Settling the Score

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Episode 108

Settling the Score is the first part of the duel between Kaiba and the Psycho Shocker. It's the 108 episode of the Yu-Gi-Oh! (second series anime).

In the beginning of the episode, Kaiba meets Tristan, but Tristans body is taken over and he's attacking Kaiba. After a physique battle, "Tristan" takes Mokuba and Kaiba chases him on a bike.

Noah takes Mokuba from Tristan and Kaiba meets Lectorr, an old "friend". A flashback begins where is shown how Kaiba gains 100 million dollars over the back of Lectorr. He wants revenge and is planning to take over Kaiba corp. in Kaiba's body.

Kaiba wants to play his crest card to win, but Nesbitt is Jinzo a.k.a The Psycho Shocker and his special ability is to destroy a trap card.

At the end of the episode, the Psycho Shocker is in advantage and releases a rocket card which says in the end: "Seto Kaiba found, ready for elimination!"

To be continued in Settling the score (2)

[edit] Major Events

  • Mokuba kidnapped
  • Nesbitt duels with Kaiba

[edit] Duels

  • Nesbitt a.k.a Jinzo vs Kaiba
  • WINNER: Duel not finished


  • Satellite Cannon

