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Publisher Disney Channel
First appearance "Crush"
Created by Mark McCorkle
Bob Schooley
Alter ego Unknown
Affiliations Dr. Drakken, Team Go
Abilities Enhanced strength and agility,
Advanced level Martial Arts skills,
Ranged energy attack

Shego is a fictional character from Disney's animated television series Kim Possible.

Shego was first introduced as Dr. Drakken's sidekick and hired muscle in season 1, episode 1 (1st episode aired, 13th produced),[1] and was the last villain that Kim fought in the multi-part finale of season 3.[2]

She is voiced by Nicole Sullivan.


[edit] Personality

In general terms, Shego seems unmotivated and unambitious, and spends most of her free time lazing around reading villain magazines and filing her clawed gloves.[3] She's quite impatient, and quickly gets angry at people when they're being obnoxious, stupid or sexist.[4]

Shego is among the most mature characters in the franchise. Unlike most other Kim Possible villains Shego is not afflicted with megalomania or narcissism. She is calm and down-to-earth in most matters, and usually prefers simple tactics (often involving physical force) to the use of high technology gadgets and elaborate schemes. However, she has been known to be quite impressed with plans involving pure destruction (such as when she complimented Motor Ed's plan to level Middleton via rocket kickback in Car Alarm) or random theft (when she worked with Señor Senior Junior in Two to Tutor and The Big Job), and has even encouraged the use of such plans to her employers.

It is partly because of this that she is rarely taken aback when Dr. Drakken's more outlandish plans are foiled - going so far as to chide him for his over complex or unconventional nature, even before they have failed.[5] On the few occasions that such schemes appear to be working, she has been seen to be pleasantly surprised.[6] Shego is also one of the few Kim Possible, and Disney, villains to ever think ahead to potential consequences of a scheme, though this usually encourages her to work out a contingency - usually in the form of a favorable ambush position - rather than to negate the scheme.

Shego strikes
Shego strikes

While the concepts behind Shego's character have remained stable throughout Seasons 1-3, elements of her personality have undergone a certain amount of evolution. At the very beginning of Season 1, Shego was introduced as a subordinate character to Dr. Drakken, she was deferential to him and followed his orders without question. However, as the franchise progressed, she began to develop a stronger personality and lost most of her deference to Drakken, replacing it with a mixture of indifference and sarcasm.

By mid-season 2, many of the elements of Shego's personality that were displayed during interacting with Kim (primarily her aggressive and dominating behavior) had been expanded to cover her interactions with Drakken as well. Shego began openly showing contempt for Drakken, both to his face, while discussing the practicalities of his latest plans, and to Kim in the banter during fight scenes. Shego also began to make it clear that she was only following Drakken's orders because she was being paid to do so or because she had nothing else to do.

By season 3, the growth in Shego's personality had reached the point that she often served as the dominant partner in the Shego-Drakken relationship , with Shego playing the role of "Bossy older sister" to Drakken - offering him advice on improving his plans, boasting about his progress as a villain during fight banter[7] and frequently scolding him for little things, like being too busy to look after his dog properly.[8]

During this period, Shego also showed an increasing tendency to threaten Drakken with violence if he stepped over the line with her.[9] Though elements of her character had been present in some form since season 1.[10]

With the advent of Season 4, Shego's relationship with Drakken has been somewhat strained. In the early episodes of Season 4, Shego has been broken out of prison by other, somewhat more competent villains, leaving Drakken behind. After two such breakouts, as well as a vacation from her job, she returns to Drakken, only to learn that Drakken had replaced her in her absence with an alien warrior named Warmonga. Apparently, Shego does not appreciate being replaced from her rightful job, as evidenced when she teamed up with Kim to get rid of Warmonga. With Warmonga gone, Shego returned to her rightful place as Drakken's right-hand woman, as sarcastic as ever.

Despite this fearsome persona, Shego is one of the few antagonists in the franchise ever to demonstrate unease about how deep she should stoop in the pursuit of world domination. She has expressed concern over cruelty to animals,[11] and paused at the thought of stealing a wheelchair from a handicapped boy, stating that it was "a low act" even for villains such as Drakken.[4] However, her misgivings are pushed aside when the related plans began unfolding.

Shego isn't known for showing much respect to anyone, but she can be quite friendly to those who do manage to earn it. One of the few people who has actually earned her respect is Señor Senior, Jr., whom she had once trained in villainy and has partnered with on two separate occasions. Jr. is one of the few people who can bring out Shego's softer side. She often responds to his thoughtfulness and willingness to learn by saying "that's so sweet!" in a friendly voice. Shego is considerably more cooperative and patient with Junior than she usually is with Drakken. Their relationship is not unlike an evil version of Kim and Ron's.

