating, the more powerful its AAW.
  • FCS Space: the amount of space available to mount a FCS, which directs the fire of the ship's turrets.
  • Power Plant Space: the amount of space available to mount an engine on the ship, which controls how fast a ship can move. More space is required for more powerful engines.
  • Armament: available space to store a ship's special armament, torpedoes and bombs. Important for ships that rely on torpedoes and aircraft carriers.
  • Aircraft space: available space to store aircraft. Aircraft may be carried by most cruisers, most battleships, and all aircraft carriers.
  • Turret Mounts: hardpoints for mounting naval guns or torpedo launchers. Divided into two categories, R-mounts and T-mounts. This is explained in the Weapons section of the main article.

[edit] Ship Designations

The game uses the United States Navy's hull classification system to classify most ships in the game. In the game, the following types of ships are available:

Ship Class
Extra Information
Small, fast, lightly armed, lightly armored ships. Their small size makes them hard to hit, and their high speed allows them to reach action faster. They can mount little to no armor, and their weapons are suited to fighting other frigates.
All frigates are Neutral; there are no National FFs.
Medium sized, fast, lightly armed, lightly armored ships. Larger than FFs, but still small enough to avoid gunfire, they are slightly slower than FFs, but can mount small amounts of armor. They can also mount heavier weapons than FFs, as well as dual-barreled turrets.
There are both Neutral and National DDs.
Light Cruiser
Medium sized, fast, medium armed, medium armored ships. Their medium size and slow turning rate makes them easier to hit, but they can achieve speeds similar to DDs, which makes them harder to chase and hit. They can mount light to medium amounts of armor, and their heavier weapons are suited for combating other light cruisers and some heavy cruisers.
There are only National CLs. Some CLs may carry Scout Planes.
Heavy Cruiser
(Armored Cruiser)
Large, well-armed, well-armored ships. Their large size and medium speed make them easier to hit than smaller ships. They can mount enough armor to shrug off DD and CL attacks, and they can mount heavy guns suited for fighting cruisers.
All CAs may carry scout planes. The German PanzerShiffe is classified as a CA.
Large, very well-armed, armored capital ships. Their large size means that other ships will rarely miss them. They are not as fast as CAs, but can outrun BBs, and their heavy armor allows them to withstand attacks from cruisers, but not battleships. Their heavy guns have enough penetration to easily kill cruisers.
All BCs may carry scout planes. The United States Large Cruiser is classified as a BC in the game. For the sake of balance, BCs are grouped with BBs during gameplay.
Huge, heavily-armed, heavily-armored capital ships. Their huge size makes them easy to hit, and their slow speed makes them the least maneuverable ships in the game. However, they can mount the most armor out of all ships in the game, and can easily withstand attacks from all other ship classes except carriers. They can mount the heaviest guns in the game, capable of sinking any other target with enough shells.
All BBs (except the Nelson class battleship) may carry Scout Planes.
Aircraft Carrier
Variable-sized, variable-armored, slow capital ships. A CV's size ranges from small Escort Carriers (such as the Ōyodo Class hybrid) to large Fleet Carriers (such as the Shinano Class carrier). Their generally slow speed leaves them trailing behind in the battlefield, and the amount of available armor is dependent on strength of carrier; escort carriers can be sunk as easily as CLs, while fleet carriers can sometimes take as much punishment as BCs. They have little firepower in guns, against both ships and planes, but have the ability to attack other ships and planes using their own planes.
All CVs may carry Scout Planes, Fighter Planes, Dive Bombers and Torpedo Bombers.

[edit] The Ship Tree

The Kriegsmarine ship tree.
The Kriegsmarine ship tree.

Not all ships of a nation are available to a Bridge Operator of that nation, even if he has the required level to use them. Instead, ships are arranged into "ship trees". The trees consist of decision points where a Bridge Operator must select which ship type he wishes to use. Once the choice has been made, the Bridge Officer is committed to that "line" of ships, and may not select ships from alternate lines. As well as diverging, the ship lines also rejoin at some points.

For example, a German Bridge Operator at level 12 can only select the Z1 destroyer as his chosen ship. No choice is available. When he reaches level 17, he is given the option of choosing the Z31 line. If he does so, he can command the Z31 destroyer and its remodels. If, however, he does not choose to go down the Z31 line at level 17, then at level 20, he can instead choose the D38 line of ships. A single Bridge Operator cannot command both a Z31 and a D38; he must choose between them. However, regardless of his earlier choices, he is given the option to command the Z99 type destroyer when he reaches level 25. At this point, the Z31 and D38 lines converge again. Further choices of this type are offered to Bridge Operators of all nations throughout their careers. Choices are irrevocable once made; a Bridge Operator cannot switch between mutually exclusive ship lines.

Ships can also be remodeled. This involves spending credits to change a ship into a different variant. A Bridge Operator that has control the basic ship can control all re-models of that ship, if he has the required level for them. Remodels can be relatively minor, such as the Atlanta / Juneau II / Oakland light cruisers, or more significant, such as the Agano light cruiser remodeling into the Ōyodo aircraft carrier.

