Ships of Homeworld

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In the space opera computer game Homeworld, there are several ships with a distinctive appearance when compared to the ships of other space operas. This appearance, similar to the designs displayed in the Terran Trade Authority novels is one of the attractive aspects of the game. In addition, the game designers (i.e. Relic Entertainment or Barking Dog Studios) made it a point to outline the official technical specifications of their ships, a tradition continued by fans designing modpacks based on the engines of the Homeworld games.

The ships listed here spread from the original Kushani and Taiidani vessels to the Vaygr and Hiigarans in Homeworld 2, or even to vessels which never made it into the games like the Turret Frigate.


[edit] Taiidani vessel naming

In Homeworld and Homeworld: Cataclysm the Taiidani vessels are often named by Kushan names, like "Triikor or "Sajuuk-Cor". The reasons for this are complicated and involve the open nature of the original Homeworld campaign. In the original game it was possible to play as both the Kushan and Taiidan, despite the fact that it was later decided canonically speaking that the Kushan are the true Exiles. In Homeworld: Cataclysm, the situation was further complicated by the fact that Barking Dog Studios continued to use the names as "code-names", similar in use to names like "Typhoon" or "Foxtrot" used to describe Soviet vessels in the Cold War.

Many fans of the Homeworld series believe that the Taiidan were the original Exiles and that it was later changed to the Kushan at a later date. Relic continues to deny this for the most part but it is still a popular theory amongst many gamers of the original Homeworld, especially those who were fans of the sleek design of Taiidani vessels (particularly fighters).

[edit] Beast information

In Homeworld: Cataclysm the Beast are the main antagonist and are a species of deadly biomechanic virus that can colonize and hence "infect" both machines and organic matter. Unlike a regular virus the Beast does not destroy its targets, enslaving its host to create genetic copies of itself in a self-destructive manner, but instead literally enslaves them, acting as a sentient being and using their memories and knowledge against their allies. For this reason, almost all Beast vessels are copies of designs used earlier by other races. For this reason the section devoted to the Beast contains few ships and merely mentions some used by the Beast alone (such as the Beast modification of the lower half of the Kuun-Lan Command Ship).

For more information on the world of Homeworld, see Homeworld Universe.

[edit] Homeworld fleets

[edit] Kushan

  • Mothership
    • The Mothership
  • Fighters
    • "Arrow"-class Light Interceptor (Scout)
    • "Blade Mk.5"-class Heavy Interceptor (Interceptor)
    • "Thunderbolt"-class Attack Bomber (Bomber)
    • "Shield Mk.3b"-class Heavy Defender (Defender)
    • "Spectre"-class Cloaked Fighter (Cloaked Fighter)
  • Corvettes
    • "Cavalier"-class Corvette (Light Corvette)
    • "Hammer"-class Heavy Corvette (Heavy Corvette)
    • "Tempest"-class Multi-Gun Corvette (Multigun Corvette)
    • "Resolute"-class Minelayer Corvette (Minelayer)
    • "Mercy"-class Repair Corvette (Repair Corvette)
    • "Porter Mk.2"-class Salvage Corvette (Salvager)
  • Frigates
    • "Vengeance"-class Assault Frigate (Assault Frigate)
    • "Firelance"-class Ion Cannon Frigate (ICF)
    • "Puppeteer"-class Drone Frigate (Drone Frigate)
    • "Matriarch"-class Support Frigate (Support Frigate)
  • Capital Ships
    • "Revelation"-class Destroyer (Destroyer)
    • "Perdition"-class Missile Destroyer (Missile Destroyer)
    • "Imperator"-class Carrier (Carrier)
    • "Avatar"-class Heavy Cruiser (Heavy Cruiser)
  • Non-Combat Ships
    • "Providence"-class Resource Collector (Resourcer)
    • "Redemption"-class Resource Controller (Resource Controller)
    • "Hub"-class Research Ship (Research Vessel)
    • "Veil"-class Cloak Generator (Cloak Generator)
    • "Trapper"-class Gravity Generator (Gravwell)
    • "Seeker"-class Probe (Probe)
    • Proximity Sensor
    • Sensors Array
  • Miscellaneous
    • Scaffold
    • Cryo Trays
    • Khar-Toba
    • Khar-Selim
    • Target Drone

