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User:Shardsofmetal/Talkpage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Discussion Page



Welcome to my talk page. Feel free to leave a message. I can't wait to hear what you have to say. I only ask that you follow these rules.

  1. Please sign all comments. If you forget to sign a comment, don't be afraid to go back and change it. It's better to fix you own mistake than to have someone else fix it for you.
  2. Please keep all chat civil. No matter what point you are trying to get across, the most efective way to do so is to remain civil. Plus, failure to be civil encourages others to not be civil, stating a chain of unwanted events.
  3. If you are starting a new section, please use the [ + ] tab next to the edit tab (if using Monobook skin) or click here.
  4. It is always a good idea, even when writing articles, to click Show preview before saving you changes. Doing so might keep you from making stupid mistakes. It's saved me many times.
  5. Have Fun! Remember, if you don't have fun, then you are violating the rules of my talk page.

I'm Online!

I am currently online. However, this status may be inaccurate. I have a dial-up connection, and it's possible I have taken a phone call, which leaves me no time to update my status. I may have also just forgotten to update it before going offline. If I don't reply within 30 minutes, you may consider changing my status by clicking here and changing the text to Offline (Note the capital "O"). Thank you, Shardsofmetal


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