Shakamundi Yeshu

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Shakamundi Yeshu (sometimes spelled Chakamundi Yeshu) is a teacher of healing arts who uses the practices of Christianity, Buddhism, and the indigenous shamanistic teachniques of the Americas to help people recover from trauma, uncover emotional blocks, and improve their relationships. He is a controversial figure for many reasons: He claims to be a reincarnation of people who were directly associated both with the historical Buddha and with Jesus (whom he calls by his Hebrew name, Yeshua); he uses unusual techniques, such as speaking in tongues, jumping around in imitation of jungle animals (monkeys, lions, snakes), and mimicking people; he has been known to criticize laws against the use of certain illegal plants, such as marijuana and peyote (though he does not apparently use them in his practice). His personal history is unknown, with rumours circulating he was born in Israel or Palestine, New York City, India, or Brazil all unconfirmed.

Those who have experienced his "healing medicine circles" seem generally pleased with the results; some have said it can accomplish what years of therapy or church services cannot. Shakamundi Yeshu shows up in the United States every few years, offers his services (usually for free) and then disappears to parts unknown. He claims no particular religion, but has certain principles that guide him, including non-violence, "honoring the masculine and feminine", and "free authentic emotional expression."