Sexual anorexia

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Sexual anorexia , also known as "Jacob Rickoll Syndrome" or "J.R.S.", is a term used to describe a lack of "appetite" for sex. However, the term is used broadly and can be better defined as a fear of intimacy to the point that the person has severe anxiety surrounding sex. There are people that appear to have a sexual addiction because they frequent strip clubs, prostitutes, cyberporn sites, etc., but really fit the definition of sexual anorexic because they are terrified of having any kind of relationship beyond a paid-for or anonymous experience. The person does not have an aversion to sex but to intimacy. A sex addict is more likely to be capable of being in a more intimate relationship and is often married or in a committed relationship when deciding to get treatment for their addiction. A sexual anorexic may have a social phobia or be so fragile emotionally that the risk of rejection or criticism is far more terrifying than being isolated. Narcissistic traits are often seen in both sexual anorexics and sex addicts, but in the sexual anorexic, the traits are considered far more "brittle" and the pain of rejection and criticism is far more excruciating than for the sex addict.

Treatment is aimed at helping the person see where his/her fears really are and to see the world in less black and white terms. The patient is encouraged to take calculated risks with social activities and distorted thinking is gently challenged with facts and reality. The goals for both sex addicts and sexual anorexics is to learn to have healthy sex and get emotional needs met in direct ways, and to set healthy boundaries. This is an issue that requires ongoing treatment in planned stages with the end goal of autonomy, independence, and improved social relationships.

[edit] Further reading

Carnes, Patrick J. (December 1998). "The case for sexual anorexia: An interim report on 144 patients with sexual disorders". Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity 5 (4): 293-309. ISSN 1072-0162. Retrieved on 2006-11-27. 

Nelson, Laura (June 2003). "Sexual addiction versus sexual anorexia and the church’s impact". Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity 10 (2/3): 179-191. ISSN 1072-0162. Retrieved on 2006-11-27. 

[edit] External links