Shadrach Bond

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Shadrach Bond
Shadrach Bond

In office
1818 – 1822
Succeeded by Edward Coles

Born November 24, 1773
Flag of Maryland Frederick, Maryland
Died April 12, 1832
Flag of Illinois Kaskaskia, Illinois
Political party Democratic-Republican
Profession farmer

Shadrach Bond (November 24, 1773April 12, 1832) was a representative from Illinois Territory to the United States Congress. In 1818, he was elected Governor of Illinois, becoming the new state's first chief executive. In an example of American politics during the Era of Good Feelings, Bond was elected to both positions without opposition.

Bond was born in 1773 in Frederick, Maryland. He had Illinois Country connections through his uncle, a scout with George Rogers Clark's Virginia regiment in the American Revolutionary War. The young Bond learned from his uncle of the rich farmland of Illinois Territory, and emigrated to the American Bottom, an especially fertile section of the Mississippi River basin. Bond would be an Illinois farmer for the remainder of his life.


[edit] Political career

As Illinois's first governor, Bond led a new state that had sterling prospects but almost no transportation infrastructure or cash in hand. Bond made transportation his top priority as governor. Because the state had almost no money, the General Assembly passed and Bond signed bills to build privately-operated toll roads and bridges, headed by a road connecting the state's first capital, Kaskaskia on the Mississippi River, with what was then the state's largest city, Shawneetown, on the Ohio River. The road was built and eventually taken over by the state of Illinois as a state highway. After almost two centuries of improvements, much of it is now part of Illinois Route 13.

Bond was less successful in his advocacy for a canal that would connect Lake Michigan and the Illinois River (the Illinois and Michigan Canal). The canal was eventually built in the 1840s, long after Bond had left office.

Governor Bond was deeply concerned about arson. The Illinois criminal law made arsonists eligible for the death penalty, along with persons guilty of rape and murder. The governor was by no means exclusively concerned with appearing to be tough on crime, however. He took steps to abolish the whipping post and pillory for misdemeanor offenses.

Bond's most controversial act was his attempt to veto an act passed by the General Assembly to create a non-capitalized State Bank of Illinois. The bank was ready to issue banknotes based on the prospect of future economic growth within Illinois. Bond considered this dishonorable and felt that there should be no banks chartered by the state government of Illinois until the State had enough specie (gold and silver coin) to support the value of its banknotes. The undercapitalized bank was chartered anyway, and promptly went bankrupt, justifying Bond's concerns.

[edit] In retirement

After Bond's single term as governor, Bond returned to his Kaskaskia farm. He was no longer in the center of Illinois politics, as the General Assembly had moved the state capital from Kaskaskia to Vandalia, Illinois. President James Monroe appointed Bond chief record keeper of the Kaskaskia land office, an important job in a land-hungry frontier state. As a respected local leader, Bond also helped to raise the local share of funding to secure the construction of the state's first penitentiary at Alton. In the early 1830s Bond was elected grand master of Illinois's first Masonic Lodge.

Shadrach Bond died of pneumonia on his farm at Kaskaskia, Illinois in 1832.

[edit] Honors

In 1817, Illinois Territory named the newly-created Bond County for Shadrach Bond. The honor was bestowed for Bond's service as a congressional delegate; he had not yet become governor.

[edit] External References

Preceded by
Delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives
from Illinois Territory

December 3, 1812August 2, 1813
Succeeded by
Benjamin Stephenson
Preceded by
Governor of Illinois
1818 – 1822
Succeeded by
Edward Coles