SFC Russia

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The SFC logo, as used in the past years even today.
The SFC logo, as used in the past years even today.

SFC (Students For Christ) is a students' campus ministry operating in Russia. It's a ministry of students from different denominational backgrounds. The headquarters is located in Saint Petersburg and the ministry is headed by founding Pastors Eric and Jan Muzart. This is a students' ministry with a variety of students studying in Russia from different parts of the world: from Russia itself, Europe, Africa, Asia, America etc. SFC has recently grown touching many cities in Russia and some surrounding countries.

SFC is pentecostal in nature though interdenominational as it is sponsored by the Assemblies of God. It is in many respects similar to Chi Alpha and Campus Crusade for Christ in the United States and its main goal is to proclaim Christ Jesus to the students thereby transforming universities throughout Russia.

[edit] Purpose

The sole purpose rather goal of SFC is evident in the name SFC itself, dedicated to building a better relationship between members of different Christian fellowships throughout Russia & presenting(ministering) Christ mostly to the students who don't know Him. Therefore, the atmosphere of help and support created by SFC is above all spiritual, yet maintains academic,social, financial and physical aspect of help to the group members through the Word of God.

[edit] History

The history of SFC Russia can not be complete without Pastor Eric and Jan Muzart.The Muzarts have been working in Russia since 1993 and have "given birth" to what is known today as SFC whilst collaborating with the national churches. From 1993 till 1998, the Muzarts served in Kemerovo involving in student ministry, church planting, literature distribution and humanitarian aid. It was at Kemerovo State University where the first SFC was pioneered by the Muzarts and later established SFC in other different cities in Russia. The Muzarts returned to Russia in 2000 as missionaries of the Assemblies of God and SFC has tremendously grown ever since.

[edit] Structure and operation

SFC Russia has rapidly grown of late as mentioned earlier and has centres in the following Russian cities :

  • Saint Petersburg
  • Moscow
  • Voronezh
  • Rostov-on-Don
  • Krasnodar
  • Kazan
  • Kursk
  • Tver

The structure of SFC Russia is more like the structures of other Christian students' organisation. The executive of an SFC Russia centre in a city is headed by a president or chairperson who has members of the executive accordingly who in turn together organise the activities in that town. All of the above personnel happen to be students. Usually SFC is made up of cell-groups or fellowships which meet at a convenient time(day) and meet regularly for the general meeting as agreed upon citywide. All the leadership of these SFC centres in different cities are under the leadership of pastor Eric and Jan Muzart. The head office for SFC Russia at present is located at the Ark, a Christian students' club and ministry center in St. Petersburg. SFC Russia centres work in conjunction with the local churches at city level. Intercity missions where students travel to other cities are at times carried out mainly to establish SFC centres when need arises. SFC Russia seeks to reach out to as many cities and universities as possible and it's in the process of doing so.

SFC Russia stands on what is known as The Five Pillars of SFC. And these are :

  1. Evangelism
  2. Prayer
  3. Discipleship
  4. Worship
  5. Fellowship

SFC Russia incorporates most of the above listed pillars in their day to day meetings. this is the basis on which all the new members are built or at least taught. SFC Russia centres are much more flexible(independent) in the way they run their affairs. Usually it is the executive committee that brings out activities, ideas and outreach dates, prayer dates etc which are agreed upon as seen convenient. As stated earlier, SFC Russia comprises of Christian students from different church and therefore works hand in hand with students' ministries of various churches and other students' organisation like Jesus Embassy etc. SFC Russia has currently embarked on a nationwide project of producing a newsletter. The newsletter has targeted the youth/student of the present and extends to reaching out to the average soul at large.