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Shii-chan is a Shift_JIS art cat, portrayed as living in a cardboard box. She is considered one of the mascots of 2channel, the largest Internet forum in Japan, but actually predates that BBS. She is thought to have originated in Ayashii World (Strange World), an old web-based bulletin board system in Japan around 1999.

Shii-chan's face is "drawn" with handakuten for eyes, chōon for a mouth, asterisk for cheeks. Unlike Mona, there is no underscore separating her ears.

Shii-chan is associated with male counterpart Giko Cat.

Shii in SJIS art
Shii in SJIS art

[edit] Shii's Song

Shii-chan stars in "Shii's Song", a Flash animation accompanied by the song "Wind's Nocturne (Luna's Song)" as sung by Jenny Stigile from the game Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete. The song's pitch was sped up to sound more kitten-like for the release of the animation.

The first version, created by an anonymous poster on 2channel, mixes Japanese text in the scenery with an English language song. The more famous version is entirely in English. It credits the animator as brandy199.

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The song goes through a year of Shii's life, as she sings of waiting for a star that will fulfill her dreams. Giko Cat appears as Shii's unrequited love interest during the spring and summer verses and in her daydream. He appears again in Autumn having found someone else, to Shii's disappointment.

The song ends with Shii giving a smile as the animation enters the winter scene. Shii has gone, with her box available for rent. With foot prints near the box the young cat has left her box looking for her true love.

But what will happen to Shii? Does she forever bear the footprint of the loveless kitten, or does she finally find someone who will stand by her side? The ending is optimistic or depressing, depending on the viewer's opinion.

[edit] Trivia

  • There are a variety of small hidden "easter eggs" in the English version.
  • "Omaemona" is a Japanese expression meaning "You too" or "So do you".

[edit] See also

In other languages