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Shchedryk (from the Ukrainian word shchedryy; “bountiful”) is a Ukrainian shchedrivka, or New Year's carol. It was arranged by composer and school teacher Mykola Leontovych in 1916, and tells a story of a swallow flying into a household to sing of wealth that will come with the following spring. Shchedryk was originally sung on the night of January 13 (Old Style), which is Shchedry Vechir (Ukrainian: Щедрий вечiр, 'Bountiful Evening') to Ukrainians, New Year's Eve by the Julian Calendar.

Shchedryk was later adapted to an English Christmas carol, Carol of the Bells, by Peter J. Wilhousky following a performance of the original song by the Ukrainian National Chorus at Carnegie Hall on October 5, 1921. Wilhousky copyrighted and published his new lyrics (which were not based on the Ukrainian lyrics) in 1936, and the song became popular in the United States, where it became strongly associated with Christmas.

[edit] Comparison of Lyrics

Although Carol of the Bells and Shchedryk share the same melody, the meanings of both their lyrics are unrelated. Compare the lyrics of Shchedryk with the lyrics of Carol of the Bells (both below):

Ukrainian lyrics to Shchedryk Transliteration (BGN/PCGN) English translation

Щедрик щедрик, щедрiвочка,
прилeтiла ластiвочка,
стала собi щебетати,
господаря викликати:
"Вийди, вийди, господарю,
подивися на кошару,
там овечки покотились,
а ягнички народились.
В тебе товар весь хороший,
будеш мати мiрку грошей,
хоч не грошей, то полова:
в тебе жiнка чорноброва."
Щедрик щедрик, щедрiвочка,
прилeтiла ластiвочка.

Shchedryk shchedryk, shchedrivochka,
pryletila lastivochka,
stala sobi shchebetaty,
hospodarya vyklykaty:
“Vyydy, vyydy, hospodaryu,
podyvysya na kosharu,
tam ovechky pokotylys’,
a yahnychky narodylys’.
V tebe tovar ves’ khoroshyy,
budesh’ maty mirku hroshey,
khoch ne hroshey, to polova:
v tebe zhinka chornobrova.”
Shchedryk shchedryk, shchedrivochka,
pryletila lastivochka.

Shchedryk, shchedryk, a shchedrivka [New Year's carol];
A little swallow flew [into the household]
and started to twitter:

“Come out, come out, O master [of the household],
look at the cattle-pen,
there the ewes are nestling
and the lambkin have been born
Your goods [belongings] are great,
you will have a lot of money, [by selling them]
if not money, then chaff: [from all the grain you will harvest]
you have a dark-eyebrowed wife.”
Shchedryk, shchedryk, a shchedrivka,
A little swallow flew.

Lyrics to Carol of the Bells:

Hark how the bells,
sweet silver bells,
all seem to say,
throw cares away

Christmas is here,
bringing good cheer,
to young and old,
meek and the bold,

Ding dong ding dong
that is their song
with joyful ring
all caroling

One seems to hear
words of good cheer
from everywhere
filling the air

Oh how they pound,
raising the sound,
o'er hill and dale,
telling their tale,

Gaily they ring
while people sing
songs of good cheer,
Christmas is here,

Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas,
Merry, merry, merry, merry Christmas,
On on they send,
on without end,
their joyful tone
to every home

Ding dong ding… dong!

[edit] See also

[edit] External links