[edit] Kadeshi

  • Mothership
    • Kadeshi Mothership (Needleship)
  • Fighters
    • Swarmer
    • Advanced Swarmer
  • Frigates
    • Multi-Beam Frigate
  • Non-Combat Ships
    • Fuel Pod

[edit] Homeworld: Cataclysm fleets

[edit] Kiith Somtaaw

  • Mothership
    • "Explorer"-class mother ship. Ex. "Kuun-Lan"
  • Fighters
    • "Seeker"-class Reconnaissance Fighter (Recon)
    • "Acolyte"-class Heavy Fighter (Acolyte)
    • "Mimic"-class Infiltration Craft (Mimic)
    • Super Acolyte
  • Composites
    • "Avenger"-class Acolyte Composite Vehicle (ACV)
    • "Martyr"-class Mimic Composite Vehicle (MCV)
  • Frigates
    • "Minion"-class Heavy Tug (Ramming Frigate)
    • "Dervish"-class Multibeam Frigate (Multibeam Frigate)
    • "Hive"-class Advanced Drone Frigate (Hive Frigate)
  • Capital Ships
    • "Deacon"-class Destroyer (Destroyer)
    • "Shaman"-class Carrier (Carrier)
    • "Archangel"-class Dreadnought (Dreadnought)
  • Microships
    • "Leech"-class Breaching Pod (Leech)
    • "Sentinel"-class Defense Pod (Sentinel)
  • Non-Combat Ships
    • "Worker"-class Resource Collector (Worker)
    • "Chieftain Mk.3"-class Ore Processor (Processor)
  • Miscellaneous
    • Clee San

[edit] The Beast

All other ships used by the Beast are either just infected versions of other ships or ships with only a few small modifications (i.e. the Beast Heavy Cruiser. For these ships look under their respective species of origin.)

  • Mothership
    • Beast Mothership
    • Naggarok
  • Other
    • Beast Cruise Missile
  • Miscellaneous
    • Nomad Moon Project

[edit] Homeworld 2 fleets

[edit] Hiigaran

  • Mothership
    • "Pride of Hiigara" Mothership
    • Shipyard (production)
  • Fighters
    • Scout (recon)
    • Interceptor (anti-fighter)
    • Bomber (anti-capital)
  • Corvettes
    • Gunship (anti-fighter)
    • Pulsar Gunship (anti-corvette)
    • Minelayer Corvette
  • Frigates
    • Flak Frigate (anti-fighter)
    • Ion Frigate (anti-capital)
    • Torpedo Frigate (anti-corvette/frigate)
    • Defense Field Frigate
    • Marine Frigate (capture)
  • Capital Ships
    • Carrier (production)
    • Destroyer (anti-frigate)
    • Battlecruiser (anti-capital)
  • Weapon Platform
    • Gun Platform (anti-fighter)
    • Ion Platform (anti-capital/frigate)
  • Non-Combat Ships
    • Resource Collector
    • Mobile Refinery
    • Probe
    • Proximity Sensor
    • Distortion Probe
  • Miscellaneous
    • Chimaera Station
    • Tanis Station
    • Target Drone
    • The Second Core

[edit] Vaygr

  • Mothership
    • Flagship (Mothership)
    • Shipyard (Production)
  • Fighters
    • Scout (recon)
    • Assault Craft (anti-fighter)
    • Bomber (anti-capital)
    • "Harridan"-class Lance Fighter (anti-corvette)
  • Corvettes
    • "Hammer"-class Missile Corvette (anti-corvette)
    • Laser Corvette (anti-capital)
    • Minelayer Corvette
    • Command Corvette (increase combat effectiveness)
  • Frigates
    • Assault Frigate (anti-fighter)
    • Heavy Missile Frigate (anti-frigate)
    • Infiltrator Frigate (capture)
  • Capital Ships
    • Carrier (production)
    • Destroyer (anti-frigate)
    • Battlecruiser (anti-capital)
  • Weapons Platform
    • Gun Platform (anti-fighter)
    • Heavy Missile Platform (anti-capital/frigate)
    • Hyperspace Gate (free hyperspace)
  • Non-Combat Ships
    • Resource Collector
    • Mobile Refinery
    • Probe
    • Proximity Sensor
    • Distortion Probe
  • Miscellaneous
    • Planet Killer (T-Mat Megaship)
    • Command Station
    • Gehenna Bases
    • Hyperspace Inhibitor
    • Atmosphere Deprivation Weapon
    • The Third Core

