
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] Welcome to the PRISM Page!

This little corner of the Wikipedia Encyclopedia is created, and watched over, by me, Shengwoo. Here I will *try* to keep an updated page on the going-ons at ODLE Middle School. News will mainly center around the 7th graders and their respective classes. All news is taken from multiple sources for accuracy, each of whom will remain unknown.

[edit] News

Ever since Mr. Jacob Duke has been introduced as our new science teacher, there have been stirrings among both the 7th grade and 6th grade PRISM-ers. Due to dislike, to put it mildly, of our teacher, tension and ill-will in the classrom has been rising. This exploded today (3 November 2005), when a letter was submitted to the principal. Throughout the course of the day, students have been pulled from class to visit the principal. Now, we receive startling news. The letter contained (possibly justified) libel of Jake Duke, and subsequently caused four students to be suspended for a day, and others to be sentenced to Friday School (an extended detention period occurring on Fridays) tomorrow. Sadly for these unfortunate students, all LA/SS homework due was given an unexcused zero. In addition, the science test given was unexcused for the students in question, and their grades will therefore drop like rocks.


We have put up with this long enough. There is no longer patience nor energy left in us to fulfill the daily drudgeries we must endure because of our teachers and our parents, as well as fellow students who sympathize with them. There is no point in what we have to do now at school, so let us change that. WE MUST REVOLT AGAINST THE EVIL TEACHERS AND THEIR ACCOMPLICES! WHO'S WITH ME?