Shingetsu Institute

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The Shingetsu Institute for the Study of Japanese-Islamic Relations

This research institute was founded by Michael Penn in August 2004 in Kitakyushu, Japan. The Shingetsu Institute tracks Japanese political, economic, and cultural relations with Islamic countries and peoples from Morocco to Indonesia.

The main activity of the institute is to produce the Shingetsu Newsletter, which announces new developments in Japanese-Islamic relations, and hosts discussions among scholars. The Shingetsu Newsletter has been issued since June 2005, and averages about 25 issues monthly. Most of the activities of the Shingetsu Institute are profiled and explained on the institute's webpage.

In its brief history, the Shingetsu Institute has been mentioned in publications such as Newsweek International Edition (May 1, 2006), the Japan Times, and the Asahi Shinbun.

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