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Screenshot of beta release
Screenshot of beta release
Developer: SharpE Development Team
Latest release: CVS6 / July 31, 2005
OS: Windows 2000/XP
Use: Desktop Environment, Desktop Shell Replacement
License: LGPL

SharpE is an open source shell replacement for Microsoft Windows 2000 and higher, released under the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). SharpE was originally developed by members of Low Dimension International, many of whom are no longer involved in LDI but are still involved in the project. SharpE split from LDI in summer 2005 [1] and is under continued heavy development.


[edit] Technology

SharpE is currently designed to compile on Borland Delphi 2005, and targets Windows 2000 or higher. It makes heavy use of the JCL, JVCL, and Graphics32 libraries for Delphi.

SharpE is near the end of a major rewrite, which greatly simplifies and cleans up both the source code and the end user experience. The end result is a much better, but somewhat experimental shell. As part of this rewrite, all configuration is now stored for each user in editable XML files as opposed to the registry or "resource files".

[edit] Components

SharpE is divided into three main visible components:

  • SharpDesk
  • SharpBar
  • SharpCore

[edit] SharpDesk

Provides wallpaper, desktop effects, and small applications called "desk objects". Any third party can create additional objects to extend the functionality of the desktop.

[edit] Objects

SharpDesk provides the following objects:

  • Clock - Analog or digital clock.
  • Drive - Shortcut to a drive showing percentage of space used.
  • Image - Arrange images other than your wallpaper on your desktop.
  • Link - Link to a file.
  • Recyclebin - Open the recycle bin.
  • Text - Static text on desktop.
  • Weather - Dynamic weather reports including conditions graphic indicator and text description.

[edit] SharpBar

Replaces the task bar in Windows. Any number of bars may be created and customized with whatever modules the user desires, with the settings of each instance of the various modules on that bar stored in that bar's own settings XML file. New modules may, like desk objects, be created by any third party developer.

SharpBar has alpha transparency support and an advanced skinning system including dynamic recoloring (for instance, take a blue theme and make it red instantly) and scripted graphics transformations in skins (to make the Button module's "Start" button glow when passed over by the mouse, etc.).

[edit] Modules

SharpBar's modules include

  • Button - Create a "Start" button or start any other bang command or application.
  • Taskbar - Shows a list of the active tasks (replaces the main area of the task bar).
  • System Tray - Shows a list of tray icons (replaces the system notification area of the task bar).
  • Clock - Digital clock with customized format (change parts of date & time shown, switch between 12/24HR).
  • CPU Monitor - Show CPU activity.
  • Memory Monitor - Show used memory percentage.
  • iDrop - Copy any files dropped on it to a folder of your choice.
  • Media Controller - Control Winamp and other media players directly.
  • Mini scmd - Execute bang commands or start applications.
  • Notes - Simple tabbed note plugin.
  • Volume control - Change system volume.

[edit] SharpCore

Provides start up services so your usual start up applications continue to function, as well as a general place for SharpE specific "services" to run. These services provide such functionality as changing the mouse cursor, allowing interprocess messaging, starting the documentation program, providing basic scripting facilities through bang commands. Like the other components, it is simple for a developer to extend Core with new services that are simply plugged into the framework.

[edit] Services

SharpCore provides the following services:

  • exec - Start applications and process bang commands.
  • actions
  • components - Control execution of SharpE components.
  • curses - Change mouse cursor.
  • hotkeys - Set up global keyboard hot keys.
  • skincontroller - Control your selected skin.
  • startup - Start programs found in the system registry.
  • systemtray - Provide a list of icons in the tray.
  • weather - Provide access to weather RSS feeds.
  • deskarea - Customize the area of the screen which windows will take up when maximized.

[edit] See also

[edit] External links

(This site is down and will be integrated later into the main SharpE site.)