Shazam (Six Flags St. Louis)
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The Scrambler is a classic twist amusement ride at Six Flags St. Louis. The scrambler is a favorite ride for many and is usually one of the rides with a very short waiting line. The scrambler very much resembles a "Mixer". Attached to the ride are five different arms. On each of those arms there are four seats. When the ride starts the entire ride spins as does each of the five arms. The ride moves around in circles in an "egg beater" pattern while staying level with the ground. The ride is very mild and can be enjoyed by all ages!
Location: DC Comics Plaza
Year Introduced: 1972
Ride Type: Flat-Scrambler
Top Speed: 11 MPH (18 kmh)
Number of arms: 5
Number of cars per arm: 12
Manufacturer: Eli Bridge Company