Category talk:Shakespearean tragedies

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[edit] PockBot (run by IP: - Category articles summary as of 4:30:2, Sun Apr 1, 2007

List of all pages in category Shakespearean tragedies retrieved by PockBot.

PockBot is an authorised bot.

Article Class / Status
Antony and Cleopatra not yet classified
Arthur Brooke not yet classified
Coriolanus (play) not yet classified
Hamlet not yet classified
Hamlet A.D.D. Start
Julius Caesar (play) not yet classified
King Lear not yet classified
Macbeth not yet classified
Othello not yet classified
Romeo and Juliet not yet classified
The Scottish play not yet classified
Timon of Athens not yet classified
Titus Andronicus not yet classified
Troilus and Cressida not yet classified

Edit by PockBot (on behalf of Curtangel)