Sharon Green

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Sharon Green (born around 1940 in Brooklyn, New York) is an American writer of science fiction, fantasy and romance.

She is a graduate of New York University. She is divorced with three adult sons.

Green has published many works of fantasy/science fiction with DAW books, including her currently ongoing 'Blending' series.

Green has also authored some series notable more for their erotic content than as SF:

The Terrillian Series: The Warrior Within, The Warrior Enchained, The Warrior Rearmed, The Warrior Challenged, The Warrior Victorious

The Jalav Series: The Crystals of Mida, Oath to Mida, Chosen of Mida, The Will of the Gods, To Battle the Gods

Diana Santee, Spaceways Agent: Mind Guest, Gateway to Xanadu

In each of these series, the female protagonist enjoys a position of respect and/or authority in her own society, but is forced by circumstance to travel in areas controlled by male-dominated societies in which women have no status. Although possessed of formidable self-defense skills (in Terrillian's case, telepathic abilities), each heroine is practically or actually enslaved and forced to endure rape and other humiliating sexual treatment, during which her body often responds sexually in spite of herself. As Green's own site notes "With their very sexual scenes and 'politically incorrect' themes reminiscent of John Norman's famous Gor series, it's unlikely that [these] books would be published today."

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