Shaun Walker

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Shaun Walker in 2005
Shaun Walker in 2005

Shaun Walker (born Castro Valley, California) was the Chairman/CEO of the National Alliance, a white nationalist organization from April 2005 to July 2006. He was arrested on June 8th in Marlinton, WV driving to work and has been charged with a Civil Rights violation. He resigned his position as CEO while in jail in June, 2006 a few days after being arrested. He resigned as Chairman on July 4th, 2006, after consulting with the Board of Directors (BoD) of the National Alliance, but is still a member of the BoD of the National Alliance. He was not asked or required to resign from the Federal Court, but under the conditions of his pre-trial release he is not allowed to have any contact with any past or present member of the National Alliance, which made it impossible for him to remain as the Chairman during his pre-trial probation. Shaun appointed Erich Gliebe as the CEO and Patrick Martin as the COO while he was in jail. Erich Gliebe the former Chairman of the National Alliance, from July 2002 to April 2005, resumed leadership of the National Alliance July, 2006.

Shaun Walker joined the National Alliance in June 1998 and was inactive for the first year. In 1999 he was a member of the National Alliance Internet Response Unit, which was lead by Billy Roper. Shaun was appointed Unit Coordinator (UC) for the Salt Lake City Unit in April, 2000 by Dr. William Pierce. In April 2002 Dr. William Pierce agreed to hire Shaun Walker as a full-time staff member to be the Chief of Staff and the Membership Coordinator. Shaun was scheduled to move to office in West Virginia by November of 2002, but Dr. Pierce's untimely death in July due to cancer changed this situation. In September, 2002 shortly after the death of Dr. William Pierce on July 23rd of 2002 he was appointed as the Western State Regional Coordinator by the new Chairman of the National Alliance Erich Gliebe. In June 2003 he moved to West Virginia, was appointed to the position of COO and worked full-time at the National Office in Hillsboro, WV for 3-years.

In June 2006 Walker was indicted by a federal grand jury for civil rights violations.[1] In the indictment he was charged, along with two others, with attacking a Mexican-American male and an individual of Native American heritage with the intent "to provoke and engage in arguments and fights with persons perceived to be "non-white" in order to make them afraid to appear in public, work and live in and around Salt Lake City" from December 2002 through March 2003.[1]

He appeared in a documentary film about "White Power Music" produced by Scottish TV, which aired in America on the Discovery Times channel in 2005, the documentary film "Protocols of Zion" produced by Blowback Productions as well as the John Walsh show in 2003. He has been interviewed on many radio programs as well as appearing on several TV interviews, almost always to discuss the topic of race in America. He last appeared on TV during an April, 2006 CNN interview. He has been interviewed by approximately 300 newspapers during the 3-years he was the official spokesman for the National Alliance. He has traveled to Europe to attend meetings by many different White Nationalist groups and has been a guest speaker for the NPD in Germany and Nordisk Freiheit in Sweden.

Shaun Walker grew up in Hayward, California. He served in the US Marine Corps from 1986 to 1990 with 2/9 STA Platoon as both a recon Marine and a Scout/Sniper. He was honorably discharged at the rank of corporal. He worked as a plumber in Sacramento, California for 15-month before going to college. He attended school as UC San Diego at John Muir College and earned a BS in Molecular Biology, with a Minor in History in 1997. He has had a life-time interest in Genetics. His professional career in scientific research includes bone-marrow cancer research with trans-genic mice, experimental anergenic drug research for multiple sclerosis (MS) and worked in Human Genomic Research for 7-years. During his Genomic Research he did a little work on the breast cancer related BRCA-2 gene, but mostly worked in genomic mapping trying to isolate a gene responsible for prostate cancer.

He became a White Nationalist during his High School days in 1983. He has written articles for many White Nationalist publications starting with Tom Metzger's WAR newspaper in 1989. He also wrote many articles for Instauration magazine, the Bay Aryan, Liberty Bell, National Vanguard magazine, Resistance magazine and Free Speech newspaper.

He started the National Alliance daily newsite, in October, 2005.

He now lives in Utah under a court order and is not allowed to return to his home in West Virginia, but has never quit the White nationalist cause and is a life-time member of the National Alliance. He is currently writing a book about race, politics and society.

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