[edit] Progenitor

  • Mothership
    • The Foundry
  • Fighters
    • N/A
  • Corvettes
    • Mover (anti-capital/frigate)
    • Keeper Drone
  • Capital Ships
    • Keeper(effective against everything, is nearly indestructible)
    • Dreadnought (Anti-Capital)
    • Sajuuk
  • Miscellaneous
    • Eye of Aarran
    • Balcora Gate
    • Kharam Wreck

[edit] Recurring fleets

[edit] Imperial Taiidani

  • Mothership
    • Imperial Flagship
  • Fighters
    • "Fiirkan"-class Scout (Scout)
    • "Triikor"-class Interceptor (Interceptor)
    • "Kaark"-class Attack Bomber (Bomber)
    • "Seejur"-class Defender (Defender)
    • "Koshiir-Ra"-class Defense Fighter (Defense Fighter)
  • Corvettes
    • "Raachok"-class Light Corvette (Light Corvette)
    • Heavy Corvette
    • "Diirvas"-class Multi-Gun Corvette (Multigun Corvette)
    • "Woodan"-class Minelayer Corvette (Minelayer)
    • Repair Corvette
    • "Tiirshak"-class Salvage Corvette (Salvager)
  • Frigates
    • "Kuudark"-class Assault Frigate (Assault Frigate)
    • "Sajuuk-Cor"-class Ion Cannon Frigate (ICF)
    • "Tiifal"-class Defense Field Frigate (DFG)
    • "Heeshk"-class Support Frigate (Support Frigate)
  • Capital Ships
    • "Skaal-Tel"-class Destroyer (Destroyer)
    • "Skaal-Fa"-class Missile Destroyer (Missile Destroyer)
    • "Saarkin-Cho"-class Carrier (Carrier)
    • "Qwaar-Jet"-class Heavy Cruiser (Heavy Cruiser)
  • Non-Combat Ships
    • Resource Collector (Resourcer)
    • "Siim Salla"-class Resource Controller (Resource Controller)
    • Research Ship
    • "Fushai"-class Cloak Generator (Cloak Generator)
    • "Koraal"-class Gravity Generator (Gravwell)
    • Probe
    • "Variis"-class Proximity Sensor (Proximity Sensor)
    • "Raakel"-class Sensors Array (Sensors Array)
  • Miscellaneous
    • Research Station
    • Battle Station
    • Hyperspace Inhibitor
    • Headshot Asteroid
    • Target Drone

[edit] Republic Taiidani

For other ships check Taiidan Imperial Fleet (except for Cruise Missile).

  • Miscellaneous
    • Colony Ship
    • Nomad Moon

[edit] Turanic Raiders

  • Mothership
    • Turanic Raider Outpost
  • Fighters
    • "Bandit"-class Interceptor (Fighter)
  • Corvettes
    • "Thief"-class Standard Corvette (Standard Corvette)
    • "Brigand"-class Missile Corvette (Missile Corvette)
  • Frigates
    • "Dagger"-class Ion Array Frigate (Ion Array Frigate)
    • "Assassin"-class Ion Array Frigate (Ion Array Frigate)
  • Capital Ships
    • "Lord"-class Carrier (Battle Carrier)

[edit] Bentusi

  • Mothership
    • Bentusi Exchange (Tradeship)
    • Bentus (Harbor Ship)
  • Starfighters
    • Super Acolyte
  • Non-Combat Ships
    • Cargo Barge
  • Miscellaneous
    • The First Core

[edit] Outtakes

  • Kushan, Somtaaw, and Hiigaran Outtakes
    • "Shield Mk.1" Light Defender (Light Defender)
    • Support Frigate
    • Turret Frigate
    • Cloaking Frigate
    • Drone Frigate
  • Taiidan and Vaygr Outtakes
    • Light Defender
    • Corvette
    • Transport Frigate
    • Listening Post
    • Early Assault Frigate Design
    • Early Missile Frigate Design
    • Turret Frigate
  • Other Outtakes
    • Megastation (Megalith)
    • Megaship
    • Derelict Ion Frigate
    • Derelict Drone Frigate
    • Derelict Assault Frigate
    • Derelict Resource Controller
    • Derelict Salvager
    • Derelict Repair Corvette
    • Derelict Light Corvette
    • Derelict Lifeboat

[edit] Miscellaneous ships

  • Merchant Ship
  • Junkyard Dog
  • Ghost Ship

[edit] External links