[edit] Available Ships

Each ship has a Class (see above) and a level within that class, which can range from 1 (least powerful in a class) to 5 (most powerful in a class). In general ships of a higher Class are more powerful then the ones below, and levels within each class determine how it compares to other ships in the same class. Different classes also excel in different areas, EG a DD will generally excel in torpedos and many CL's excel at anti aircraft gunnery.

The classes of ships available in the game are:

Ship Type
US Navy
Royal Navy
Imperial Japanese Navy
Fletcher Lvl.12;
O Class Lvl.12
Z1 Class Lvl.12
Kagero Lvl.12
Gearing Lvl.17; Somers Lvl.19; Gearing DDR Lvl.22; Timmerman Lvl.24
Q Class Lvl.16; Tribal Lvl.19
Z31 Class Lvl.17; Spähkreuzer D38 Lvl.20; Z46 Class Lvl.22; Z52 Class Lvl.23
Akitsuki Lvl.16; Akitsuki-Kai Lvl.22; Fubuki Lvl.19; Tatsuda (Fictional) Lvl.25; Simakaze Lvl.32;
DDX Project (Fictional) Lvl.26
L Class Lvl.24 Z99 Class (Fictional) Lvl.25 Tsukikei (Fictional) Lvl.24
Randall Lvl.30 Pitt Lvl.30 Atlantis Lvl.30 Shinshumaru Lvl.30
Omaha Lvl.26; Atlanta Lvl.30; Juneau II Lvl.33; Oakland Lvl.34 Emerald Lvl.26; Dido Lvl.28; Sirius Lvl.34 Emden Lvl.25; Spähkreuzer D40 Lvl.27; Königsberg Lvl.30 Yubari Lvl.23; Agano Lvl.28; Kuma Lvl.38; Kuma-Kai Lvl.42
Brooklyn Lvl.38; Cleveland Lvl.43 Edinburgh Lvl.35 M Project Lvl.37 Kitakami Lvl.52; Mogami 1938 Lvl.39
Texas Lvl.36 Tiger Lvl.32 Bayern Lvl.38 Dhonburi Lvl.33
Northampton Lvl.38 York Lvl.37 Admiral Hipper Lvl.48; Deutschland Lvl.45 Myōkō Lvl.47
Portland Lvl.44; New Orleans Lvl.46; Baltimore Lvl.48 County Lvl.43; Surrey Lvl.44 Prinz Eugen Lvl.54; P Project Lvl.53 Mogami 1941 Lvl.51
Pensacola Lvl. 51 Furious Lvl.48 Moltke Lvl.58 Asama Lvl.55
Alaska Lvl.54; Guam Lvl.59; Nevada Lvl.57; New Mexico 1930 Lvl.65; Pennsylvania 1930 Lvl.65; Tennessee1941 Lvl.66 Renown Lvl.52; Revenge Lvl.56 P Project II Lvl.59; Scharnhorst Lvl.62 Kongō Lvl.59
New Mexico1945 Lvl.70; Pennsylvania 1943 Lvl.69; Tennessee1943 Lvl.70; Colorado Lvl.70 Repulse Lvl.60; Queen Elizabeth Lvl.65; Hood Lvl.69 Gneisenau Lvl.70; O Project Lvl.68 Fusō Lvl.68; Ise 1937 Lvl.67
South Dakota Lvl.75; North Carolina Lvl.74 Nelson Lvl.70; King George V Lvl.74; Prince of Wales Lvl.80; Vanguard Lvl.83 O Project II Lvl.80; Bismarck Lvl.80 Nagato Lvl.77
Iowa Lvl.89 Lion Lvl.89 H39 Project Lvl.89 Yamato Lvl.90
Montana Lvl.103 Lion II Lvl.103 H44 Project Lvl.103 Super Yamato Lvl.103
Sevastopol Lvl.61 Dunkerque Lvl.61 Andrea Doria Lvl.65 B-65 Project Lvl.63
Bogue Lvl.50 Attacker Lvl.50 Seydlitz Lvl.55 Ōyodo Lvl.33; Hōshō Lvl.46; Mogami 1944 Lvl.51
Independence Lvl.55 Collosus Lvl.58 (NONE) Ryūjō Lvl.53; Junyō Lvl.60; Ise 1943 Lvl.73
Yorktown Lvl.65 Courageous Lvl.66 Graf Zeppelin Lvl.67 Hiryū Lvl.66; Unryū Lvl.72
Essex Lvl.79 Illustrious Lvl.73; Ark Royal Lvl.85 Graf Zeppelin II Lvl.80 Taihō Lvl.83; Akagi 1927 Lvl.78; Akagi 1938 Lvl.85; Kaga1928 Lvl.93;
Lexington Lvl.99 Malta Project Lvl.98 Europa Lvl.98 Kaga1935 Lvl.96; Shōkaku Lvl.95; Shinano Lvl.103