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This is an article about unusual Laser Quest games.

These games are played only by regular groups, and are somewhat different to normal games. These games often require:

  • Some knowledge of the arena
  • Good teamwork
  • A few skilled players in the group
  • An understanding with the LaserQuest centre managment (in order to get them to change the settings to your liking)

The settings for each team are often different, as are the ending conditions.


[edit] Aliens

[edit] Suggested Settings
  • Game type: Two Teams
  • Total game time: 10 minutes
  • Bases: 0ff
  • Aliens (Green):
    • Number of Players: 1/4 of the total
    • Lives: 15
    • Shots: Unlimited
    • Downtime: 5 seconds
    • Shoulder sensors: On
    • Gun sensors: Off
  • Marines (Red):
    • Number of Players: 3/4 of the total
    • Lives: 3
    • Shots: unlimited
    • Downtime: 1 second
    • Shoulder sensors: On
    • Gun sensors: On

Balancing this game is an art, and the both the ratio of Aliens to Marines and the number of lives on each team should be adjusted as neccessary.

The Aliens should enter the arena at least 10 seconds before the Marines.

[edit] Ending Conditions

The team with the last man (or alien) standing wins. If the game times out, a draw is declared. This is the same as a Limited Life Team Game.

[edit] Description

This game is based around the SF film series Alien(s). Green Team are Aliens, with favourable settings but few players. Red Team are Marines, with less favourable settings but the advantage of numbers. In this game, the aliens are released into the arena at least 10 seconds before the Marines. The Marines must then hunt down the Aliens, while the Aliens pick off the Marines. The settings required for a balanced game changes depending on the skill of the players, so the above is only a guide.

[edit] Tactics

Aliens should split up at the start, and move quickly into the arena. The aliens have a strong settings advantage, and should use this to finish off any isolated Marines and snipe at larger groups.

Marines need to stay together. With few lives and a very short downtime, lone Marines get removed from the game very quickly. The only way to defeat the Aliens by rushing and surrounding the Aliens - this is only possible with good teamwork. If enough people are playing, it is possible to split into two groups of Marines to cover the arena more effectivly.

[edit] VIP

[edit] Suggested Settings
  • Game type: Three Teams
  • Total game time: 5 minutes
  • Bases: 0ff
  • VIP (Mixed):
    • Number of Players: 1
    • Lives: 1
    • Shots: 1
    • Downtime: N/A
    • Shoulder sensors: On
    • Gun sensors: On
  • Assassins (Red):
    • Number of Players: 1/3 of the total
    • Lives: 3
    • Shots: Unlimited
    • Downtime: 2 seconds
    • Shoulder sensors: On
    • Gun sensors: Off
  • Bodyguards (Green):
    • Number of Players: 2/3 of the total
    • Lives: 2
    • Shots: Unlimited
    • Downtime: 3 seconds
    • Shoulder sensors: On
    • Gun sensors: On

This game does not work very well, but is included here because it is unique.

Before starting the game, the somebody plants a ‘bomb’ in the arena. The bomb is traditionally a large white plush toy, or other suitable item which will be highly visible under Blacklights. In game, only the VIP can touch the bomb.

[edit] Ending Conditions
  • If the bomb is returned to the airlock before the time runs out, the VIP has safely defused it - The VIP and Bodyguards win.
  • If the bomb is not returned to the airlock before the time runs out, it will explode. If this happens, the Assassins have won.
  • If the VIP dies, the Assassins have automatically won (nobody can prevent the bomb from exploding). Note that the bodyguards can kill the VIP by accident, because he is on a different team - in this case the Assassins win, even if they are all dead.

[edit] Description

The Assassins' aim is to either kill the VIP, or slow him down enough that the time runs out. The Bodyguards' job is to protect the VIP at all costs. The VIP must get the bomb back to the airlock before it explodes!

The Assassins are released into the arena at least 10 seconds before everyone else.

[edit] Tactics

The VIP must stay hidden behind the bodyguards - they only have one life. They should stay low, and avoid exposing themselves to any danger if possible.

The Bodyguards should be escorting the VIP around the arena, with a few scouts in front. A few bodyguards can go round the arena looking for Assassins and the bomb - when they find the bomb, they shoudl report back to the VIP. Killing al the Assassins is useful, but not necessary.

The Assassins can snipe safely because their gun sensors are off. They have a short downtime, so rushing the VIP is very dangerous. It is, however, a very effective tactic, and it is this that makes the game difficult to balance.

[edit] Predator

[edit] Suggested Settings
  • Game type: Two Teams
  • Total game time: 10 minutes
  • Bases: 0ff
  • Predators (Green):
    • Number of Players: 1/5 of the total
    • Lives: unlimited
    • Shots: Unlimited
    • Downtime: 7 seconds
    • Shoulder sensors: On
    • Gun sensors: On
  • Marines (Red):
    • Number of Players: 4/5 of the total
    • Lives: 10
    • Shots: Unlimited
    • Downtime: 1 second
    • Shoulder sensors: On
    • Gun sensors: Off

The Marines should enter the arena at least 10 seconds before the Predators

[edit] Ending Conditions

If any Marine is left alive when the time runs out, the Marines win. If all the Marines are killed before the time runs out, the Predators win.

[edit] Description

This game is based on the film, Predator (movie). The Marines are being attacked, and have called for reinforcments - due in 10 minutes. Meanwhile, they must defend themselves against the Predators.

[edit] Tactics

The Predators should concentrate on removing the Marines one at a time, to reduce the Marines' firepower. With unlimited lives, they can be very bold.

The Marines need to work together to concentrate fire on the Predators, keeping them in downtime for as much of the game as possible. When numbers get low, a valid tactic is to split up and hide, hoping that the Predators won't find everyone before the time runs out.

[edit] Assault the Bases

[edit] Suggested Settings
  • Game type: Two Teams
  • Total game time: 20 minutes
  • Lives: Unlimited
  • Shots: Unlimited
  • Downtime: 15 seconds
  • Shoulder sensors: On
  • Gun sensors: On
  • Bases: 0n

Once a player is killed, they must use their downtime to return to their home base, and stay there until their pack re-energises. This requires honesty among players.

[edit] Ending Conditions

The winners are the team with the most points when the time runs out.

[edit] Description

This game avoids the base-camping problems of a normal Bases game. Each player effectivly spawns at their home base.

[edit] Tactics

This game probably requires the most teamwork of the games mentioned here. With such a long downtime, a failed assault can leave a team's base very vunerable. Because bases can only be scored every 30 seconds, it is often wise to return to home base after a successful assualt, to help defend.