Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (video game)

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Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire
Image:Shadows of the empire.jpg
Developer(s) LucasArts
Publisher(s) Nintendo
Release date(s) December 3, 1996[1] (N64) September 17, 1997[2] (PC)
Genre(s) Action
Mode(s) Single player
Rating(s) ESRB: Teen (13+)
Platform(s) Nintendo 64, Microsoft Windows

LucasArts's Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire video game was one of the first games made available for Nintendo's 64-bit system, Nintendo 64. A version for Windows 95 was released nearly a year later.

In the game, you control the mercenary Dash Rendar in his efforts to help Luke Skywalker and rescue Princess Leia from Prince Xizor's hands. It is based on the Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire multimedia project and takes place as a backstory between Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi.


[edit] Gameplay

Shadows of the Empire featured two primary forms of gameplay based on on-foot and vehicular missions. In the on-foot missions, the player controls Dash Rendar from a primarily third-person perspective, although the camera could be adjusted to a first-person view if the player desired. Rendar has access to various forms of weaponry such as a standard blaster and pulse rifle, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and ammunition requirements. These sections often made use of Dash's jumping skills in a manner similar to other third-person action adventure games like Tomb Raider. Dash will also gain access to a rocket pack at a specific point in the game that allows him to fly for limited bursts of time.

The game's vehicular stages are varied in terms of the type of vehicle piloted and how much control the player has over it. These vehicles include a snow speeder, speeder bike, and Dash's ship, the Outrider. When piloting the snow speeder, the player has control of all of the speeders functions, including pilot controls, guns, and the tow cable. In the speeder bike stage, the player must defeat all of the enemies in Dash's path by slamming them into walls and obstacles. Outrider stages come in two forms; sometimes, the player will only be asked to man the gun turret and take out enemies while the ship is flown by a co-pilot, essentially playing out as a rail shooter. At other times, the player will be forced to take the pilot's seat as well as the gunner's, making for much more action-oriented stages.

[edit] Story

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

The story begins shortly before the battle of Hoth, as Dash Rendar and Leebo arrive in Echo Base to deliver supplies. He briefly talks with Han Solo, who gets him a position in Rogue Squadron. Dash flies in the battle, but returns to Echo Base when the shield generator is destroyed (Just as the Millennium Falcon leaves). He makes his way through the base, attempting to return to The Outrider. Dash encounters several wampas on the way, and has to fight an AT-ST, but eventually makes it back to Leebo and The Outrider, and escape through an asteroid field.

Part 2 begins after the end of The Empire Strikes Back, as Dash searches for Boba Fett, so he can rescue Han Solo. He hunts down and battles IG-88d (Attempting to repair his ship on Ord Mantell), who tells him that Fett is hiding on a moon of the planet Gall. Dash finds Boba Fett, and damages his ship, Slave I, but Fett manages to escape.

Meanwhile, Prince Xizor orders Jabba the Hutt to kill Luke Skywalker (Believing that The Emperor will let him take Darth Vader's place if Skywalker is killed). Jabba sends a group of swoop bikers to Obi-Wan Kenobi's home (Where Luke is practicing his Jedi skills). Dash races them, and ends up eliminating all members of the gang. Luke informs Dash of a secret imperial supercomputer aboard the Imperial Freighter Suprosa. Dash steals the computer, and battles with a cargo droid in a hanger.

The final chapter begins with Luke, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, and Dash infiltrating Xizors palace on Coruscant to save Princess Leia, (Who Xizor has taken captive). Dash enters the palace trough the sewers, and battles a beast in the sewer, before entering the palace itself, where he does battle with Xizor's Gladiator Droid. After defeating the droid, Xizor escapes to his Skyhook. In space, Xizor battles the Rebellion, before a Star Destroyer arrives. Dash then proceeds to fly into the Skyhook, and destroys it from the inside. Dash is presumably killed in the ensuing blast, along with Xizor.

A short scene before the credits show Luke and Leia on Tatooine, mourning Dash's death. If the game is beaten on a certain level, this is followed by one more scene of Dash and Leebo, who had managed to escape the blast, discussing how they plan on staying in hiding from their enemies.

Spoilers end here.

[edit] Levels

[edit] Voices (PC Version)

[edit] References

  1. ^ Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, MobyGames, accessed December 22, 2006.
  2. ^ IGN: Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire, IGN PC, accessed December 22, 2006.

[edit] External links

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