Ship chandler

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A ship chandler is a retail dealer in special supplies or equipment for ships, who may also be responsible for the berthing and docking of the vessel before it arrives into port and is usually considered the liaison officer for the vessel's needs and demands in a foreign port.

For traditional sailing ships items that could be found in a chandler might include: rosin, turpentine, tar, pitch, linseed oil, sperm whale oil, tallow, lard, varnish, twine, cordage, rope, hemp, oakum, tools (hatchet, axe, hammer, chisel, planes, lantern, nail, spike, boat hook, caulking iron, hand pump, marlingspike), brooms, mops, galley supplies, leather goods and paper.

Today they typically deal more in goods typical for fuel powered commercial ships, such as oil tankers, container ships, bulk carriers. They supply the crew's food, ships maintenance supplies, cleaning compounds, paint rope, et cetera.

Their speciality is the high level of service available and the short time required to fill and deliver their special orders. Because commercial ships discharge and turn around so quickly today, the services of a dependable ship chandler is urgent. Holding up a ship could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Interestingly enough, because of the volume usually required one could hardly call it retail. Their prices are extremely competitive. It is retail because the products are going to the end user.

Most major ports have ship chandlers that have been in business for many years and understand and furnish these urgent needs.