Shaarei Shomayim

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Shaarei Shomayim's Logo
Shaarei Shomayim's Logo

Shaarei Shomayim Congregation, located in mid-town Toronto, Canada, is a modern orthodox centre of Jewish life which provides the means for the fulfillment of religious, educational and social needs and which seeks to inspire the community to greater commitments to Torah, the Jewish people and the State of Israel. The shul is within the community eruv.


[edit] Clergy

Rabbi (Upstairs)-Rabbi Moshe Shulman

Rabbi (Downstairs)- Rabbi Elliott Diamond

Teen Minyan leader- Rabbi Rafi Lipner

Shamash and Baal Kriyah- Ralph Levine

Shaarei Shomayim's Wedding Chuppah

[edit] History

The synagogue was first established in 1928 at 563 Christie Street. Its name given at the time was the Hillcrest Congregation.

Membership then was $5 per year, which included two tickets for the High Holy Day Services. The Ladies Auxiliary was formed in 1932. In 1934, the name of the synagogue was changed to Shaarei Shomayim, by a membership of 41. In 1936, Shaarei Shomayim occupied a permanent location, "the cellar only", at 840 St. Clair Avenue West. Membership had increased to 186 people.

In 1937, the Sunday School was established with 45 students. Dues were raised to $18 in 1941, and Cantor Alexander Steinberg (with choir) was the first-full time Chazzan to be hired. Dues were raised once again in 1942 to $25, which included cemetery privileges.

Late in the 1940s, the Brotherhood was formed. By 1947 the Shul building was finished. Most importantly, however, was the decision to formalize procedures at Shaarei Shomayim in the direction of Modern Orthodoxy.

In 1948, the Shul and Talmud Torah were undertaken and had 1,024 seats. Membership had now risen to 400. For the first time three members of the Sisterhood were invited to sit on the Board of Governors.

As the years went by, Shaarei Shomayim flourished, but by 1962 the membership concluded the neighbourhood was changing and its members were moving north. So Shaarei Shomayim moved north as well, to 470 Glencairn Avenue.

Under the direction of Mr. Ben Kaminker, Shaarei Shomayim came to fruition and by September 1966, the building was occupied. At this time, reserved seating for the High Holy Days was eliminated and tickets were made available to members only. The sanctuary can accommodate up to 846 people, with another 200 in the balcony.

Today, the Shaarei Shomayim membership, with approximately 700 family members, encompasses all ages and all walks of life. It is the largest modern Orthodox synagogue in Canada[citation needed]. Perhaps the Congregation's greatest achievement has been its ability to consolidate Orthodox principles in an age when traditional practices is on the decline[citation needed].

[edit] Mission Statement

Shaarei Shomayim Congregation is a modern orthodox centre of Jewish life which seeks to provide the means for the fulfillment of religious, educational and social needs and to inspire the community to greater commitments to Torah, the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

The operating philosophy which seeks to realize these goals includes the following components:

  • Delivery of religious services and programs shall be of the highest quality within our budgetary parameters;
  • Shul staff members shall create a warm and welcoming atmosphere to promote all religious and educational services and programs;
  • Ensuring a continuing professional work environment for the shul staff members;
  • All contributions made by volunteers in the operation of the shul are greatly valued and shall be encouraged and recognized;
  • Fundraising, dues collection and promotion of income-producing activities shall be carried out in an efficient manner to finance shul operations;
  • Clergy conduct and priority shall be in accordance with the mission and philosophy;
  • Inspiring and cultivating new and existing programs to encourage the religiosity goal as an objective of the congregants; and,
  • Promotion of the shul and communication within our community through the use of outreach vehicles

[edit] Schedule

Weekday Shacharit: Daf Shiur: 6:15 a.m. Monday to Friday, 7:30 a.m. Sunday First Minyan: 7:00 a.m. Second Minyan: 7:45 a.m. Sunday and Statutory Holidays: 8:30 a.m.

Shabbat Morning: Hashkama Minyan (Chapel): 7:30 a.m. Main Sanctuary: 9:00 a.m., including Shabbat Mevorchim Downstairs Minyan (Sisterhood Hall): 9:00 a.m. Teen Minyan (Chapel): 9:45 a.m.

[edit] Contact Information

Shaarei Shomayim Congregation 470 Glencairn Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5N 1V8, Canada Telephone: 416.789.3213 Fax: 416.789.1728 email:

[edit] External links