[edit] Status

Shego, on business for Señor Senior Sr.
Shego, on business for Señor Senior Sr.[12]

When first introduced, Shego was cast as Dr. Drakken's sidekick, however, as the series went on was revealed that she is more of a mercenary working under contract to Drakken.[3]

Though few details are given, her contract appears to be non-exclusive and she has been shown working independently, and accepting commissions from other villains.[12] Unusually, her contract contains a no cloning clause.[3]

Besides Drakken, Shego has also performed jobs for other villains (usually because they keep breaking her out of prison). Motor Ed and Señor Senior Junior are two such villains that Shego has worked with.

[edit] Rivalry

As a character, Shego has a somewhat rivalrous relationship with Kim on the battlefield that is analogous to Kim's relationship with Bonnie in high school, although Kim has never really been hurt by Shego's insults the way she has with Bonnie's, and Kim's retorts push Shego's buttons more successfully than pushing Bonnie's. This rivalry is less personal between Kim and Shego than with Bonnie because it is fueled not by Kim's personality quirks but rather by her higher stivings for justice. Also, the context in which Kim and Shego meet is in a "professional" setting rather than in school, where Kim is much less at ease.

Like Bonnie, Shego talks down to Kim as if she is a child; often referring to her by the diminutive "Kimmie", and putting down both her appearance and wardrobe.[13] Also like Bonnie, who gives angry deference to Kim's abilities by calling her "Miss Perfect", Shego sometimes refers to Kim as "Princess".

Despite this rivalry, or possibly because of it, Shego often shown a level of professional respect for Kim's skills as a fighter, and is less than impressed by the way in which Drakken treats her as an adversary. Like the Joker's relationship with Batman, Shego sees her confrontations with Kim as being personal, and does not like the idea for someone else taking out Kim. She has even gone so far as to help her against Drakken's new sidekick Warmonga (both by fighting her directly and by passing vital information to Wade), so that she could deal with Kim later on.

In some instances they share a bond, especially when they are stuck in the same "sitch". It usually leads to small talk like in The Twin Factor, Sick Day, Emotion Sickness, and The Big Job.

[edit] Family history

Shego's family. Hego, Mego, and the Wego twins
Shego's family. Hego, Mego, and the Wego twins

Shego has four brothers, Hego, Mego, and the Wego twins. Together, they form Team Go, a crime fighting family with much the same goals as Kim Possible.[9] She became estranged from them prior to the start of season 1, and were not introduced until mid-way though season 2.

Shego's exact age has never been addressed in the show, according to the creators, she is in her early twenties[citation needed]. She began life in Go City. This all changed one day when her tree house was struck by a mysterious rainbow colored comet which endowed her, and her four brothers, with superpowers.

After the comet strike, Shego and her brothers formed Team Go; however, Shego soon tired of the restraints put on her by being a superhero, and of her overeager brothers, and gradually crossed over to the other side, abandoning her family and their quest for justice in exchange for a life of crime.[9]

Shego was unwillingly reunited with her family in "Go, Team Go", leading to her acquiring, and subsequently losing, all of their combined powers. Drakken postulated that the ease of her defeat might be a sign that she might have lost on purpose because she still cared for her brothers, and even Kim noticed that defeating Shego had seemed unusually easy.[9] Although Shego denied it, it's highly possible that Shego still has a small sense of familial love for her brothers.

Even she was a heroine she had, in her brother Hego's words, a tendency to be bossy, impulsive, and prone to violence. In fact Hego and Mego said she was always cranky.

In Rewriting History her ancestor Miss Go steals an invention (invented by Dementor's ancestor Professor Dements) for her boss, Theodore Lipsky (Drakken's great-grandfather). In that episode she fights Mim Possible, Kim's great-aunt, and as a result Mim gets framed for the theft. However it was revealed to be a dream sequence so it's canon was unknown.

[edit] Future Shego

Shego the Supreme One
Shego the Supreme One

Shego is the only Kim Possible villain ever to successfully take over the world, a feat which she accomplished in the multi part episode (A Sitch in Time).[14]

After watching Drakken fail in his attempts to use the Tempus Simia; a mystical idol with the power create portals through space-time, to attack Kim Possible at vulnerable moments in her life, Shego - acting on the advice of her future self - uses the Tempus Simia to travel in time, where she employs her knowledge of future events to invest in the technology sector as it grew, and to pull out just before the bubble burst thus making a healthy profit.[14]

Noting that Ron and Kim worked best when they were together, Shego used some of her money to purchase the bank that Ron's mother worked for and transfer her to Norway - thus splitting up Team Possible. With Team Possible separated, Kim fared badly against the villains of the present and was forced to travel to the future, leaving the world undefended and open to takeover by Shego.[14]

In this alternate future, Shego - now known as The Supreme One - establishes Middleton as her capital, renaming it "Shegoton", and transforms Club Banana into "Club Shego". She has dissenters brainwashed in special facilities and everyone, aside from a small band of resistance fighters, is forced to wears clothing based on Shego's green and black costume.[14]

When Future Shego was defeated by the intervention of present day Kim and Ron, her alternate timeline was erased.[14]

[edit] Canon debates

Since Shego's first appearance, several pieces of information have been released by Disney that have either confused, or been in contradiction to, the canon set in the series.

Shego using her powers.
Shego using her powers.

According to the index of Kim Possible villains on the Disney Channel website, Shego's energy blasts are generated by her gloves, and so are a weapon not a true super-power. [15] This was later contradicted in the series, when the origins of her powers were explained, revealing them to be a true super-power generated by her body rather than by her gloves.[9] Disney has also stated separately that her energy blasts are purely concussive in nature, though episode canon shows that they can also be thermal.[16]

Further debate over the nature of her powers is raised in the half length episode "Rufus vs Commodore Puddles" in which Shego can be seen using her powers to spot-weld.[8], and in "Ron Millionaire" in which her green flames incinerate a magazine that she is holding. [17]

There has also been confusion over Shego's claws, which she can be seen filing in several episodes. For a time, it was thought that she was attempting to file her nails through her gloves, but the show's producers confirmed that she was sharpening the claws on her gloves, in agreement with her website profile; [15] however, she has also been seen using her claws without her gloves on, indicating that she has both naturally occurring claws at the end of her fingers, and metal claws that are built into her costume.[3]

[edit] Trivia

  • Shego can be quite unmotivated to take any sort of initiative in a situation, often just going along with the plan of others even if she considers them to be unworkable. It wasn't until Shego got the suggestion from her future self that she began her plan to conquer the world via time travel.
  • Shego, unlike Drakken, appears to be well-respected among the villain community. She has been broken out of prison twice in Season 4 by both Motor Ed and Senior Jr.
  • For the longest period, Shego has been considered the most popular villain in the Kim Possible universe. This is now confirmed by the fact that she holds the place as the most viewed page on the official site's Villianster [15] section.
  • At times, it appears Shego has a slight 'good' side- she helped her family, in Go, Team Go and questioned Dr Drakken in Steal Wheels when he mentioned stealing Felix's wheelchair.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Kim Possible, episode 1, Crush (7 June 2002)
  2. ^ Kim Possible, episodes 63-65, So the Drama (parts 1,2,3) (8 April 2005)
  3. ^ a b c d Kim Possible, episode 16, Kimitation Nation (15 November 2002)
  4. ^ a b Kim Possible, episode 52, Steal Wheels (25 September 2004)
  5. ^ Kim Possible, episode 29, The Golden Years (5 September 2003)
  6. ^ Kim Possible, episode 59, Rappin’ Drakken (25 June 2005)
  7. ^ Kim Possible, episode 7, Number One (12 July 2002)
  8. ^ a b Kim Possible, episode 7, Rufus vs. Commodore Puddles (14 November 2003)
  9. ^ a b c d e Kim Possible, episode 38, Go Team Go (30 January 2004)
  10. ^ Kim Possible, episode 59, The Twin Factor (27 December 2002)
  11. ^ Kim Possible, episode 28, Job Unfair (29 August 2003)
  12. ^ a b Kim Possible, episode 24, Two To Tutor (1 August 2003)
  13. ^ Kim Possible, episode 6, Bueno Nacho (28 June 2002)
  14. ^ a b c d e Kim Possible, A Sitch in Time (parts 1-3) (28 November 2003)
  15. ^ a b c Disney Channel - Kim Possible: Villains
  16. ^ Kim Possible, episode 44, Mother's Day (7 May 2004)
  17. ^ Kim Possible, Episode 49, Ron Millionaire (4 June 2004)
Kim Possible
Team Possible: Kim Possible | Ron Stoppable | Rufus | Wade | Monique
Villains: Dr. Drakken | Shego | Monkey Fist | Duff Killigan | The Seniors | Dementor | DNAmy | Bebes | Gill | Motor Ed | Camille Leon | Adrena Lynn | Warmonga | Zorpox | Other minor villains
Family: Mr. Dr. P. | Mrs. Dr. P. | Jim and Tim | Mr. and Mrs. Stoppable | Joss Possible | Slim Possible | Other family members
Supporting: Bonnie Rockwaller | Steve Barkin | Bobo | Other minor allies | Other supporting characters
Locations: Middleton | Bueno Nacho | Club Banana | Smarty Mart | Camp Wannaweep
Other: Cuddle Buddies
Episodes & films: List of episodes | A Sitch In Time | So The Drama
Other Media
Soundtrack Kim Possible soundtrack
Video games: Revenge of Monkey Fist | Drakken's Demise | Team Possible | Kimmunicator | What's The Switch | Global Gemini
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